The Illuminati revived

 Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati

Our friend Peter Levenda, author of the mysterious Sinister Forces trilogy, writes us about another trilogy that we read years ago…Illuminatus! by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. Admittedly, this post is somewhat obscure,especially if you’ve never heard of this novel about this secret society, but we’ll let Peter explain it.

In the past few days I have begun re-reading a classic from the 1970s:  the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea.  I originally read the trilogy when it came out in 1975, and it made a deep impression on me then, as it did to literally hundreds of people I knew in those days.  The themes of the books are wildly various but involve virtually every spiritual path, political conspiracy, organized crime scenario, rock music reference, etc. that were known at the time.  The plot revolves around the existence — real or imagined — of the Illuminati, which are today once again a focus of attention.  

The Illuminati began in Bavaria in 1776, created by a professor of theology at the University of Ingolstadt, Adam Weishaupt.  They were later suppressed by the Elector of Bavaria, but not before the Illuminati had made inroads into local Masonic groups and — it has been alleged — were instigators of the French Revolution.  In fact, in a letter to a correspondent, President George Washington refers to them by name and states that he is aware they are operating in America, as well.  Churchill later blamed the Illuminati for the Russian Revolution, mentioning them and Weishaupt by name, in an article he wrote for a British newspaper. 

Okay, so I began re-reading the entire trilogy again this past week after thirty-five years.  At the same time, I decided to buy a copy of the New York Times to do the crossword puzzle.  You have to know that I have not bought a copy of the Times in many years.  First, it was because I lived overseas.  Then, after I moved back to the States, living in Florida the very idea of the Times seemed somehow remote.  But here I was, a copy of Illuminatus! on the table before me, as I sat down to do the crossword in a local coffee shop on August 17.
And what do I see?  The clue for 18-down is “Independent, in Ingolstadt.”  The answer, of course, is Frei (the German word for “Free”)  … but Ingolstadt is an obscure reference, and because of my reading it seemed particularly strange to come across it at that time.  I should also mention that in the past month I have been discussing a project for one of the cable channels concerning the Illuminati, which is probably why I began reading Illuminatus! even though it is basically a fantasy novel wrapped in a philosophical treatise inside an occult text … but that’s another story!  The central concern of most of the characters in the novel is the idea of liberty, and what constitutes liberty and freedom (politically, spiritually, emotionally, etc) in modern society, so the clue for 18-down was even more apt.
I highly recommend a re-read of this classic novel.  Wilson and Shea basically predicted our present predicament and the paranoia, the political and economic references, the prophecy concerning how Americans would begin to lose their privacy and liberties due to a series of terrorist acts on US soil, etc. are eerie, considering the novel was published in 1975… 
Imminentize (or, possibly, Immanentize) the Eschaton!
The Illuminati was revived and popularized by Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons, but the Illuminatus trilogy remains the classic novel on the mysterious group that promoted scientific ideas that contradicted church doctrine.
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14 Responses to The Illuminati revived

  1. Anonymous says:

    Glad to hear it, Natalie! I had a very distressing run-in with a physician not too long ago. He noticed my Eastern Star ring and went berserk. He immediately began to literally scream and yell at me that I am evil; that my family is evil; that we are disciples of satan; yada yada yada. He kept trying to give me a "book that proves you and your family are evil and that FreeMasonry is a satanic cult". It was incredibly inappropriate. Such a religious rant doesn't belong in a doctor's treatment room. This man is a neurology specialist for CHILDREN!! I was totally whacked and became very upset, but simply left his presence. I did, however, call the Medical Association in Tallahasee and obtain a complaint form, and I did file a written formal complaint against him. I had been referred to him for treatment of Parkinson's Disease. Instead of attending to the ailment, he went on a "Jesus" rampage and was violent. It was one of the worst experiences in my life. In any event, he is now "retired", and good riddance. I can't imagine someone like him treating little children. Gives me shivers to think about it. The pastor who is planning to burn the Muslim holy books on 9-11 reminds me of that person, in his fanaticism and ugly intolerance and rants. Vile hatred in the name of God??? Awful. Just awful. And so dangerously ill-informed. cj

  2. Natalie says:

    Very interesting, thanks for the heads up, Connie. I have long been fascinated.

  3. Anonymous says:

    I meant to say the folks who connect Freemasonry symbols to the dark evil of the Illuminati are MISINFORMED…not that they are NOT misinformed. I made a typo. Sorry, Guys. cj

