Owls, UFOs, and Blogging

I’ve often thought that the Internet – blogging in particular – is an environment that fosters synchronicity. This next story seems to support that theory.

On September 30, we posted a story called The Owl and the Money Clip, a synchronicity that had been sent to us by Jim Banzholder of Idaho.

Stacey Warner left a comment about an experience she had with owls. A couple of years ago, Stacey “had the privilege to spend time in a giant owls “nest” for lack of a better word, with over thirty barn and horned owls watching me…it was one of the most profound moments of my life!”

Her comment attracted the attention of Mike Clelland, who also lives in Idaho, and has had a slew of owl experiences recently. We recently posted one of his synchronicities. Anyway, when he read that Stacey had spent the night beneath the stare of more than 30 owls, his interest was piqued. Only a few days before, he had posted a request on his blog for stories about sightings of owls in groups of three or five. “So – I ask a question, and I get a wallop of an answer.” He shot off an email to her.

Owls, in addition to being seen as messengers, are sometimes associated with UFO sightings and abductions, and Mike was particularly interested to know if Stacey had had any UFO experience on or around the time of her “30 owls” experience. She said that she had:

from Stacey:
“So to add to the story … (after seeing the owls) Well into the night and with the veils of perception solidly back in place, we left. I drove. We were back on the two-way highway when I saw what looked like a streetlight up ahead but as we approached it, I realized the light wasn’t attached to anything and then it flew over our heads.”

Stacey was with a friend, Christian, who noted it “landed back there.” She asked what it was, he said he didn’t know.

“Do you want to stop?” she asked.


“I stopped the car and backed into a vacant lot that was used for selling produce during the harvest season. It was pitch black and we were out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by olive groves. As we got out of the car Christian asked, “If they want to take us would you go?”

“Yes, as long as time stood still,” I said not sure if it were true.

“We walked down the middle of the two-lane highway cloaked in darkness when we heard a loud rumble like a semi-truck heading straight for us. We looked at each and ran for our lives back to the car. As I opened my car door whatever-it-was flew over our heads and then vanished into thin air.”

They got back in the car and drove off, both of them silent, not sure what they had seen, thinking it was too “fantastical” to be named. By naming it, Stacey felt they would own it, and they weren’t ready to own it.

“As we got back on the Interstate Five, Christian put his hand on my shoulder. It felt familiar like it had been there my entire life. I felt supported and loved beyond a first kiss like we had been married for years. Christian fell asleep and I wondered how many dragons he’d slain that day.
Stacey in her comments to Mike also said:

My friend Marla (who interviews for Whitley Streiber on Unknowncountry) has great stories to tell … she’s tapped in.

So after reading the above story, Mike is “getting wigged out.” Not only has Stacey confirmed a connection between owls and UFOs, but it turns out that the next day, he is scheduled to have a reading with Marla Frees, the psychic to whom Stacey referred.

So here we have a layered synchronicity that begins with a story about an owl and a money clip, leads to shared experiences about owls and UFO sightings, and psychic Marla Frees.

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28 Responses to Owls, UFOs, and Blogging

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Now that's a good one, Jim!

  2. JBanholzer says:

    Unbelievably, right after reading this last night, I turned on the TV briefly, looking for something light to watch and discovered The Andy Griffith Show, Darling fortune episode. Here is a plot summary from IMDB:

    “The Darling clan comes to Mayberry, this time to find wives for the four Darling boys. Briscoe Darling has recently sold a parcel of land to the county and has the worldly sum of $300 in his pocket to make it all happen. Despite Andy's best efforts to explain otherwise, the elder Darling is convinced that it should only take a day or two to find suitable brides for his fine young men. Things don't quite go as planned and when they see an owl in the daytime – an omen that the next woman they see is the one destined to their true love – Helen Crump suddenly finds herself being pursued by the Darlings who simply won't take no for an answer. Andy has to figure how to get her out of this mess.”


    Andy resolves this mess by placing Goober up in a tree and using a fake owl on a string as a counter-omen. Undoubtedly, I missed this original episode back in the sixties, because I was tuned in to Mary Anne on another channel.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great post, barefoot. Certainly agree.

  4. Barefoot from Africa says:

    The thought process of the Romans have a negative inclination, whereas, the Greeks had a positive understanding of owls.

