Category Archives: n pickard


from Jung’s Red Book ++ While Rob and Megan were in Minneapolis visiting his family, Nancy Pickard flew in for a visit from Kansas. Yes, it’s like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz dropping by, except that the lions and … Continue reading

Posted in n pickard, synchronicity | 14 Comments

When our Stories Come True

        Nancy Pickard wrote this piece for a writers’ blog, the lipstick chronicles. When I read it, I asked if we could repost it. It illustrates how creativity can tap into the future, how writers sometimes come … Continue reading

Posted in creativity, n pickard, precognition | 28 Comments

Dreams and Shamans in the Florida Everglades

A writer friend visited us earlier this month and one day I told her about D Page at mythic musings. Later that same day, I received an email from D Page detailing a dream she’d had. This dream led into … Continue reading

Posted in d page, dreams, n pickard | 13 Comments