The Dunnings

from Carl Jung’s red book


This story is from Judy S,  whose story, Judy and Hank, appeared on the blog and also in Synchronicity and the Other Side. Judy and Hank knew each other for 35 years – as partners, friends, soul mates. Hank passed on several years ago and Judy continues to experience synchronicities that follow the MO of spirit contact.


On Saturday my friend Pamela and I were driving in Tarrytown just to escape the city heat and tour the Rockefeller Estate.  On our way to Kykuit we passed Dunning’s Road. Dunning was Hank’s last name so I looked at Pamela and said, “Hank’s saying hi.”

Then your book arrived and I began thinking about two of Hank’s (and my) friends, Jimmy and Glenn.  Glenn was unable to come to Hank’s memorial and I hadn’t heard from him since.  Well, I got a phone call the other night on the way home and the voice said, “Are you sitting down?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I’m on the Third Avenue bus.”

“Hi, Judy, it’s Glenn. I just had to call you because I read an article in the NY Times the other day about Mrs. Dunning (no relation) who is 101 and still drives her Packard.”

Now, of course this could just be a coincidence but I think your book brought this on. Pretty cool.


It sounds like a  double synchro to me! Hank was just making sure Judy got the message.


This entry was posted in judy and hank, spirit contact, synchronicity. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to The Dunnings

  1. Great example and your book will help many people to realise that we do get contact from our loved ones, though not always in the way expected.

  2. Cool story, and Mrs Dunning and her car are totally awesome.

  3. gypsy says:

    neat story – i’m always intrigued with the ways in which spirit contact is made – the who and what of the messengers used –

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