A Moldavite Telepathic Moment

 Moldavite is not a common stone. But it certainly has a colorful history. Nearly 15 million years ago, a meteor crashed in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. It’s believed that moldavite is a result of that meteor’s impact, but there are several theories about its origin. One theory is that it’s earthly rock melted by the heat of the meteor’s crash. Another theory contends that its origin is extraterrestrial.

According to author Robert Simmons, moldavite has been used as a spiritual talisman for at least 25,000 years, More recently it has been connected to the grail in the legend of the holy grail. Whatever its origins, it is now widely used for metaphysical purposes. Simmons says that working consciously with this stone causes chakras to open, your dream life becomes more vivid and meaningful, healings occur, it’s easier to communicate with spirit guides, and that synchronicities increase.

 I own a couple of pieces of moldavite – in a ring, a pendant, and a couple of raw unpolished pieces. I‘m always on the lookout.


So this afternoon (April 28) Rob and I are waiting at the Jamal Enlightement Center for his healing session with Peruvian shaman Don Pascual. The gift shop has an extensive collection of stones. I’m looking through them and wondering if there’s any moldavite. The other woman who is waiting for a healing with Carey Stokes  suddenly says to the clerk, Do you have any  moldavite?

Synchronicity. Maybe two seconds passed between my thought and her question. It’s as if we read each other’s minds.

The clerk comes out from behind the counter. “We have one piece. Moldavite is hard to find.”

She brings out a polished piece of moldavite, fitted for a pendant, selling for $70. The woman and I pass.

 “You ever been to Cassadaga?” Rob asks her.

 The woman laughs. “Never, but I’m going soon.”

 Me: “You can usually find some nice moldavite pieces there.”

 She asks a few more questions about Cassadaga, we talk about the silence and darkness after a hurricane. She confides that she has made the rounds of healers (and psychics) in the area and has found them wanting. “But I feel that Carey is genuine.”

 And so do I.

 Carey is one of these strapping, good-looking  Cary Grant kind of guys. You sense that he’s totally immersed in what he’s doing. He learned his healing methods from Don Pascual.

 When she was called in for her healing with Carey, Rob was on the far side of the room with Don Pascual.   “Puedo quedar?” I asked Don Pascual. May I stay?

 “She can translate,” Rob said.

 “No, no,” Pascual said.

 “It’s  about the spirits who come in,” Stokes added.

 So I shut the door, bought a pair of dream catcher earrings  that had captured me earlier, and went on outside to walk Noah, who had been waiting patiently in the car.

I also bought two pieces of vegetarian pizza, consumed one of them,  enjoyed the vast  blue Florida sky, and marveled at the small but magical synchro with a stranger.

This entry was posted in moldavite, synchronicity, telepathy. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to A Moldavite Telepathic Moment

  1. sharon catley says:

    I have a small piece of moldavite (in a bag of large quartz crystals – some as large as six inches long) and a bag of moldavite infused bath crystals) hanging about a foot from my head while I sleep. I was unaware of the dream effect but can now see that those crystals were amplifying the effect of the moldavite. Most mornings I wake up exhausted from dreaming all night. I do enjoy the dreams but it it like I never got to sleep. Moving it away tonight and will see what happens. I love your blog. Always something useful and interesting here. Such a pretty stone!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Hi Sharon – I definitely don’t sleep with my moldavite anywhere nearby. For awhile, I slept with the ring on, but stopped doing it because my dreams were so intense. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. DJan says:

    I have never heard of moldavite before but will keep an eye out for it now. That was a nice synchro, Trish. It happens to me every now and then that someone reads my mind like that. 🙂

  3. gypsy says:

    so i have been out and about all day and am just now getting home…just as i’m sitting down at my desk/turning on computer, i decide to take off the rings i’m wearing…first the diamonds on my right hand and as your site [always the first one i check when i get online] comes up, i slide off the ring on my left hand – my moldavite ring – literally as i’m reading the title of your post – the moldavite telepathy moment – which, as it turns out is exactly what i was having! 😉

    trish, this is the ring i bought way back when we [you/i/blog] were discussing moldavite several years ago – remember the ring? anyway, you might also remember how when i first bought it, i was sleeping in it – and my dreams with the very first night wearing it became so intense that i finally started taking it off before i went to bed –

    but what a neat moldavite moment for you! love those magical moments! 😉

  4. Moldavite sounds interesting so I had a quick Google and found an article ‘Don’t Mess With Moldavite’ here.

    To quote (after using Moldavite):

    “… suddenly, Wham! Doof!, I was flattened against the mattress by what felt like a 65 tog duvet pressing down on my back. This abnormal sensation was accompanied by a loud whooshing sound in my ears which I now recognise as that familiar sound which I experience when the beaded curtain between the material and the spirit world is abruptly drawn back. I was absolutely terrified. What on earth had happened?

    Had the spirit guide equivalent of Shrek popped in to give me a bit of healing? Or had an over zealous and hugely obese ET attempted to spoon me? My husband, as ever, was totally oblivious …”

    Sound powerful!?

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