Patterns & Grifters


Patterns are intrinsic to our lives. They’re evident in our behaviors, thoughts, desires and beliefs, our perceptions, relationships, the foods we like and the foods we can’t stomach. They’re also intrinsic to synchronicity.

I think it was a college professor who once remarked that if I wanted to be a writer, my first job was to grasp the patterns. Once you see the patterns in anything – person, situation, actions – then you can put together the larger truth.

For most of the time that trump has been in the public eye – as a former reality TV star, a real estate guy, a citizen, husband, father, and prez, the same patterns are evident:
When he’s confronted with something he doesnt want to hear – like a criticism, an opponent, an accusation – he spews distractions. By now, we recognize the usual distractions: it’s a lie, it didn’t happen, I hardly know her (or him), that’s deep state stuff, it’s outrageous…

He doesn’t take responsibility for his own actions. He points the finger at someone else and that person or those people take the fall for him. Michael Cohen, for instance. Or trump’s generals, or Allen Weisselberg, Mark Meadows, Rudy Gulliani, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsay Graham…

Liar. When he called on his fans to march on the capitol, said he would be marching with them. Many of those rioters have been charged and sentence. Has trump? Nope. Not yet.

He doesn’t pay his employees I’d heard this for a long time by friends who lived in NY and had worked for trump in some capacity. But perhaps the best witness to this pattern of his is trump attorney John Eastman. From the NY Times: On the day of President Biden’s inauguration, John Eastman suggested looking for voting irregularities in Georgia — and asked for help in getting paid the $270,000 he had billed the Trump campaign.

From what I’ve read, Eastman still hasn’t been paid.

Use the press for any possibility of making money. Otherwise known as grifter. With the FBI search of Mar a Lago, all legal and court-ordered, Trump saw an opportunity to make money. So he made the announcement that the FBI had raided his home, planted documents, weaponized the DOJ. He fired up his hardcore, armed base with posts on his personal version of twitter.  And, oh yeah, he would announce his 2024 presidential candidacy soon – i.e. send donations.

All this stuff – the facts, the fiction – is online. But whether you get the facts or the fiction depends on your own emotional and intellectual patterns. What’s your primary source of information? One devoted trump fan told me he depends on “citizen journalists” for his news. I’m not even sure what that means. Bloggers? Facebook posts? Dark web apps?

When I remarked to a religious neighbor that I didn’t understand her admiration of trump, that he was the most unchristian politician I’d ever seen, she said he prayed with Pence and that was enough for her. But trump wasn’t praying with Pence on January 6. He supported the chants of “Hang Pence.” Supported that makeshift gallows that was erected with a noose hanging from it.

So, patterns. And right now, the prevailing patterns don’t look so good for trump, the guy who has never been held accountable for anything. Facing legal challenges from every side, what are trump’s patterns screaming at him now?

Find your fall guy.

Announce your presidency.

Garland’s DOJ won’t indict a presidential candidate.

Uh, well, time to bargain. 20 years instead of life  – this one is doubtful. 



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The Mystical Underground: Philip Merry: Synchronicities And Miracles

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Philip Merry: Synchronicities And Miracles”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Philip Merry is the author of The 9 Keys of Synchronicity, a book that grew out of his Ph.D. research. Dr. Merry is a British native who lives in Singapore. He has led workshops in leadership training for more than four decades and has addressed significant world organizations in 61 countries. Philip is the only person with a Grounded Theory Ph.D. in synchronicity and leadership.

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Mystery Rock

The “Al-Naslaa” rock in Tayma oasis of Saudi Arabia looks like it’s been cut in half perfectly with a laser technology. The rock, which stands on two adjacent platforms, is over 4,000 years old, and no one knows how it happened. The person at the bottom provides perspective on the size of the rock.

Considering how things are divided in this country and elsewhere, Al-Naslaa is a perfect symbol of our times.

