Mind Over Matter


Masaru Emoto  is a visionary Japanese researcher and author who has clearly demonstrated the way the mind effects matter. Specifically, his work is with water, showing how water exposed to various thoughts,words, toxins, prayers and photographs is altered at a molecular level. His work is documented in several stunning books. In the first photo, the crystal  was formed from thoughts of love and appreciation.

This mess? Thoughts or a photo of or just the word Hitler

This one? From “thank you.”

Heavy metal music

This crystal was shown a cherry blossom

Since the human body is mostly water, his work has important implications for the power of intent, prayer, and thought in changing our realities.

Emoto’s work is documented in several books: The Hidden Messages in Water, The Miracle of Water, The True Power of Water. When you read even one of these books, so beautifully illusrated with photos of the water crystals, you become much more conscious of the contents of your thoughts and words – and you never approach a glass of water in the same way again!

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14 Responses to Mind Over Matter

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Rob- Bear, paradigm changing discoveries are always questioned by academics. J.D. Rhine, who did the early work on psychic phenomena at Duke, was questioned by other academics. There's plenty of evidence that thoughts affect matter. Start with quantum physics.

  2. Rob-bear says:

    There was a section on the work of Emoto in the movie What the Bleep Do We Know?

    However, the science behind Emoto's work has been challenged academically by scientists, as have a number of the other items in the movie. It is a nice idea, and I was quite fascinated by it when I saw the movie. I know of no other people who have successfully replicated Emoto's work, which would be a key element into establishing the scientific validity of that work.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Too funny, Sansego. & it would be interesting to see the reaction of the water crystals when exposed to that lineup.

  4. Sansego says:

    I'd like to see the water crystals reaction to the following people: George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Al Gore.

    Its interesting that even a picture of Hitler or his name written out was enough to make that water crystal pretty ugly.

  5. Jeninacide says:

    This is amazing. It totally makes sense to me!

  6. Shadow says:

    you're right, i'm inspecting the contents of my glass intently right now…

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    What a cool grandmother you had, Marlene! That's a neat story.

    Jeff- I think Emoto's website sells little labels for water – health, prosperity, whatever your intention is. Or you can make your own. He also suggests putting up labels on things like microwaves, computers etc which emit fields that can alter water.

  8. Jeff says:

    I read something about this a while back and was trying to remember the details recently, but I couldn't find the article I originally read. It seems like I recall something about an experiment being done with bottles of water and intent. The theory was, you could put a certain intent into the water by writing your intention on the bottle, and then drink the water the next day. I think the theory was based on Emoto's observations.

  9. Vanessa says:

    There's something so beautiful about this, and so true.

  10. Marlene says:

    My French grandmother was a healer..and her mother also..when I was small I remember my grandma taking a glass of water and putting her small wrinkled hands over it and closing her eyes to pray over the water ..then she let it stand on her dresser and tell me we had to wait for the medicine…It was exciting to check on it..and wait..I would marvel at all the little bubbles that would appear in the glass..almost like carbinated water..then she would offer it to whoever was sick and they would drink sips from it…she said the medicine they needed was there…I wonder if her intention altered the water somehow..I remember it worked..

  11. Gail says:

    My sister pratices the same theory but only through belief. The power of the word is her favorite subject.

    I shall have to get her a copy of his book.

    Truly amazing! Kinda goes back to what Dad always said, if you can't say something nice, keep your mouth shut.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, deb is so right, too, about the feelings imparted when i think of those same things! incredible, again!

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh my goodness! absolutely unbelievable, isn't it?!!! i have seen his work before and kept meaning to get one of his books and now, thank you for the reminder! just incredible! imagine the implications for us all! and it's right there, at our literal fingertips!

    now, where's my water glass!!!

  14. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    I find his work so fascinating. And even more amazing, is how the pictures perfectly illustrate how I feel when exposed to the same things.

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