Category Archives: accidents

The Black Bird and Jim’s Ear

  This one comes from Jim Banholzer, whose synchronicities have appeared here before. This one is somewhat similar to a post we put up in August, in which a bird acts as a messenger. +++ Five summers ago, at the … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, birds as messengers | 6 Comments

Hexagram 39

Rob, now on crutches and in a cast, asked the I Ching about the meaning of his broken foot. He received Hexagram 57, Proceeding Humbly, with two changing lines that resulted in a second Hexagram – 39, Obstruction. The Wilhelm … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, divination, foot, I Ching | 10 Comments

Rob’s Left Foot

Okay, so this evening Rob decides to go trail biking – the kind of biking where you slam over obstacles like fallen trees. It had rained today, which broke the stifling Florida heat and usually means the trail is well … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, biking, sports | 16 Comments