Category Archives: authors

Smeagol, in Disguise

The digital revolution has created many companies that are reputable – and probably just as many that are not. As self-employed writers, we’ve been casting around for ways to keep pace with this rapid transformation and it’s been tricky. And … Continue reading

Posted in authors, books, publishing, synchronicity | 6 Comments

Demystifying the Mystifying

It seems somehow appropriate that a psychologist who names his  book Demystifying Meaningful Coincidences, would be experiencing  ‘coincidences’ that seem, well, somewhat mystifying, related to speaking engagements to promote his book. It seems that Gibbs Williams has the trickster on … Continue reading

Posted in authors, books, Gibbs williams | 15 Comments

The Monster of Florence

  Peter Levenda explores the dark side of mankind in his books, such as Sinister Forces, and so it’s not surprising that his reading list would include The Monster of Florence. But for Peter, that book opened synchronicities connecting him … Continue reading

Posted in authors, books, Peter Levenda | 12 Comments

Visions of Time

I was re-writing a short section on our synchronicity book that deals with psychometry–psychic touch–when I remembered an old acquaintance from years ago who had a talent for reading objects. Noreen had once held my father’s watch, which I’d inherited … Continue reading

Posted in authors, psychics, psychometry | 10 Comments

Shroud of Turin/Shroud of Heaven

Author Sean Ellis has a new novel out called Shroud of Heaven, and now he notes that a Vatican scientist has released a new study about the Shroud of Turin. Sean is hoping for a little spin-off publicity for his … Continue reading

Posted in authors, sean ellis, shroud of turin | 3 Comments

Merlin’s Magic

This story comes from Judi Hertling of British Colombia. It’s a zinger! For the past few months, Judi and her best friend, Chris, have been watching a British TV series entitled Merlin. The 13-part drama tells the story of the … Continue reading

Posted in authors, books, Jack Whyte, Merlin | 8 Comments