    This reveals the interaction of quantum physics. There must be a positive and a negative; otherwise, it freezes the synchronicity balance out. Our thought processes interact with our external natural environment at all times. Our brains / neural systems are electromagnetic fields. And within our natural environment there are electromagnetic fields. In addition, both fields interact with one another through vibrational waves. Therefore, if your thought process is going to be negative about an owl, the outcome will be negative. If your thought process is positive about an owl, the outcome is going to be positive. It all depends of where your point of focus is. It can be either positive or negative.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jim Banholzer sent me a copy of e-mail I'd sent him months ago that addressed owls. There was a personal story in it involving death and the appearance of an owl. Then there was the following quote from The Secret Language of Birds. It's by the ancient Roman scholar, Pliny the Elder, and I'd forgotten all about it. – Rob

    The Owl is a fatal bird, of evil omen beyond all sorts, especially at public auguries; it lies in desert places, and not merely those that are unpeopled, but those of hard access; monsters of the night, it never utters a song but only a groan. It never flies where it intends, but it is borne off at a slant.

    The Greeks were more favorably disposed to owls. They associated them with wisdom and knowledge and they put them on the backs of coins. They were said to whisper secrets overheard from the night before.

  6. Natalie says:

    I love you guys! This post was a hoot!

  7. JBanholzer says:

    I’m rethinking my earlier post about Dawn Wells a.k.a. Mary Anne Summers. There is a slight possibility that one of the three hitchhikers left a doobie in her ashtray, because they were distracted by the fact that the archetypical girl next door, sweet little Mary Anne, was actually giving them a ride. On top of that, she was Miss Nevada, not that many years ago. That might sidetrack any hitchhiker.

    Seriously though, I’ve read that she leads a ‘Spudtacular’ film festival over there in Driggs, Idaho and wondered what that was like. If I remember right, I also believe that Mens Journal rated Driggs the number one small town to live in, a few years back.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    definitely something with like attracting like here – great post and addendums!!!!

  9. Mike Clelland! says:

    I am looking out my window – here in beautiful Driggs Idaho – at Maryanne's house. She lives just a few hundred yards down my street and around the corner.

    Her real name is Dawn Wells.

    Mike C!

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Jen- thanks for the trailer link. I just included it in the update. I watched it and oh wow, it's scary.

  11. Jeninacide says:

    This reminds me of The Fourth Kind.

    Have you seen this trailer?


    It scared me so badly that I still can't watch it… I was just getting ready to post something about it on my blog too!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – we're on the same page with blogging and the law of attraction!

    Jim – really weird about Driggs!

  13. Mike Clelland! says:

    There is MORE to the these owl stories, another VERY curious coincidence. There is a romantic subtext to both of our blog-postings.

    Stacey writes about a "first kiss" that doesn't happen with a fellow named CHRISTIAN in her owl blog-posting. And I write an almost identical experience of romantic longing with a girl named KRISTEN in my first owl blog-posting. (curiously similar names) Each story is about seeing multiple owls in the company of one other friend. Each story is profoundly mystical.

    And each story shares the theme of unrequited yearning.

    I've added the tow blog postings below.

    Here is Stacey's story:
    She talks in almost mystical terms about longing for that "first kiss"

    And here's my story:
    I don't say that I was eager for the "first kiss" but it sure is implied, it's in there.

    Note: In the text I call my friend Kristy, but her real name is Kristen.

  14. Nancy says:

    I have believed for some time that blogging is an attraction of like-minded people. And for different reasons. We blog, and put thoughts out into the ether – those thoughts are picked up by "who knows who" and are then turned into something else. We never know where our thoughts go, or what effect they will have in the blog world. But there is no doubt it is a very strong mechanism for some reason, not totally understood just yet. But I believe synchronicity is working, big time.

  15. JBanholzer says:

    Thanks Trish and Rob, I certainly miss my friend. I am sad she is gone, but also happy that I was able to know her so well. It helps me to write about her and over the weekend, I recalled some good times we spent together. Her name is Mary Anne and here is something I wrote about her:

    “M.A. was known locally as having a special talent for baking cookies. I sometimes used to joke about Idaho's other famous Mary Anne, the mischievous Mary Anne Summers from Gilligan's Island. I reminded M.A. that the other Mary Anne was renowned for baking scrumptious coconut cream pies. When the news hit that Driggs's Mary Anne was busted for pot and then claimed that some hitchhikers had left it in her ashtray, we had a hearty laugh because everybody knows that hitchhikers simply do not leave behind doobies. Not even Gilligan would have bumbled that badly!”

    -Now here’s where we get into an even deeper thread of synchronicity, because Driggs, Idaho is the same town where Mike Clelland lives!

  16. Mike Clelland! says:

    Oh, please don't worry – the details were tiny. And yes – it is a curious and sprawling story!

    huge thanks,
    Mike C!

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sorry for the inaccuracies, Mike. It was a kind of difficult story to condense!

  18. Mike Clelland! says:

    Wow! More cool coincidences. Stacey and I BOTH commented (pretty much) simultaneously.

