Category Archives: Internet

Clouds and Computing

I’ve run across the phrase cloud computing several times recently. I Googled the phrase, read the various entries, but still didn’t understand what it actually was – until our trip a couple of weeks ago to the Florida Keys. In … Continue reading

Posted in books, computers, Internet | 20 Comments

The Mumford Clan

                                  Ireland Today’s synchronicity has a couple of layers. It seems to be another one of those instances where the Internet and blogging create a rich atmosphere in which synchronicity can occur. It involves Connie Cannon and Gypsy. On May … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Internet, mumford clan, relatives | 14 Comments

Owls, UFOs, and Blogging

I’ve often thought that the Internet – blogging in particular – is an environment that fosters synchronicity. This next story seems to support that theory. On September 30, we posted a story called The Owl and the Money Clip, a … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Internet, owls, UFOs | 28 Comments