Dreams and Shamans in the Florida Everglades

A writer friend visited us earlier this month and one day I told her about D Page at mythic musings. Later that same day, I received an email from D Page detailing a dream she’d had. This dream led into a synchronicity that involved our guest. Here’s the dream.

This past week I had 4 dreams relating to shamans. Though I have had an occasional  dream regarding shamans during my life, I’ve never had four in a row.  Nor have I ever been to the Florida Everglades. This is the first dream of the sequence:

Two shamans, an older man  and woman, came to take me on a journey.Suddenly,we are on a  swiftly moving boat. The boat has no sides. It is night, and the water is very dark. I can not see anything beyond the boat and the water moving past it.  Somehow I know I am in the Florida Everglades. 

We arrive at an isolated location. We are in an older, large home made from wood. The room we are in is decorated with bamboo, and red and gold fabrics. The other rooms in the house have begun to collapse. Somehow I know this has to do with worldly conditions. There is a woman named Nancy living there. She has acquired a lot of knowledge through education. She has a large folder representing the curriculum she has studied. In a flash, I see that this type of knowledge will now longer apply to circumstances that we are about to encounter. There is another older woman there, who is also a shaman. Nancy asks her when she has to leave to do shamanic work somewhere elsewhere. The woman replies, “Now.”

Nancy then asks,”Who will be shamanizing here [in the Everglades]?  I am very shocked when my left arm rises up on its own accord. I then know I am going to be shamanizing” [taking over for the woman who is leaving]. I woke up at this point.
When I told our guest about this dream, she was impressed by the depth and detail and that it seemed to address something extremely important. I told Debra what our guest had said and who our guest is – Nancy Pickard. Debra immediately wrote back: “Synchronicity! The woman in the dream was named Nancy! In the dream, she needed to expand her perceptions to integrate unknown variables. To go beyond the limits of education. Just to be open to the unknown without preconceived ideas.”

When I related this to Nancy Pickard, she was astonished. Only the day before, she and I had driven through  the Everglades on our way back from Sarasota. That night, she’d been re-reading Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts and had encountered a passage that was nearly verbatim what Debra said in the email.”Tell her I’d be glad to work with her as a shaman!”

This is the sort of weird synchro that seems to be addressing something important. We’ll have to see how it all unfolds.

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13 Responses to Dreams and Shamans in the Florida Everglades

  1. Brizdaz says:

    I was about to shut my computer down and go to bed (it's nearly midnight in Oz) when I came across this little sync.I've bought things from Donna Henes internet site before,so I'm on her mailing list of random mail outs and I'm also on this websites post alerts.Have a look at the two e-mails subject mater and times sent.
    I've cut and pasted the top parts containing time and subject mater and can forward the e-mails on as proof they haven't been tampered with by me.
    See below;

    Donna Henes
    show details 10:40 PM (1 hour ago)

    To my dear circles,
    I am sending you a cornucopia of blessings for this season
    of Thanks Giving.
    May we keep an intentional attitude of gratitude all year
    With a deeply felt Thank You for your continued interest
    and support.

    xxMama Donna

    By Donna Henes, Urban Shaman


    show details 10:03 PM (2 hours ago)

    Dreams and Shamans in the Florida Everglades
    Posted: 23 Nov 2010 05:32 AM PST
    A writer friend visited us earlier this month and one day I told her about D Page at mythic musings. Later that same day, I received an email from D Page detailing a dream she'd had. This dream led into a synchronicity that involved our guest. Here's the dream.

    These two e-mails had no e-mails in between and were sent 37 mins apart and both are about shamans.

    Now this time I'm off to bed.
    Goodnight all you synco's out there .-)

  2. Brizdaz says:

    I started reading "Breaking Open the Head-A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism" by Daniel Pinchbeck,today.It wasn't really a sychro.I had started reading it a few months ago and got sidetracked ,but all this talk about shamanism got me interested and back to reading it again.
    Thanks guys.

