Category Archives: lost

Finding the impossible

This strange story isn’t exactly a synchronicity, but it’s an unlikely scenario. It shows how great desire for something can overcome all odds. You could call this guy lucky, but it’s something more than that. An ineffable factor came into … Continue reading

Posted in lost, synchronicity | 13 Comments

The Long Route Home

We have a shelf of books published years ago by Time/Life. They cover just about every weird and strange thing under the sun – from vanished civilizations to famous hoaxes and deceptions to unusual talents. This evening, I was paging … Continue reading

Posted in lost, Uncategorized | 17 Comments

Lost, the Finale

When the TV show, Lost, started six years ago, Megan was 14. The three of us were diehard fans, tuning in each week to find out what the survivors of Oceanic flight 813 were going to do next. As the … Continue reading

Posted in afterlife, Kate Duffy, lost, story, TV | Leave a comment