Post 11-11-11

Looking back at 11-11-11, here are some of the interesting stories that were either in the news or that we received.

First, Egypt briefly closed the Great Pyramid because of rumors that it was going to be used for ceremonies celebrating 11-11-11. From The Guardian: “…on Friday Egypt‘s Great Pyramid of Giza was confronted with what some feared would be its biggest threat yet: two crystals, a “ceremony of love” and several hundred “human angels” seeking to form a protective shield around the earth.”From USA Today:  “A lineup of digits at 11 minutes past the 11th hour on 11/11/2011 marks a moment that won’t repeat for 100 years.” In Last Vegas, 3,200 marriage licenses were issued for 11-11-11, three times the usual amount. According to the county clerk, there hasn’t been anything like that since 7-7-07, when  4,333 licenses were issued.

This website has some interesting stuff to say about binary number dates in 2010 – and in 2011.

Then there’s this interesting synchro: a boy born at 11:11, on 11-11-11, on Veteran’s Day, to a mother who is an Air Force veteran and to a father who is currently serving in the Air Force.

We got a nice bit of 11-11-11 news/luck: 7 Secrets sold to Russia. We love the idea of Russians reading about synchronicities!

One of the best stories we received came from Sharlie W: “This morning of 11/11/11, at 11:00, my husband and I joined to pray for health, prosperity and safety. No small wish. After that we went for a ride and he was smiling about our (what he considers) superstitious behavior. And then a car pulled in front of us with the license place 1 1 1.  I laughed as another car pulled along side, and then in front, saying Ultra 1. Well that said it all.

This evening, we attended a free yoga fest put on at the local polo club. There was a yoga class first, then Jai Uttal played. We tried to get photos, but it was too dark and the video we took didn’t come out. But the music and the audience participation was incredible.

Here’s a sampling of Uttal’s music from his my space page.

Overall, a wonderful day!


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4 Responses to Post 11-11-11

  1. Great stories. Have nothing to match the one from Sharlie W.

  2. Darren B says:

    “We got a nice bit of 11-11-11 news/luck: 7 Secrets sold to Russia.”

    I think that you will have a lot of success in the Russian marketplace with your synchro books.I remember a few months back posting a comment saying you should try selling them in the Russian marketplace,after I had read a story about Paulo Ceolho’s success with his books there.

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