Category Archives: chilean miners

Synchros, 33, and the Chilean Miners

The 33 Chilean miners are finally being brought to the surface. Huffington Post has live coverage. So we have the 33 miners, it took 33 days for plans to be put into place about how to rescue them, and will … Continue reading

Posted in #33, chilean miners | 10 Comments

The White Butterfly

During the early afternoon of August 5, Jorge Galeguillos and Franklin Lobos were driving into the Copiapo mine in Chile in a pickup truck when a huge slab of rock collapsed behind them.  The collapse blocked the road behind them, … Continue reading

Posted in butterflies, chilean miners | 12 Comments

The New Baby, Hope

 For the past 40 days, 33 miners have been trapped underground in the village of Copiapo. Many of the miners’ families have been living there, sleeping in tents, communicating with their spouses through video chat, made possible by a fiber … Continue reading

Posted in chilean miners, esperanza, hope, word synchros | 19 Comments