Category Archives: afterlife


The trailer for Clint Eastwood’s new movie, Hereafter, makes this one a must see for us! Interestingly, here’s another trailer that relates to a paradigm shift.

Posted in afterlife, eastwood, movies | 13 Comments

Lost, the Finale

When the TV show, Lost, started six years ago, Megan was 14. The three of us were diehard fans, tuning in each week to find out what the survivors of Oceanic flight 813 were going to do next. As the … Continue reading

Posted in afterlife, Kate Duffy, lost, story, TV | Leave a comment

Is There Life After Death?

The question of whether there is life after death has been debated for decades. Now, in a new book, radiation oncologist Jeffrey Long contends that if you look at the scientific evidence, the answer is a resounding yes. For the … Continue reading

Posted in afterlife, life after death | 21 Comments