Category Archives: historical

The King and His Double

This story from 1900 reminds me of some of the synchronistic parallels involving identical twins. Even though the two men – King Umberto I of Italy and the owner of a small restaurant in Monza – weren’t related, they looked … Continue reading

Posted in death, historical, parallels, twins | 7 Comments

Message in a bottle

Jim Banholzer sent this synchronicity to us. It arrived by e-mail within seconds. Some messages take a lot longer, but eventually find their way. Jim’s previous synchronicities were anagrams and a big league omen.***Chunosuke Matsuyama, a Japanese seaman, was wrecked … Continue reading

Posted in historical, objects | 1 Comment

Petrarch’s view

Here’s a synchronicity that was a key factor in the life of an important figure who played a starring role in history at the outset of the Renaissance. Petrarch 1304-1374, an Italian scholar and poet, is known as the father … Continue reading

Posted in books, divination, historical, Petrach | 2 Comments