Category Archives: death

Dark Passages

One of our ‘secrets’ of synchronicity deals with creativity and the law of attraction. When you focus intently on a creative endeavor, you attract like experiences in the outer world. For example, when Trish was writing about a stalker years … Continue reading

Posted in celebrities, death, law of attraction | 7 Comments

The Painter and the Monk

I came across this peculiar synchronicity on a site called System Glitch ***Joseph Aigner was a fairly well-known portrait painter in 19th century Austria, but he was also a very complex and unhappy fellow, who made repeated attempts to kill … Continue reading

Posted in c6, death, trickster | 12 Comments

The King and His Double

This story from 1900 reminds me of some of the synchronistic parallels involving identical twins. Even though the two men – King Umberto I of Italy and the owner of a small restaurant in Monza – weren’t related, they looked … Continue reading

Posted in death, historical, parallels, twins | 7 Comments

Black Watch

We’ve had a dramatic event occur here in the village of Wellington, Florida. On Sunday, 21 polo ponies–all from one professional team–died within hours. Some collapsed on the sidelines just before the match, others died in their stable. I remember … Continue reading

Posted in animals, death, horses | 6 Comments

Mom’s Help

This story comes from writer Sharlie West, one of several that she sent. It illustrates the emotional component of synchronicities, particularly when we’re faced with major transitions and upheavals. In the fall of 1990 my mother had a stroke and … Continue reading

Posted in death, emotions, mothers | Leave a comment

James Dean

Dale Dassell sent an e-mail this evening wondering if the following story about James Dean qualified as synchronicity. The answer is yes–it’s a case of precognition, an aspect of synchronicity. During filming of Rebel Without a Cause, Dean traded in … Continue reading

Posted in celebrities, death, Numbers | Tagged | 4 Comments

Death dream

This one is from Joyce Evans… Azaleas spread their sweetness through the mid-morning spring air. Mama stood in front of the stove frying ham while Malachi, child No. 6, checked on her cooking minute-by-minute. Standing with his back against the … Continue reading

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