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Today, I remarked to someone that it feels like the country has lost its soul. Just take a look:

– Banned abortion, a right women have had for nearly 50 years

– Invalidated gun restrictions, no licenses needed in states that used to require a license

– Publicly funded school voucher programs must now include religious establishments and districts are required to allow coach-led, post game prayers on the field

– Oh, and they also struck down carbon emissions standards, limiting the EPA’s ability to slow climate change. The principle they used to do this can also reduce the government’s power to regulate much of anything.

People who throughout the pandemic were screaming about my body, my right about not taking vaccines, probably don’t have any problem with the government controlling women’s bodies when it comes to pregnancy. After all, they reason, abortion is murder.

A neighbor said this to me during a heated text exchange one night and what I should have asked was: By what edict is abortion murder? God? Religion? Science?

When I told another podcaster about the flooding in Miami Beach at high tide, he nearly lost his mind. “Trish, the sea hasn’t risen a centimeter in a century. Show me your proof!”

My proof? Drive to Miami Beach during high tide.

And people like the podcaster will be celebrating the supremes’s decision about carbon emissions. No such thing as climate change, nope, not happening.

Many in this crowd also adhere to the belief that the pandemic was all a government hoax intended to instill fear in people, to get them to take the evil vaccine which would enable the government spy on them. This theory is all twisted up with 5G, with multiple versions of the perils of the vaccine. In another text message exchange with the person who claimed abortion was murder, I said, “Well, we’re all vaccinated and if we turn into aliens, we’ll come for you.”

The erosion of the separation of state and religion is evident. Unless something drastically changes – in the makeup of the supreme court, in their apparent impunity, in the length of their appointments – then things look terrifying. We’ll be living not only in an autocracy, but a theocracy, where you’re told what you must believe in terms of religion.

Throughout all this bedlam the supreme court has created, there are some interesting synchronicities. Here’s the trickster.

– Rudy Gulliani, when disputing the testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson about who asked for pardons, said, “She wasn’t around when I asked for a pardon.”

-Or take Ron Johnson, republican senator from Wisconsin, who pretended to be on his cell while being pursued by a reporter by an NBC who wanted more information about the “alternate state of electors.” This was after the June 22 hearing, when it was revealed that his chief of staff had texted an assistant to Mike Pence to offer an “alternate slate of electors” backing Trump before Congress officially certified the 2020 election results.

The reporter – Frank Thorpe V- told Johnson he could see the screen of the senator’s phone and he wasn’t on a call. Johnson finally gave up the pretense and engaged with reporters. Another trickster? Or does that one even qualify as a synchro?

But here’s another oddity. A neighbor ended up owing $111,000 to a hospital for an ailment she had in early 2020. She divulged this particular fact when we ran into each other at the grocery store. I said, “That sure makes the case for universal health care.”

“Forget that,” she snapped. “I want to be able to choose my own doctor.”


This is an instance, I think, where the trickster provides the missing link. Universal health care means you walk into a hospital and pay a minimal charge for the visit or nothing at all. Health care for profit means you’re charged $111,000 for your care. The trickster whispers, You’re not connecting the dots.

The problem with the trickster is that all too often we don’t recognize its presence or hear its voice because it makes us look bad. We can’t laugh at what we don’t perceive, especially when it concerns ourselves.



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This edition of Popular Science has some fascinating articles on where the future may be taking us though technology and innovation. It covers everything from memory to health, transplants, urban futures, work, species and ecosystems, climate change and a world without cars. One of the most intriguing articles is called “Saving democracy” and concerns the profound implications of the Internet and social media and access to information.

The author, Stephen Lewandowsky, is a cognitive scientist at the University of Bristol in the UK. When the Internet first emerged and its potential was realized, “people celebrated the global village, the interconnectedness that would enable democracy to flourish. “This optimistic endorsement crash-landed in 2016 when Cambridge Analytica, Russian bots, Brexit, and the election of Donal Trump revealed the darker side of global connectedness and the ability of large-scale organized manipulation  and disinformation to polarize societies and to undermine democracy,” the author writes.

