Brain Waves

the brain’s waves


Rob has been teaching two meditation courses since last month – 6 weeks, once a week.  The morning class is at a yoga studio and happens way too early for me. I’ve been going to the evening class at our gym.

Tonight was the fourth class and it may be one of my favorites. It consists of three meditations – two short, one long. The longer is a chakra meditation. By the time we reached the point tonight for the last meditation, I was primed for it, drifting along in alpha, when the brain’s frequency oscillates at 7-14 cycles per second, and dipping now and then into theta – 4-7 cycles per second.

Theta is an intriguing state. It occurs when we dream or daydream, during paranormal experiences, heightened creativity, OBEs, shamanic journeys, when you relax in sunlight on a cold day, when you take a hot bath…you get the idea. You may or may not be aware of your body. But your consciousness is busy. Freed from the constraints of daily waking  life (Beta waves, which oscillate at 12-30 cycles per second) your consciousness bursts forth like some race horse chafing at the bit to escape its stall. And off it goes in every direction, opening itself to this or that possibility, to this experience, perhaps drawn to whatever matches your vibration.

Rob usually starts this meditation at the first charka and works his way up to the 7th. I was so immersed in theta I never heard the meditation began. I remember standing in front of a door – sort of a pale, powder blue, pretty color –  and asking myself if going through that door was what I should do. No negative feelings around it, just a question: should I or shouldn’t I?

Suddenly, there was an explosion of soft gold light in my head and I heard Rob say, “With the third eye chakra (6th)….”

And I immediately  remembered that in one of his classes three years ago, I experienced this same light. It exploded through the side of my face,  into my jaw, where I had been having trouble with a tooth. I understood then that my tooth had just been healed. It hasn’t bothered me since.  I’m not sure what this explosion of light tonight was about. I’m not sick, no problems with teeth, nothing obvious. Since Rob said third chakra right after the light exploded and because the explosion occurred across my forehead (but inside my skull), I’m wondering if that chakra has been blown open. Or healed. Or it could be connected to the novel I’m writing, Fastwalkers.

The third eye is usually associated with psychic abilities. From Wikipedia: The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring to a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. In certain dharmic spiritual traditions such as Hinduism, the third eye refers to the aina or brow, chakra. In Theosophy, it is related to the pineal gland. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness… 

The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition and out-of-body experiences.

My novel takes place two centuries after  a series of global catastrophes killed millions and drastically altered the planet. Anyone with psychic ability is not only persecuted by the government, but is rendered mute so his or her “contagion” can’t spread. The law is implemented by Enforcers, who take all offenders to Key 13 (it takes place in the Florida keys, which are now a hundred feet above sea level – hey, it’s fiction!) It started out as a young adult novel, but there are certain rules about YA novels that you’re supposed to abide by – no overt sex scenes, you can’t use the F word, and so on.  There is rarely an adult viewpoint. I dislike rules about what you can and can‘t write. I think it’s why I never took a creative writing course.

So this explosion of light could be connected to Fastwalkers.

Or not.

I may never know. Or I may know five years from now. Or maybe I’ll know tonight.




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8 Responses to Brain Waves

  1. Nancy says:

    I wonder if the explosion of light is related to a certain frequency?

  2. What a great experience – if only we all meditated or at least sat still with out thoughts.

    Just wondered about the novel you are writing: How would the government know if individual people actually have a psychic ability?

  3. mathaddict2233 says:

    Lovely post. Lovely experience. Alpha seems to be one of my most frequently visited brain waves, often without any intent on my part. It simply happens, and I drop into it and “float” wherever. Beautiful space, Alpha. Your blue Light….healing….most definitely.

  4. I wish I could be in one of Rob’s meditation groups. I loved the part about that light healing your tooth.

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