
The University of Michigan Wolverines paid tribute to Oxford High School football player Tate Myre in their game against Iowa by wearing a patch with the #42 and Tate’s initials on it. Tate was one of the four students recently killed in the gun assault at the high school.

As we’ve said before here and in The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity, startling or significant events that attract widespread attention usually spill over into the mysterious realm of synchronicity. In this case, the synchronicity itself seems to honor Tate and the other lost students through the remarkable appearance of #42 in the score. Michigan won the game 42-3.


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The Mystical Underground: TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett: Onboard UFO Encounters

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett: Onboard UFO Encounters”:

Join Trish and Rob in the Mystical Underground time machine for a conversation with…

Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. 
He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 26 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, including Midnight in the Desert with Art Bell, Coast-to-Coast, and also the History Channel’s Deep Sea UFOs and UFO Hunters. His latest book, which we are going to talk about is Onboard UFO Encounters: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials. Preston currently resides in southern California.


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Today’s solar eclipse in Sagittarius happens early this morning and will be visible in the Antarctica. SE are like double new moons and that means double the new opportunities that surface. Mercury is conjunct within 3 degrees and Uranus forms an odd angle called a quincunx to the eclipse degree.

I think of a quincunx as an oddball angle that has little in common with the planet/sign it aspects. In this instance, we’re dealing with fire – and earth. Sadge is a mutable fire sign, Taurus is s fixed earth sign.  The first sign is adaptable, the second sign is one of the most stubborn in the zodiac. So how can their energies be reconciled?

As the new opportunities surface, you may have to adjust your thinking and emotions in some way. We do this daily, of course, when we have to make a decision, but on or around the time of this eclipse, the adjustment is more important. Communication is heightened. With Saturn in Aquarius forming a close, beneficial aspect, at least one of the opportunities that manifests has a long-term impact.

Years ago, Renie Wiley, my astrology mentor, told me that the areas of the earth that the eclipse shadow passes over is physically impacted in some way in the aftermath.See the path here.

When I initially saw the path of the eclipse, my first thought was Uh-oh, climate change. Will warming in the Antarctica accelerate?

We’ll see. But on a personal level, expect the unexpected!


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STENCH! A Global Synchro!


With abortion rights on the verge of being overthrown after fifty years by the conservative majority on the Supreme Court, the three liberal leaning justices all raised the issue of how this ruling will affect the future of the court. (To say nothing of how it will affect women!)

As Justice Sonia Sotomayer put it the Supreme Court would not “survive the stench” if the court were to uphold Mississippi’s controversial 15-week abortion and ignore precedent rulings supporting abortion rights.

Specifically, she said: “Will this institution survive the stench that this creates in the public perception that the Constitution and its reading are just political acts?” she asked. “I don’t see how it is possible.”

This issue, finally coming to a head in the Supreme Court, will no doubt attract worldwide attention. Therefore, it fits under the category that we called THE GLOBAL  in The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. We wrote: When synchronicities manifest themselves through global events, the universe seems to be addressing us as a collective.

So it was startling, but not surprising, when within an hour of hearing Sotomayer’s comment about “stench” that I finished a game of Words With Friends that featured the word STENCH. Not only did it appear at the top of the board, but when the game ended it was listed as the game’s top-scoring word because it fell on a triple-word score placement.

The justice’s comment had no conscious bearing on my creating that word because I made it before I heard the comment. Even if it had come after hearing the word, what would be the chances that I would find the letters to create it? Not very likely.

A global synchro, for sure.





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Synchronicity & Consequences

Do you know where you were or what you were doing on December 8, 1980, when John Lennon was assassinated by Mark David Chapman?

I do. I was sitting in front of my TV in Fort Lauderdale, sobbing, watching the press coverage of Lennon’s murder – and of his life and music.

What I didn’t know at the time was that Chapman experienced a sequence of synchronicities that he believed confirmed his decision/desire to kill Lennon:

1. Lennon lived in the Dakota, the building where the movie Rosemary’s Baby was filmed.

2. That movie was directed by Roman Polanski, husband of actress Sharon Tate, who was killed by the Charles Manson gang. She was nearly nine months pregnant.

3. The Manson gang’s favorite was Helter Skelter, written by Lennon/McCartney.

4. As he was waiting out the Dakota, Mia Farrow, who played the part of Rosemary in Rosemary’s Baby, walked by.

5. Several hours before Chapman killed Lennon, the Beatle signed an autograph for him.
Chapman took these synchros as confirmation that he should shoot Lennon.

So, here’s my question: Does this mean that synchronicities can have negative consequences?

