Message in a bottle

Jim Banholzer sent this synchronicity to us. It arrived by e-mail within seconds. Some messages take a lot longer, but eventually find their way. Jim’s previous synchronicities were anagrams and a big league omen.
Chunosuke Matsuyama, a Japanese seaman, was wrecked with 44 shipmates in 1784. Shortly before he and his companions died of starvation on a Pacific coral reef, Matsuyama carved a brief account of their tragedy on a piece of wood, sealed it in a bottle, and then threw it into the sea. It was washed up 150 years later in 1935 at the very seaside village where Matsuyama had been born.

Reader’s Digest Strange Stories, Amazing Facts, printed by the Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., Pleasantville, New York in 1976.
These old Reader’s Digest stories keep washing up, too. Thanks, Jim.

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One Response to Message in a bottle

  1. Anonymous says:

    I love stories like this.Even if there’s no way of verifying the events, the anecdotal evidence is compelling.

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