Category Archives: Kate Duffy


Since Esperanza was published in September, there has been sporadic movie/TV interest, but so far, nothing has solidified. Our daughter calls these kinds of things driftwood,” a term that comes from Abraham/Hicks and suggests that your desire is starting to … Continue reading

Posted in Kate Duffy, visualization | 32 Comments

Lost, the Finale

When the TV show, Lost, started six years ago, Megan was 14. The three of us were diehard fans, tuning in each week to find out what the survivors of Oceanic flight 813 were going to do next. As the … Continue reading

Posted in afterlife, Kate Duffy, lost, story, TV | Leave a comment

Remembering Kate Duffy

Yesterday morning, I thought about my former fiction editor, Kate Duffy, and wondered how she was doing. I considered dropping her an email, but didn’t. Then this morning, I learned that Kate died yesterday. Not a welcome synchronicity. She was … Continue reading

Posted in books, editor, Kate Duffy, writers | 16 Comments