As he points out, we’re only now beginning to understand the implications of this technology. It can “both erode democracy and expand democracy, can be a tool of autocrats  as well as activists and…provides a voice to the marginalized while simultaneously giving reach to fanatics and extremists.” He refers to it as a Jekyll and Hyde technology that developed so quickly the full consequences weren’t understood. That’s an understatement.

The problem now isn’t mentioned in this issue. Right  wing extremism – the fanatics – are hoping to rewrite the constitution, an idea proposed by Rick Santorum (remember him?) and other conservatives like John Eastman and Sean Hannity. As the Insider reports: “You take this grenade and you pull the pin, you’ve got a live piece of ammo in your hands,” Santorum, a two-time GOP presidential candidate and former CNN commentator, explained in audio of his remarks obtained by the left-leaning watchdog group the Center for Media and Democracy and shared with Insider. “34 states — if every Republican legislator votes for this, we have a constitutional convention.” 

So far, 19 states have joined this movement to call for a new constitution. “Article V provides two methods to amend the Constitution. Either Congress can pass an amendment — which is how all 27 amendments to the Constitution were added — or two-thirds of US states can call for a convention to amend the document, which has never been done.”

And you can be sure the result will annihilate more rights, limit the powers of congress, the DOJ and the  executive branch.

The Right Is Trying to Rewrite the Constitution to Cement Minority Rule Forever

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The Mystical Underground: Angela Willhoft: I See Hearts

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Angela Willhoft: I See Hearts”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Angela Willhoft is a spiritual medium, a conduit between two worlds. As an evidential medium, she serves the physical by giving hope that life continues after death.
In serving the spiritual realm, Angela aims to honor the life they lived and pass along messages of love and comfort to the bereaved.
She looks to provide hope and comfort to people questioning the possibility of life after death and healing for those who are suffering from grief.
Honoring her commitment to two worlds, she offers facts about the life and personality of the departed that can only be confirmed by her clients. Using intuitive guidance, mediumship, and astrology, Angela helps clients through decision-making and healing.

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Number Synchronicities

Synchronicities that involve numbers are some of the most intriguing. There are the popular elevens- 11, 111,1111, and the clusters of threes – 3, 33, 333 or of any number, really.

This evening, while working on a novel, I had one of those weird number synchros. In my book, the character, psychic Mira Morales, is looking for a particular address from years earlier. She knows the street, but not the house number. So I jotted down our house number now and when we lived in Boynton Beach more than 20 years ago.

2784 -2+7+8+4= 21 or 2+1=3

6168 in Boynton 6+1+6+8= 21 or 2+1=3

This was the first time I’d broken down the numbers. Here’s another. In the 1980s, we made a trip back to Venezuela with my parents. One of the places we went was Maracaibo.

We lived there when I was 5 and my mother was pregnant with my sister. We lived in a neighborhood – called an oil  camp back then – for the foreign employees of Creole, a subsidiary of Standard Oil – you know, Exxon.

My dad was hurrying along the sidewalk that day, glancing at the house numbers, trying to remember what number had been ours. Then he stopped at the end of the driveway and pointed at the number on the house. “This is it!” he announced. “Number 57!”

5+7=12 and 1+2=3.

So I think it’s safe to say that the number 3, for me, spells home.

We seem to be surrounded by patterns that appear in a variety of ways, in various forms. Astrology has its own patterns. So do the tarot and The I Ching. The numbers that reappear in our lives have a pattern as well.

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The Dark Trickster


In our book 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, secret 6 is The Trickster. We define it as: a synchronicity can reveal  itself with a twist of humor or wry irony so startling it stops us in our tracks.

The trickster is usually intriguing and sort of plays with us, makes us look silly or naive or ill informed. But it has a counterpart in what I think of us as The Dark Trickster. It does basically the same thing as its sibling, but in a way you’re not likely to forget.

