Those 11s Again!

Jung considered numbers to be archetypes. In his scheme of things, repeated synchronicities involving the same numbers suggests those numbers have become active in your psyche. With that in mind, here’s another synchronicity involving 11:11.

 We’ve done several posts on the numbers 11, 111, and 11:11. This synchronicity story comes from Hilary Carter,  who has written a book about the phenomenon.

I can handle coincidence when it crops up in a reasonable way but when the number11:11 first appeared in my life, it was not in a reasonable way. It was Armistice Day 2004; the 11th day of the 11th month. A friend and I had gone to visit a small country church in an English village. This church had been built on the site of a Benedictine Priory and dated back to the 13th century. As we pulled up outside the church and switched the car ignition off, my friend pointed to the milometer. It showed the car had reached exactly 111,100 miles. Not only that, the trip meter displayed 111 and the time was exactly 11:11 am. That was not reasonable. It was
 frightening. All those elevens! It was too much for my rational mind to handle.

Looking back I can see that that day was a pivotal moment in my life because I know that what I had experienced that day was something exceptional.

Through my research on the internet I soon discovered that I was not the only person in the world who was experiencing the 11:11 phenomenon, though nobody seems  to have yet come up with an explanation for its appearance.

As part of my personal research into the meaning of the 11:11, I have just completed a journey along the 11th line of latitude in India. My journey ended in  Kozhikode, Kerala. That night I met a German publisher at an Ayurvedic Temple. I told him about my book The 11:11 Code and he couldn’t believe it because his son
was born on 11th November at 11am!
We’ve asked before for synchros involving 11s. Anyone have new ones?

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20 Responses to Those 11s Again!

  1. Nancy says:

    My birthday is 11/22 and my daughter's is 1/22. I wonder what it all means?

  2. Cole says:

    Opps, realized your comment post with the question to me read 1:11 and not 11:11, still counts though! LOL

    Gypsy same thing with the 1-3's? Interesting….

  3. Natalie says:

    When the clock does the 11:11, 4:44, 5:55 etc, I know that I am in for a rough trot.
    These number sequences, and particularly 11: 11 are an indicator that I am undergoing a karmic lesson.
    In numerology I am an 11/2, so I assumed it is my symbol of learning in the life school.
    When it occurs, it is constant for at least a week, then KABOOM! The Karmam train rolls into my station.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I can't say for certain. I try not to focus my attention on some impending problem but part of my brain can't help but think about it. As I said, reading about the spiritual nature of 11 has eased my concerns somewhat as I notice plenty of other # combinations ending in 11 these days. I had convinced myself the meaning of the phenomenon had morphed from a warning to some sort of affirmation until my friend's phone call. Time will tell.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anonymous- I remember your story about 11s. It was incredibly powerful. Do you feel something bad headed your way or is it just that combination of #s – 911 – that spurs the fear? I guess that's like asking what comes first, the chick or the egg.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I wrote a while back about being stalked by 911. It preceeded my father's passing by months. It picked up and continued after but having read posts here, I noticed times and such ending in 11's almost as frequently. I refer to positive experiences I have read here involving 11's to offset my fear of seeing 911 so frequently still (and it is still the most frequent combination). A few weeks ago, I got a strange early morning phone call from a friend calling to make sure I was okay. I said yes, why? He said he woke abruptly from a dream and all he could remember was I was in it and when he looked @ the clock to see what time it was, it was 9:11. It freaked him out and then me as well when he called.


  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmm…i think i've mentioned to you the times i've had the triple number sequences like with license tags etc – the 1's, 2's & 3's for me have a lot to do with the time factor, ie, 1:11 or 2:22 or 3:33 – never the higher numbers in terms of time [that i can remember anyway] but regularly the 1-3 numbers –

  8. Jeninacide says:

    In my family we have a lot of 1-22 repetitions. My mom was born on 11/22, my husband was born on 12/2, and I was born on 1/22. I seem to come across the 11-22 number combinations A LOT in my life. I think the date 11/22 is some kind of vortex because I hear about things happening on that day ALL THE TIME.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wolf – never heard of 1234! Maybe someone else who has experienced it will offer some insights. & funny, about the phone vibration! So that's twice in the comment section now when someone has experienced the same umber synchro they were commenting on!

