Category Archives: blogging

Colors, WordPress, Rights Reversions, and ebooks!

One of my frustrations with WordPress has been what I thought was a lack of versatility in terms of colors and fonts. In fact, when we first migrated our blog from blogger to WordPress a year or so ago, I … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, blogging, ebooks, publishing, synchronicity | 16 Comments

Odd Search Terms

  Do you ever wonder how people find your blog? What search terms lead them there? This area intrigues us, so we looked back through the last 2,000 hits or so on our sitemeter and made a list of the … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, search terms | 18 Comments

The Mumford Clan

                                  Ireland Today’s synchronicity has a couple of layers. It seems to be another one of those instances where the Internet and blogging create a rich atmosphere in which synchronicity can occur. It involves Connie Cannon and Gypsy. On May … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Internet, mumford clan, relatives | 14 Comments

Google and Synchronicities

We’ve mentioned before how we set up a Google alert for synchronicity shortly after we started our blog.  We check the URLs and links that Google delivers daily and sometimes, there are some wonderful surprises that add credence to my … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, google | 9 Comments

Owls, UFOs, and Blogging

I’ve often thought that the Internet – blogging in particular – is an environment that fosters synchronicity. This next story seems to support that theory. On September 30, we posted a story called The Owl and the Money Clip, a … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, Internet, owls, UFOs | 28 Comments