Category Archives: life after death

Library Angels

Last week, I received an email from Bernard Beitman, a visiting professor of psychiatry  at the University of Virginia who is writing a book on coincidences/synchronicities. He’s working on a  chapter on “idea coincidences.” Here’s what he wrote in his … Continue reading

Posted in life after death, reincarnation, synchronicity | 23 Comments


The opening to this movie is stunning. A French broadcaster/journalist – played by Cecil de France –  is vacationing in Indonesia with her producer, who is also her lover. She leaves him in the hotel and wanders out to  the … Continue reading

Posted in hereafter, life after death, movies | 24 Comments

Is There Life After Death?

The question of whether there is life after death has been debated for decades. Now, in a new book, radiation oncologist Jeffrey Long contends that if you look at the scientific evidence, the answer is a resounding yes. For the … Continue reading

Posted in afterlife, life after death | 21 Comments