
On bat night at Yankee Stadium last month, Yankee Brett Gardener swung at a pitch, and his bat slipped from his hands. It flew into the stands, and struck a boy named Jacob Smith. Bat night indeed. Smith is the nephew of MSNBC newscaster Keith Olbermann.

Nine years earlier, Yankee second baseman Chuck Knoblauch threw wildly to first base. The ball bounced off the roof of the dugout and struck Marie Olbermann in the face. She was the mother of Keith Olbermann, who was a Fox News sportcaster at the time.

Knoblauch and Gardener both wore #11.

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2 Responses to #11

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Garlic? Weird. You think Keith knows that?

  2. The Clever Pup says:

    Now THAT is an interesting coincidence.

    Apropos of nothing. Knoblauch is German for Garlic.

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