Category Archives: 911

God Speaks to the Holy Cowboy

Look closely at this man. Imagine him with a .40 caliber pistol strapped to his hip. Then imagine him on a horse, shouting and waving a lit torch as he tears around his Dove World Outreach Center, burning Quarans. That’s … Continue reading

Posted in 911, global | 67 Comments

911 Premonitions

Vicki DeLaurentis sent us the following synchronicity, a story that illustrates how premonitions can occur years before the actual event. “I read one of your posts about child reincarnation (something I have personal experience with both of my daughters) and … Continue reading

Posted in 911, B2, Carol Bowman, premonitions, reincarnation | 16 Comments

World on Fire

Aztec greenstone mask of Quetzalcoatl We recently bought Daniel Pinchbeck’s book, 2012, The Return of Quetzalcoatl. We both had read his previous book, Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism. Rob read the 2012 … Continue reading

Posted in 911, c2, global, writers | 7 Comments