    WV= penonis (well,that's the closest WV I've seen that has nearly earned an R-rating.-)

  3. Nancy says:

    Foundation for Shamanic Studies – through IONS. I have been thinking it's time to do something other than read books, but I've always been sort of frightened of "what's out there." I've never been one to attend workshops or look for teachers, but now I think it's time.

    I think Jen and I will attend IONS conference in SF in July. At least I'm planning on it.

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – can't wait to hear about what you learn. My personal favorite of the seth books: seth speaks and the nature of personal reality. The second has some exercises and ctivities, the area where seth fell short.

    Who teaches these courses?

  5. Nancy says:

    Wow, very interesting. Keep us updated.

    As an aside, I also have been exploring shamanism and will probably attend the first of a series, that is three years long, next March in Maui. When I first read this I thought – wow, I've just been thinking I've gone as far as I can with educating myself – now it's time to find teachers.

    I've also just received a new copy of Seth Speaks. I thought I would reread it. Weird.

  6. Natalie says:

    Ireland,England, Italy and South America for me. 🙂

    wv = compan company from the past???/

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    D -I told nancy we'd posted this today. She remembered you had written her and that she hadn't written back yet! Said she would.

    Daz – I think most of us have certain places that are familiar to us. Scotland and ecuador are like that for me.

  8. Brizdaz says:

    Re:d page "the past life in China".
    The two countries of the world that have always drawn me towards their culture and give me a feeling of having once lived there,are Japan and Ireland.More so Ireland as that feeling is of a more recent transition and whenever I hear the accent or music of Ireland or see pictures (even though I haven't been there this time round) it feels like my home,just like Australia feels to me in this life.
    It may be an overactive imagination on my part,but it is a feeling deep inside that can't be shaken.

  9. Natalie says:

    That is marvelous! Something big going on behind the scenes for sure.

    My first impression was that the two people were Trish and Rob, and Nancy was Nancy A. She is well educated and just dipping her toes…….
    Still, the synchronicity with the other Nancy was pretty convincing.
    As Mike said though, it is all for the peeps concerned to unravel the story. I too, will be interested in the unfolding excitement. 🙂

  10. d page says:

    Re: Brizdaz… the past life in China…I have been researching a culture from the Silk Road Pazyryk/Scythian (2,400 years ago). I had a visionary experience that lead me to this era. I often have Deja Vu when seeing the images & gold work of these people. (all blogged on my blog).

    The other strange thing about the timing of this dream is that two explosive plumbing events, (starting in Oct.) have kept me from living in my own home. The water damage is extensive,and we won't be home until mid-Dec.


  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    it was an intriguing juxtaposition of real/dream events.

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It would be fascinating to hear how all of this does unfold. Dream interpretations I feel are for the individuals concerned to unravel – one size doesn't fit all.

  13. Brizdaz says:

    Just guessing,but I would say the two shamans,an older man and woman would maybe represent two spirit guides,one D's and one maybe Nancy's and they were taking her to someone (Nancy) she knew and/or maybe worked with somehow in a past life,maybe in China,hence the bamboo,red and gold, etc.
    The water (emotions) is dark because it represents hidden emotions from a life lived before with this person in it and the future emotions involving this person,which at present are also hidden from you.You are swiftly moving because the time is now right for you two to meet and work on whatever it is that you have to do in this life,together.The name "Nancy" is so you know who you are to look for this time round.The other rooms in the house have begun to collapse because the other rooms represent the past relationship/s which are just memories of the past in this life.
    She has acquired a lot of knowledge through education could mean she has learnt skills in this life which may be beneficial for you if you were to team up in this life for some reason (book ?).
    I see that this type of knowledge will no longer apply to circumstances that we are about to encounter may imply that you hold the knowledge in this life that may be beneficial to her.

    In other words maybe you should correspond with each other NOW and see if anything clicks and maybe down the road a project might come together as part of your purpose for the dream and chance meeting.

    That's my quick interpretation,but it's really about what the two people involved in the dream/synchronicity think and feel in the morning light of day.

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