Getting Physical & Paranormal


Here’s an interesting video that appeared on You Tube earlier this year. It deals with physical mediumship, which is much more interesting to watch than mental mediumship. Physical mediumship was at the root of the surge in spiritualism at the beginning of the 20th century, but because of its nature – appearance and voices of apparitions, tables levitating, apports appearing out of nowhere, objects disappearing and reappearing elsewhere –physical mediumship was soon plagued by fakery and by the 1920s was losing favor.

Today, with all the hi-tech tricks available, it is very easy to simulate physical mediumship in film, and physical mediumship is a favorite target for skeptics and debunkers. But this documentary seems like the real thing, and worth taking a peek. We’d like your opinions.

Things get quite paranormal  here.


Thank you Laurence for alerting us to Scole Experiment.



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8 Responses to Getting Physical & Paranormal

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Very interesting video.
    I am always skeptical when someone won’t allow full disclosure. I have always let whatever happens happen. Believe it or not.
    The camera film was very interesting but I’m a bit skeptical of that. It is easy to glue a box closed.

    Having said those things, I have personally experienced so many strange things and during daytime and with others around. Recently we keep having the phenomena of periodically smelling apples and pears. We’ll be talking and realize we smell it and then it will move over to the other couch etc before being gone. We think it is my husbands grandfather. When we found out about another death recently, I walked back into the kitchen and smelled cig. Smoke, very briefly. NO one smokes in our house!
    I have heard in my own house, as have my daughters,voices saying “hello”, or we’ll hear some “conversation” in another room and then it is gone. Keep in mind that I live in a very quiet, secluded area that backs up on a park, so we know that we are not hearing street noise.
    The Box or Radaio that they showed I was just recently reading about in a new book by George Noory (my daily synchro with this video!). They also concluded that they work better with a medium present.
    The Dark room that the society met in reminded me of the room Moody uses to help others communicate with loved ones, but he still uses a very dim light and a mirror .
    A big help with any kind of contact is that the people present are willing and wanting.
    But, as you know, I’ve gotten communications even when I don’t want them.

    In regards to objects appearing, I have also had that happen. As I was telling several women outside of the house “Mary” had lived in in Turkey, that the smell of roses usually indicates that Mother Mary is near all of a sudden rose petals began swirling and falling on us. Our husbands were amazed as were others as the nearest rose bush was below us on a hill several yards away! It was amazing!

    This is an interesting video of a group I had not heard of before.

    • Rob and Trish says:


      • Laurence Zankowski says:


        If you can find a copy of the first book, you can begin to see how far they went for disclosure. Sheldrake did not get to where he is by chance. He is very thorough. The room Moody used was based upon the ” psychomateum” idea. There is so much out there that boggles the mind to physical manifestation.

        For EVP, look up Mark Macy, though he seems to be going quiet. Did a few voice over tracks for the Monroe Institute.

        Funny how so much of this work some how connects back to the institute. Sheldrake spent some time there.

        I some times wonder at what this all means in the scheme of things.

        Be well,


    • lauren raine says:

      I sometimes smell things, and always take it as important…….because after two nasal surgeries, I can’t smell a darn thing. So any “smell” I receive has to be paranormal……….your comments are so interesting!

  2. lauren raine says:

    Wow, fascinating. I have no trouble believing in their results, having had some pretty wild experiences of my own.

    I have a friend who is a life long medium (she’s trained at Lilydale). She and a few friends have been experimenting with electronic voice recordings for a few years, and have the most amazing collection of spirit voices. Some are quite funny, and could even make you a little paranoid about your privacy. I kind of hope that spirits can only physically affect things when they’re invited to do so. ….

  3. Will have to come back to the video as it’s too long for me today. Looks interesting though from a quick flick through.

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