  10. WolfsGotYourTongue says:

    yep, just thought I heard my phone vibrate, checked it, 12:34.
    Love it!

  11. WolfsGotYourTongue says:

    I have been seeing the 11:11 for a couple of years… haven't really found an explanation that 'rings' true.. I tend to try and pay attention to what is going on when I see it, as a synchronicitous message from the universe telling me to pay attention, or that I'm doing the right thing.
    Now, over the last couple of months I have been constantly seeing 12:34. I treat it similar to 11:11, but it feels a little different, a little more peculiar. I don't know what it means, but I like saying "one two three four" when I see it 🙂

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow! I hadn't noticed it. Okay, so it's official. At least one hit for you today!

  13. Cole says:

    Yes, it happens at least once daily, has been for the longest time. I would say looking at your comment section and then seeing your question with the time being listed as 11:11 counts as 1 for today at least!

    Have a wonderful afternoon.

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I find your # sequences interesting, Cole. Does it happen frequently during a given day?

    Sansego – in the In Ching, hexagram 22 is called grace. Your experiences with that number fit!

    I go for long periods of time without any clusters of numbers, then suddenly they start. When I'm stumped about the meaning, I go first to the I Ching to see if it holds any clues. Sometimes it does.

  15. Sansego says:

    I'll occasionally look at the clock and see that its 11:11, which always creeps me out when it happens. I wish I understood what this phenomenon means.

    My special number is 22. My first job in the Navy was with Submarine Squadron 22, which I got assigned to by being at the exact right spot at the right moment. 22 was one of my best years of my life…I vacationed in South Africa; Normandy and Paris, France; I met a fellow sailor whom I had met ten years earlier when we were just tweens in a different place (he became my best friend in the years since); and I bought my first car (the Geo Metro that I had envisioned wanting months earlier).

    Also, in 1992, when I was the only American sailor assigned to a table of French submarine sailors at a Navy function, I had a great conversation and became friends with two of them. One of them invited me to visit him and his family whenever I made it to France, which I have done several times. The "department number" of the town and region he and his family lives in is "22" (which appears in the postal code, license plate, and telephone area code). I've also had my most significant spiritual experience on August 22nd. That's only a few occurences of 22 for me. There are plenty more of them.

    I've done numerology and none of my numbers add up to 22, even though something special happens involving the number 22. I even see this number appear in practically every movie that I like (as room numbers, floor numbers, license plate numbers, uniform numbers, in character's conversations, etc).

    So, I definitely would love to know why 22 is a good number for me. Why this number out of all the numbers out there?

  16. Deb Kirkeeide says:

    this is amazing!

    With all the synchros that I notice in my life for some reason they never involve numbers.

  17. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    This is a fascinating subject but haven't had any 11 synchros myself.

  18. Cole says:

    For a year now I have been catching numbers in repeated sequences. I have googled it to see if there was anything that might explain away what is now the very frequent appearance of 222, 111, 333 and 444. I was taken back by it when I first made the conscience recognition that I was seeing this often. And no I am not staring at the clock when it reads 2:21 and then think to myself, ok I have to look back in about a minute, Aha got ya!

    I read some site about numerology and angel messages and things of that nature. I guess I should be paying more attention to what I am thinking about and discussing when I happen to see the numbers. Maybe it is an answer or gently guide waiting for me to make the connection. Nice Post!

  19. DJan says:

    I don't have any "11" synchronicities that I can remember, but I've always considered it to be my lucky number, and I am pleased whenever I see them. Now I'll look for more times they appear unusually. Conversely, it bothers me to get 6's all lined up!

  20. Gemel says:

    Oh my goodness that is just mad! I don't take much notice of numbers, maybe I ought to start after reading this. Maybe there are numbers that appear but I am not paying attention..

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