Category Archives: water

Messages from Water and the Universe

In one of my recent excursions to the bookstore, I came across Dr. Emoto’s new book. We’ve done several posts on him before, but most recently on his prayer for the gulf. This book is just as wonderful as the … Continue reading

Posted in emoto, water | 17 Comments

More magical water

After seeing our New Year’s Day post on Emoto’s water, Peter Durant of New York wrote us with an interesting water tale. He sees it as a synchronicity in that he had been thinking about his well and it’s ‘magical’ … Continue reading

Posted in magic, prostrate, water, wells | 25 Comments

Mind Over Matter

                                                                Masaru Emoto  is a visionary Japanese researcher and author who has clearly demonstrated the way the mind effects matter. … Continue reading

Posted in emoto, intentions, prayer, water | 14 Comments