For instance:

Our friend Evan, a physical therapist, has been really careful during this pandemic. For awhile he worked on the road, going masked to homes for PT sessions. Then he changed jobs and went to work for one of Orlando’s hospitals, always masked. He has been vexed and boosted, but recently came down with Covid. His symptoms were mild but persistent. Finally, he went back to work and was assigned to – the Covid wing! He says this was unintentional. In my mind, that qualifies it as a dark trickster.

Here’s another example. Before the pandemic, daughter Megan came home one night from a movie with friend Denise and they found her beautiful cat, Piper dead on the living room floor. Megan, hysterical, thought one of the dogs she was watching had killed her. But a veterinarian who arrived shortly afterward to pick up her dog, saw that Megan was distraught and examined Piper. She said there were no bite marks, that it was likely Piper died of a heart attack, that her heart was congenitally weak in some way.

Now here’re the strange synchros. Denise, who had given Piper to Megan, was with her when she got back from the movie. Denise actually spotted Piper’s body first and stayed with Megan for a long time in the aftermath. The next day, October 29, National Cat Day, Megan buried Piper and Denise called her, hysterical because she’d found the cat she’d rescued dead on her porch. The cat had been hit by a driver who had left her a note of apology and placed her cat on the porch. Megan went over to Denise’s to comfort and console her and to bury her cat. While she was doing that, she found out that another friend had to put down his cat. All of this on National Cat Day. Dark Trickster.

Rob experienced one of these on his recent trip to Minneapolis. He stayed with a friend who is a chain smoker and didn’t sleep well that night because to the smoke. So he decided to get a motel room. Turns out they had only one room left – in the a smoking room. “It smelled just like the apartment I’d left,” he said.

I’m not sure what the purpose is of this type of synchronicity. We certainly take notice of these Dark Tricksters, we tell other people about them, talk about them. Maybe they happen just to remind us that the universe is a strangely conscious place, after all.

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Nixon-Trump and August 8


Today, August 8, 2022, when I heard that the FBI had entered Mar a Lago, I cheered!I figured there had to be a global synchro of some kind with this. After all, this hasn’t ever happened before in American history. Then again, neither had the insurrection of J6. I figured there had to be a global synchro involved in this one.

Sure enough, there is. On the evening of August 8, 1974 Richard Nixon addressed the American public from the Oval Office and announced his resignation.

Then there’s a third component. Earlier today, before this news, Rob sent me something from a site called Unity, about how August 8 is the day of the Lion’s Gate Portal. It’s when our sun is pst 15 degrees Leo, the center of the Leo zodiac, and the fixed star, Sirius are in direct alignment during this period. “The sun receives a new codex of light and genetic information. The light of our sun holds all genetic information for our Earth and all organic life on this Earth is a photonics expression from our sun.”

My interpretation is that the combination of the sun and Sirius brings truth into the light.

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The Mystical Underground: Rick Bettua: BREATHE

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rick Bettua: BREATHE”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Rick Bettua served thirty-two years as a U.S. Navy diver and is back to tell us more about his incredible survival stories that are now featured in his book, BREATHE: A Master Diver’s Survival Tales. He finished his career in 2008 as a command master chief petty officer and master diver, then returned for another three-year stint as an advisor, retiring in 2011.
In October 2004, he became the Navy’s command master chief of salvage diving, and in that role, he managed the world’s largest and most diverse diving command with more than 250 personnel operating throughout the Pacific and Indian Oceans as well as Iraq and Kuwait. Rob is quite familiar with Rick’s story since he edited his book. After Rick retired, he moved to Queensland, Australia where he is married, and has two children.
One other thing, if you think this introduction doesn’t sound like a typical mystical underground interview that explores the paranormal and mysteries of the unknown, you would be wrong. Rick’s story is not without some mind-blowing synchronicities, intuitive experiences and a touch of other-worldliness as well

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