No. It’s not the synchronicity that produces the negative consequence; it’s the interpretation and action of the person who experienced the synchro. Chapman was open for signs, for confirmation. He was also a nut job, demented, mentally ill.

Synchronicity is an equal opportunity phenomenon. It doesn’t give a damn about the color of your skin, your spiritual beliefs, educational level, your profession, whether you’re rich or poor, sane or insane. If you’re open and receptive to it, then it pays you a visit.

It’s not a technology. It’s a holographic connection. It seems to exist along the border between what quantum physicist David Bohm called the implicate and explicate order, that border where inner and outer collide. That makes synchronicity our most direct route to our personal and collective unconscious.

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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For December 2021

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For December 2021”:

Join Trish for the December 2021 astrological forecast!

If you prefer the written version, it’s in the masthead.

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This evening we met some dog park friends for dinner whom we hadn’t seen since the pandemic started. Caren and her partner, Tom. I also asked Arlene, another dog park friend, to join us since her husband is out of town this evening.

Both Caren and Arlene are from New York but have been in this area for decades. At some point during dinner, they traded information – where they each lived, went to school. Neighborhood landmarks and restaurants were named. It turns out they went to the same high school, a year apart, and also lived within a few blocks of each others.

The usual response to this type of synchronicity is, Wow, small world. What it illustrates, though, is how intricately we are all connected.

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Thanksgiving. It’s not really about a long weekend, turkeys, or one of the busiest travel days of the year. I don’t know what it was really about for the Pilgrims, but for me, it’s about gratitude.

It’s a day to look into the most secret passages in your life and identify those areas for which you feel grateful. Family, friends, where you live, how you live, your health, the opportunities you have…You get the idea. Make a list.

Mine list is pretty simple: my parents, husband, daughter, my animal buddies, the opportunities that have enabled me to spend the last 30 years doing what I love – writing. I’m grateful that I live in a democracy.

Yeah, right-wing extremists and aspiring autocrats seek to undermine it through misinformation and conspiracy theories. But I’m grateful the media is finally calling trump and his cronies for what they are – con artists, thieves, shysters, power hungry narcissists.
Among them are the outer fringes who gather at Dealey Plaza, certain that JFK and his son will rise from the dead, declare that trump won the 2020 election, and reverse the election. I’m grateful for these nut cases because of the stark contrast they present to the rest of us.

While I’m all for the dead returning to life, I doubt that JFK or his son would endorse trump under any condition. I’m grateful for My Pillow guy and his silly proclamations about the fluctuating date when trump will resume the presidency. I’m grateful that Dominion has sued him for an absurd amount of money and that Fox News no longer runs his ads.

In spite of how politically dire things look in this country, I’m grateful we’re closing on 2021 and yes, I welcome 2022.

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The Other Amazon

I was working on a wood fence replacing old slats when I punctured the tip of a finger with a rusty nail. One drop of blood came out. I cleaned it and put iodine on it. But it was a rusty so I decided to update my tetanus vaccine. It had been a long time since my last one. In fact, I got it before going on a trip to the Amazon in the late 1980s.Supposedly, the tetanus vaccine is only good for seven years…or is it ten? I’ve heard both.

I told the doctor about when I last got the shot, he looked at me said, “The Amazon? What were you doing there?”

So I told him that Trish and I used to lead adventure tours to South America and we’d made three trips to the Upper Amazon. He thought that was interesting and a few minutes later as I was leaving he turned to the nurse and said: “This guy is Indiana Jones.”

I laughed and said, “Wow! It’s kind of amazing that you said that because I’m an author and I’ve written eight Indiana Jones novels for LucasFilm and Bantam Books.”

The nurse, of course, was really baffled because she hadn’t been in the room when I mentioned going to the Amazon. “How did you know that?” she asked the doc. So I told her about the adventure tours.

So that was a good synchronicity, but it also shows that the name  Indiana Jones has become symbolic of adventure. Although Indy never went to the Amazon in any of the four movies, I did send him there in my third Indy novel, Indiana Jones and the Seven Veils where he searched for the legendary city of Z.

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The Mystical Underground: Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 3

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Rob Macgregor: Staff Of Kings: Episode 3”:

Join Rob MacGregor, the author of the Indiana Jones prequel novels and the Mystical Underground, as they present the third episode of an audio production of the unpublished novel “Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings.”
Sometimes called “The Lost Indiana Jones novel,” Staff of Kings will come out in six episodes on The Mystical Underground’s podcast feed, beginning August 22. It will continue as possible each month through early 2022.

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