  19. Mike Clelland! says:

    I'm Mike, the owl guy from this story. Both Stacey and I write about the events from our point of view in each of our blogs. It makes for a really interesting set of perspectives and I encourage folks to follow the links to both of our sites. The story is truly amazing, on multiple levels.

    A few minor details are incorrect in the telling of the story above.

    1. Stacey didn't spend the night near those owls, she saw them in a long clearing.

    2. I didn't ask if Stacey had any UFO experiences, I simply noted in an email that an upcoming movie about UFO abductions had scary owl imagery in it's trailer.

    Everything else is accurate, especially my being "wigged out" because of all the swirling coincidences!

    And – I've seen a bunch of owls since the back-and-forth emailing with Stacey. ANd each time, I take note of what they do. If they cross my path (as all the owls have done) I am particularly impressed and open to their hidden meaning.

  20. staceyjwarner says:

    Trish you did a great job with this post…thanks for sharing my story!

    much love

  21. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sorry to her about your friend, Jim. I think I read about it on your blog a couple weeks back. What's interesting about blogging is that I'm beginning to think it's one huge synchronicity. It certainly seems to facilitate synchronicities, perhaps because information travels so quickly.

    The bermuda triangle of truck stops. Wow.

  22. JBanholzer says:

    I had never heard of Hans Holzer, until last year, when I saw his book True Ghost Stories on a local thrift store shelf. As it was only 50 cents, I seized the opportunity to purchase his mysterious book. It felt like a powerful synchronicity, because not only his name is similar to mine, but that also I had been actively seeking permission from the owners of the Ezra Pound birthplace, to allow Idaho Spirit Seekers to conduct a paranormal investigation upon their premises here in Hailey. One of the managers, expressed some interest in this, but ultimately permission was denied.

    Regarding the Owl and the Money Clip:
    The day you posted the story on your website, was the same day that a close friend of mine, passed on into the great beyond. As indigenous people, have looked at owls as auguries of death, since ancient times, I couldn’t help but feel there was some relationship between the owl story and my good friend’s passing, even though the connection was ‘merely’ through blogging. Not only that, but a few days before she passed on, I had a premonition of sorts that somebody close to me, would soon pass on, and that it would be a girl. It wasn’t an audible voice, more of an inner voice of intuition – the kind that I’ve been trying to pay closer attention to, in recent years. On top of that, I experienced that premonition, near the same spot on Highway 75, where my truck has broken down three times over the years. You featured this story on this blog as “A Trucker’s Tale.” One of the commenters even referred to this spot, as the Bermuda Triangle for Trucks.

  23. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow!!! terrific stories! all of them – all their layers!!! fantastic post! i so understand stacey's comment about the hesitancy in "naming it" and then "owning it" – and not being ready – on that note, trish, i've not forgotten those other stories i've mentioned to you – and am working on "owning" them to enable me to then pass them on as i'd said i would – in any event, again, great post!

  24. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Lyn – those are wonderful stories. How fortunate that you knew Hans Holzer. Years ago, his book on spirit photography just blew me away. I liked his work.

  25. Lyn says:

    Once a comment is made, it does seem to start an avalanche of "coincidence". That does open the doors. The beginning is always there…
    I had posted a tale on Sunday, July 19, 2009, "Just Imagine"..which might incline any doubters to pause and reconsider.
    I myself was lucky to be a friend of Hans Holzer's and received much of his wisdom and insight. That is a story in itself, also posted(Hans Holzer) on my blog, to commemorate his passing this year. Like flows to like.

  26. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, Jarielyn. This happened in the daylight, right?

  27. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    My ex-boyfriend, my brother and I saw What we believe to be a UFO once. I was in high school at the time and I lived with my parents out in the country. My boyfriend had come out to visit me and he, my brother and myself decided to take a drive to the store. There weren't any paved roads where I lived until you got out onto the highway. We're driving along on the dirt road when I spotted what I thought to be a helicopter in the distance. The closer we got to it the more it didn't look like a helicopter. You couldn't really make out the shape of the object but you could see bright lights. My boyfriend speeded up in the car, dust flying everywhere and the object speeded up to. It was as if it was following us but at a distance and parallel to us. My boyfriend stopped the car and we all glared out the window and the thing stopped. We would move the car and the object would move. We sped up again going really fast and the object went really fast. We stopped again and it did too. We stared at it for awhile, kind of in awe and then all of a sudden the thing moved really fast and it just disappeared. It wasn't an airplane or a helicopter. The three of us were kind of scared and excited at the same time. We went back to the house and shared our story with the rest of the family but I'm not sure they believed us. I'm just glad my little brother saw it too.

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