The Geese and the Grave

We’ve posted a number of synchronicities about animals as messengers. The next story involves a pair of Canada geese and was sent by Phillip and Maureen  of Atlanta. It’s a stunning example of how we all are intimately connected – not just to each other, but to animals as well.

 This isn’t really a synchronicity, not in any classic sense, but I wanted to relate  something I found uplifting and odd.  My wife and I went by the cemetery to place flowers on my parents’ graves the day before Easter.  This is a large cemetery located along a busy street and lies adjacent to the constant rumble of Hartsfield
International Airport in Atlanta.  This is very much a developed area with no ponds or creeks – no body of water or grain field anywhere close-by which might attract waterfowl or other wildlife.

But there at my family’s grave sites were two Canada geese waddling around very regally and purposefully.  With no water, food or other attractant in the vicinity, this was strangely comical – sort of like finding a
buffalo or aardvark or something wandering around a mausoleum–  it struck me as that incongruous.  They stayed nearby, practically underfoot, while we “visited” and arranged the flowers on the headstone.

It was as we were driving away a short time later that I remembered something I’d heard about Canada geese – that they mate for life – and the symbolism really struck me then, my dear mother and father having spent their lives together and my grieving mother having died within 6 months of my father’s passing. This pair of geese: were they there that day to highlight, to honor their memory?

I have no earthly idea how the two geese came to be there at the family plot but saw them as a fitting tribute at Easter for my folks, a devoted couple – may God keep them close.

Thanks for allowing me to share,

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11 Responses to The Geese and the Grave

  1. Shadow says:

    very moving and meaningful!

  2. therese says:


    When my parents died three months apart in 2005 there were many symbols like these geese that were noted and shared. Everyone who noticed something either had a knowledge or expectation of the message, or researched the potential message.

    That's what's awesome about this blog. It's a safe space to share the wonder of being connected to a greater reality.

  3. Vicki D. says:

    What a beautiful and romantic story, it left me feeling very peaceful.

    I believe you got a lovely, gentle gift from your parents.

    I loved the butterfly story.


  4. ThankYou says:

    I've found geese to be very uplifting and messengers from God/Goddess often in my life. Though I've never had them as up close as Phil did. I believe that was a sign about his parents and that their love lives on…as all love does.
    It's very hopeful when you see geese.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    an incredibly poignant story – and yes, i've heard of other little critters involved in stories such as this but geese are a first – first but very fitting in this case –

  6. d page says:

    A very sweet story.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Jim. Mike, I've heard these kinds of stories involving hummingbirds, too. The butterfly on the coffin – that's pretty incredible.

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great story. When my friend died a butterfly settled on his coffin as it was carried into the church and was determined to stay there throughout the service. His wife said to the the vicar afterwards, "I told you he loved nature."

  9. JBanholzer says:

    Reminds me of a favorite palindrome:
    "Do geese see God?"

  10. Von says:

    Lovely story and I'll put the link on my blog at hope that's ok as it's heavily about geese.

  11. Natalie says:

    I believe that spirit will get a message to us any way they can.
    I would suspect that the geese were incongruous, for the expressed purpose of you noticing.
    I would also take it to mean that your parents are together (for life), and that they were there with you, on that day.
    A beautiful blessing for sure. ♥

    wv = tryst. But of course! 🙂

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