Category Archives: ghosts

Lady in the Mirror

Gypsy posted a remark under a story we had posted about orbs. It’s a good one and we didn’t want it to get lost in comments. +++ I must have been about 12 years old at the time and we … Continue reading

Posted in death, ghosts | 14 Comments

Convincing the Skeptics

  Sometimes a paranormal experience may prove to be a synchronicity for someone else.  It can be particularly difficult when that someone else is a member of your family and a skeptic. That’s what happened in the following story, sent to us … Continue reading

Posted in ghosts | 16 Comments

Riddle House

We don’t hear too many ghost stories under the palm trees here in sunny West Palm Beach, but here’s one courtesy of the Travel Channel. Thanks to Peter Levenda for forwarding it our way.***Death has been in and around the … Continue reading

Posted in ghosts, haunted houses, historic homes, WPB | 13 Comments

Imaginary Friends?

photo from Any parent with an imaginative child has probably gone through the “imaginary friend” period. This one was actually a comment under one of our posts. It comes from Intuitive Girl. We asked her if we could use … Continue reading

Posted in children, ghosts, imaginary friends | 6 Comments

Graveyard Garden

I mentioned in a comment yesterday to Gypsy Woman’s post that I’d never seen a ghost. On second thought, Trish and I had a ghost/spirit experience four years ago, but it involved sound and energy, rather than a visual encounter. … Continue reading

Posted in dominican republic, ghosts, graveyards | 16 Comments

The Girl in the Yellow Dress

Ghost stories aren’t necessarily synchronicities, but here’s one courtesy of Gypsy Woman that ends with a startling synchronicity. Jenean, it seems, lives with her feet firmly planted in two different worlds!+++For many years, I lived in my little 1926 bungalow … Continue reading

Posted in child, ghosts, Jenean, yellow dress | 17 Comments

Bearly yoga

We’ve been waiting for a chance to post this little bear photo for some time. It seems appropriate after the little ditty about Simba the cat. Keeping in line with the Simba post, we should ask: Do little bears normally … Continue reading

Posted in bears, ghosts, yoga | 4 Comments