Category Archives: google

Google and UFOs

Google street views have captured unusual objects before. But this one interested the local news people in Jacksonville, Texas.        

Posted in google, synchronicity, UFOs | 7 Comments

The Owl, the Yoga Studio, and Techie Tools

 Type in anything in Google, a word or phrase, a question, a random thought, and somewhere in the virtual universe,  Google will come up with something relevant. Sometimes, Google leads searchers right to this blog. The terms that people use … Continue reading

Posted in google, owls, yoga | 28 Comments

Google and Synchronicities

We’ve mentioned before how we set up a Google alert for synchronicity shortly after we started our blog.  We check the URLs and links that Google delivers daily and sometimes, there are some wonderful surprises that add credence to my … Continue reading

Posted in blogging, google | 9 Comments