Category Archives: movies

The Girl from Petrovka

This is one that we’ve known about since before starting the blog, but somehow we forgot to post it. It’s a good one…and even comes with a celebrity.***When Anthony Hopkins was researching his part for the film of George Feifer’s … Continue reading

Posted in actors, Anthony Hopkins, books, movies, writers | 8 Comments

Sad Celebrity Synchronicity

Here’s one of those historical synchronicities that we happened to come upon. This one parallels the Christopher Reeves synchronicity, even those though it doesn’t directly involve either well known actor. *** In 1973 British actress Julie Christie starred in the … Continue reading

Posted in celebrity, creativity, death, movies, parallels | 11 Comments

Law of Attraction?

Sometimes, synchronicities seem to happen because of our intense focus on something. For instance, in 1982, I was rewriting my first novel, In Shadow, for the umpteenth time, working eight and ten hours a day, totally immersed in the rewrite. … Continue reading

Posted in law of attraction, movies | 3 Comments

Knowing & Nicholas Cage

Synchronicity plays a major role in this movie – namely, synchronicity of numbers- dates, longitudes, latitudes. There’s a strong undercurrent of psychic connections in this movie, too. Even though the ending is a bit too biblical for me, it’s an … Continue reading

Posted in movies | 2 Comments

Backward-running Clocks

In the aftermath of the Oscars and accolades received by Brad Pitt and others involved in The Strange Case of Benjamin Button, a synchronicity arrived from Jim Banholzer related to clocks running backwards. Jim has several synchronicities posted on the … Continue reading

Posted in movies, time | Tagged | 2 Comments