Tag Archives: meditation
Rob MacGregor: TULPAS, The Mystical Underground
The Mystical Underground: Promo: Bill Homann and the Crystal Skull Live Meditation (08-16-2020)
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Promo: Bill Homann and the Crystal Skull Live Meditation (08-16-2020)”: Join Trish and Rob for a conversation… …and a meditation with Bill Homann and guests. The Mystical Underground is going live … Continue reading
The Mystical Underground: Meditation…Naturally
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Meditation…Naturally”: Join Trish and Rob’s conversation with… Josh Lane, author of Conscious Nature: The Art and Neuroscience of Meditating in Nature, a book that ties the healing power of nature with … Continue reading
The Mystical Underground: Axl Rose And Aliens
A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Axl Rose And Aliens”: Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with… Our guest today is Debra Page, a long-time psychic investigator, student of Buddhism and Sufism, and a life-long experiencer … Continue reading
In the meditation I lead at the beginning of my yoga classes, I often teach the Hamsa mantra, an ancient practice that dates back at least a couple of thousand years. It’s said that Buddha practiced the Hamsa mantra so … Continue reading
Enter the seed sounds…
I’m in the midst of a 6-part meditation workshop at our local yoga studio, and one of the meditations I led during the third session focused on chakras. It was a bit complex because it involved not only visualizing a … Continue reading
Mad over Meditation
I’m teaching a six-week meditation workshop at a yoga studio in our town. I’ve probably taught about a dozen of them over the past eight years and have heard lots of different reactions along the way. Some say they just … Continue reading
Becoming Supernatural
I was first introduced to Joe Dispenza with his book You Are the Placebo, where he, a former chiropractor, talks about the triathlon accident that broke his spine. He was just 23 years old. Rather than opting for surgery, which … Continue reading
Meditation and Synchronicity
I recently read an article in an on-line journal called Waking Times by Dr. Robert Puff, PhD that linked synchronicity and meditation. He writes: “Because meditation is such a powerful force for change, and helpful in countless ways, I wonder … Continue reading