Category Archives: archetypes

The Archetype That Is Dexter

The other night, we went to a local bookstore to see Jeff Lindsay – who created one of the strangest archetypes in modern fiction. Dexter. Even Jung would be floored by Dexter: blood splatter expert with Miami Dade police department … Continue reading

Posted in archetypes, dexter, ghosts, writers | 10 Comments

Is this man in your dreams?

Ever dreamed of this guy? Well, apparently 2000 people worldwide have in the last three years. And now there’s a website where you can share your stories. The site also offers several theories and the history of how/when this began. … Continue reading

Posted in archetypes, dreams, this man | 20 Comments

The Sounds of Synchronicity

Here is a very interesting synchronicity that relates to sound that come from Isabelle Rajotte of Montreal. She speaks very little English so I have edited her words. But to get the direct experience of her sound work, you can … Continue reading

Posted in archetypes, healing, musicians, shiva, sound frequencies | 11 Comments