On the path, in the flow….

Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia

We received an e-mail from a young man named Jonny Long that caught our attention. Interestingly, Jonny had never heard the word synchronicity until recently, yet his life was enmeshed in it. So when he discovered our book, things started falling in place. We were also impressed that Jonny expresses himself quite well. We like his energy.

Hi, my name is Jonny. I should start by saying that I was the 888th U.S. visitor to your site. Perhaps you’ve been seeing 8’s today!

I’ve known about synchronicity before reading or hearing anything about it. I intuitively grasped the concept that my whole life was one big conspiracy of coincidences. This summer marked the peak of my awareness. I can’t explain it very well, but everything really began to fall into place for me. Simply put, there were many situations where “this led to that, and then this happened, and that’s how I got here, I met this person, and we decided we would do this activity, and then everything fell into place.”

There are others who know about synchronicity intuitively as well, and wouldn’t you know it? We find each other! We don’t openly talk about it very often, we like to “go with the flow” and let things roll as they should. We also have difficulty explaining the complexity of everything that is going on, because it’s HUGE. I don’t believe in just one coincidence after another. I believe it’s all one big coincidence. EVERYTHING is synchronicity. Everyone is where they should be at every moment in time.

I like the way I think, but sometimes I feel a bit out of my mind. I thought about synchronicity (or “everything,” as I referred to it) all day even before I knew about its place in mainstream metaphysical studies. So, naturally, I encountered synchronicity everywhere. I never had a real conversation about it with anyone because I didn’t want people to think I was crazy. I just go with the flow.

The urban youth is becoming very in touch with the universe, whether we are aware of it or not. I am aware of it. It’s difficult to interact with people in the city and not encounter the cosmic happenings that are going on everywhere. Philadelphia is a very strange city for these phenomena. I believe it could have something to do with its history. It’s an old city (by American standards), and I think that there is a special energy here (even though it’s kind of gritty). Rittenhouse Square is an excellent place to view our synchronized world. If you’re ever in Philadelphia, please visit Rittenhouse Square. I promise that something cosmic will happen.

I used to think to myself, “I’m sure there are people who know more about these coincidences.” I thought that maybe, if I became a decent writer, I could try to find a way to explain all these crazy happenings in a book.

It was synchronicity when I found the book. I went to the bookstore, because I was flying back to Philadelphia from my brother’s house in Texas and he suggested that I get something to read. I went to the New Age section, and I thought to myself, “Okay… Here I am at this moment in time. It’s where I’m supposed to be. I’m going to find THE book, that will explain why I think this way. I am going to find THE book, that will explain why my life has become such a journey, THE book that will explain all this crazy stuff that floods my mind.”

I looked down and I saw the word Synchronicity. I thought “That’s it! That’s the word that describes EVERYTHING! It’s all synchronized! I get it now!” I hoped that it was what I thought it was, and it most certainly is. I wondered why I had never used the word “synchronized” to describe the way the universe works, as I perceive it. But when I saw the word “synchronicity”, I knew that this was what I was looking for.

I should mention that this experience, the synchronicity of finding your book and the actual reading of it, has helped usher in a new spiritual base for me where I feel more stable. I’ve finally dropped the notion that I could be mentally “off” and am beginning to accept the universe for what it is. I used to be sort of afraid of synchronicity, in a weird way that I can’t really explain. It made me feel crazy. It was a love/hate relationship before I knew about it’s relevance to modern metaphysics.

I’m 19, an indigo child, and a spiritual warrior. The universe has designed this life for me. It is important for me to just “go with the flow.” I want to go through life and be good to all people. I want to help people and interact with everyone. I want to bring peace into this world in every way that I can.

I believe that a great cultural and spiritual movement is going to take place and I’m excited to be a part of this generation. Sooner than you think, everyone will be in tune with the goings-on in this strange universe. I’d like to thank you both, Rob and Trish, for being aware of ‘everything.’ You have confirmed my beliefs and hugely accelerated my knowledge on the subject. Perhaps someday, we will cross paths. I wouldn’t be surprised if we did.

I don’t believe that God controls the universe. The universe controls itself. The universe is programmed. But perhaps God programmed the universe. So I like to think of coincidences as Divine Moments of Truth.
You’re on the path, Jonny, in the flow… on your way to good things.

This entry was posted in 7 Secrets, everything, Rittenhouse Square, spirituality, Youth. Bookmark the permalink.

18 Responses to On the path, in the flow….

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    A spooky synchro, for sure! All the spookier because you live on the other side of the world.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just as I was reading this,"The Beatles""Magical Mystery Tour" was playing in the background and I came across an advert for Philadelphia Cream cheese in today's (25th August)local paper and I live in Brisbane,Australia.Spooky or what?

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    how utterly refreshing! fabulous to read of younger minds who are going with the flow! and flowing upward and outward!!! wonderful!!! welcome aboard, jonny!

  4. cierra says:

    It's An Acausal Connecting Principle. I'm only a few pages in and I'm already sharing similarities of these 'coincidences'. It's answering a lot of questions and theories I've had since I can remember. I'm just 23. The missing element is what I like to call it. I appreciate it much!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I liked it! He sounds like an interesting kid, quirky and weird like me lol – Megan

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Cierra – which Jung are you referring to? At any rate, we're glad you found the blog, hope you join the dialogue, and that you'll drop by the book's website, which provides a pretty good sense of what the book is about. If you've got synchros to share, we'd love to hear about them.

  7. cierra says:

    I loved this as well! For years I have been eyebrow deep in Astrology and always felt something was missing. I happen to pick up a 2011 Sydney Omarr's guide which led me to Jung's book and your site. It just confirms a lot of feelings and thoughts I've been having all this time.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We loved this story when we read it. Rob thought he might have to tighten it up some, but Jonny is such a good writer Rob didn't have to do much with it at all. He's just a year younger than our daughter.

  9. Gemel says:

    He is wonderful ♥

  10. terripatrick says:

    This post makes me happy and I'm happy to meet Johnny! Even before I read the book I wondered how to get it into the hands of college aged males. 🙂

    Maybe it's time to warn the publisher this book could go viral…

  11. Jeninacide says:

    I have to relate to Jonny. I used to think I was crazy and had a love/hate relationship with the things that happened in my life, but now I feel like those things were all steering me on my life journey- to ensure that I reach a particular place at a hitherto unknown point in time.

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great wave of spiritual change…You nailed it, Nancy.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm going to start asking myself that same question that Aleksandar asks hinmself!

  14. Nancy says:

    It makes me want to jump with joy when I read things like this. Proof positive that the great wave of spiritual change is starting to crest.

    I've been waiting a long time for this.

  15. Vicki D. says:

    Having lived in the Philadelphia area and still having strong ties there I totally agree that there is a special energy there. It is different and I also feel that Valley Forge is a wonderful place to visit. The energy there is wonderful, one of my most favorite places.

    He is more than on his way he is in it, I look forward to more posts from him.

  16. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    Something similar was happening to me after I moved to my new home in 2002. My father bought Jung's books long time ago and my professor from biophysics (I am a graduate engineer of biomedical engineering)mentioned Jung. At first I was attached to his explanations of conscious and unconscious activities. Then, when I got to the word synchronicity in his title, I thought: "I already know what it means". Now I am experiencing synchronicity every day for three years and before I go to sleep I ask myself: "What was my synchronicity for today?"

  17. Clarity says:

    Wow, great post! Thanks, for sharing.

  18. Natalie says:

    Yes, indeedy! That post made me smile all the way through. Thanks guys.♥

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