  4. Anonymous says:

    I do want to add that the twisted interpretation of the symbols on American paper currency, such as the Pyramid and the All-Seeing Eye
    and the various numbers, are exactly that: twisted. If anyone ever notices the "G" in the center of the Square and Compass of the Masonic symbol, that "G" represents "One God". (FreeMasonry accepts members of any and all faiths but the original initiates were required to embrace a belief in the concept of One God.) In true FreeMasonry, the Eye represents the All-Seeing Eye of the One God. The Pyramid represents the Trinity of birth, death, and eternal life. These are no longer protected "secrets" in the Fraternal Order. These symbols are not evil, nor do they represent evil in any way, shape or form, and those conspiracy theorists who idiotically connect them to the darkness and evil of the Illuminati are not misinformed.
    A person who is looking for evil can find it anywhere, especially in things that he or she does not understand, and especially if he or she is willing to be led into darkness and evil. The Illuminati, becoming more and more invasive under the radar, has very effectively managed to
    plagiarize and prostitute the ancient symbols of FreeMasonry and use them for its own nefarious purposes. Within the rank and file of its highly-placed but well-disguised members who masquerade behind the mask of FreeMasonry, the Illuminati has created an ever-increasing animosity and fear directed towards the original and only Fraternity of Masons. Anyone who is a searcher and seeker for Truth can find it. The rituals that are followed in the Lodge, (such as blinfolding the new initiate and faking death) are intended as demonstrations of FAITH in that which cannot be seen, and in the death and rebirth into New Life, as these are doctrines taught in the Bible. Just as an aside: The Order of The Eastern Star, which is the women's Order in Masonic familes, has very distinct symbols of its own that have been horrendously distorted. The five-point star within the circle has specific symbology, the most imortant one being that the Eastern Star itself represents the Star in the East that led the Three Wise Men to the manger of the Christ-Child. It's single point is always DOWN for that reason: leading the way. The two points that are up DO NOT represent the "horns of Satan", as is widely now believed. They comnbine with the third, downward Star, to represent the trinity, again, of Life, or of Father, Mother, Child. The Wholeness of mortal and eternal life. The five points represent the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. I could go on and on, but will leave it at this. Anyone sincerely interested in separating the dark evil of the Illuminati from the Light of Truth, can readily find the truth. cj

  5. Anonymous says:

    Read "The Empire of the City" by E.C.Knuth (it's free to read on the internet)…or buy it from Amazon.It was written by one of your own countrymen after returning from WW2 and it answers most of the above questions in this post.
    Read it only if to just prove it wrong and blow me a big raspberry…but I don't think you will.
    Also cj is right,Freemasonry has been infiltrated by the so called Illuminati,as have the Roman Catholic Church (or is that vice-versa.-)
    Also I would recommend a movie called "Freedom to Fascism" by the late Aaron Russo (this guy had friends in high places…but unfortunately for them he had a conscience)
    You'll learn something about your so called tax laws at least.
    Educate yourself.

    Cheers from the land of OZ.

  6. Nancy says:

    T& R – I couldn't agree more with your last comment. We are under assault in the country from people in very high places with money and clout using fear as a mechanism to control.

  7. Raksha says:

    I apologize for posting the same long note twice, but I had a few problems getting it posted and didn't think I succeeded. Then I came back later and saw it up here in duplicate!

    Thanks for the link to "Imminentizing the Eschaton." That was a real eye-opener for a number of reasons. I didn't realize until I read the article that the term was coined in the 1950s by the conservative intelligentsia of the William Buckley ilk, and was originally a pejorative applied to liberal or socialistic utopian movements.

    Until now I've only seen it used to refer to Christian fundamentalist attempts to force the "End Times" according to their understanding of prophecy.

    It all fits together though, and I'm back to connecting the dots again.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Raksha – Peter Levenda or Connie are better equipped to answer this question, but personally, I feel you're probably on to something.

    Years ago when I read Taylor Caldwell's novel The Captain and the Kings, I remember feeling certain that she was writing about the Illuminati – without ever using that word.

    8 years of Bush lowered the bar so far that the media now covers people like Palin and Glenn Beck, that pathetic little man. How can this guy galvanize tends of thousands of hate mongers and racists? By appealing to their deepest fears.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Just a quick off-subject note: my computer is messing up bigtime. Can't send or receive emails. T & R, this has occurred since the recent emails we exchanged about
    "my niece". Not a coincidence. Will email you when able. cj

  10. Raksha says:

    Trish: I'm REALLY overdue for a re-reading of the Illumatus! trilogy, considering that I haven't even read it the first time. Your post and certain synchronistic happenings have convinced me I need to correct that oversight immediately.

    CJ: Thank you for your very informative post about the Mason. I am not from a Masonic family, but what you wrote confirmed certain intuitions I've had lately about the Illuminati.

    In connection with a reference on another website, I looked up Adam Weishaupt in Wikipedia. He didn't sound like an evil person at all. Basically, he sounded like an Enlightenment freethinker with a stubborn and autocratic personality. It's a strange combination of traits but nothing I haven't encountered before.

    His organization, despite its penchant for secrecy and rigid hierarchical structure, could not have been evil in the beginning if the German poet Goethe was a member of it. My guess is that it was hijacked or co-opted at some point by a faction very different from the original members, and in no way connected with mainstream freemasonry as you said. You would know about all of this a lot better than me, of course.

    I have noticed a very interesting thing about the right-wing conspiracy freaks who are always coming up with dire warnings about the "Jewish-Masonic conspiracy" and invariably bring up the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt. They are always talking about how the Illuminati were the inspiration behind the French and Russian revolutions, both of which had a definite terrorist aspect which we all know about.

    But there is one revolution they NEVER mention: The American Revolution. Lately I have been wondering about this very significant omission. Of all the major revolutions, it was the only one that succeeded over the long term, did not have a "Reign of Terror" phase and did not result in the creation of a totalitarian state. The values of the Enlightenment were enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and made permanent.

    As all of us here know, these values are now under assault from the religious right and the corporate state. It is my belief that none of this is coincidence, and that the American Revolution and the democratic institutions that grew from it have been the target all along. Because the people who are always warning us about the Illuminati…ARE the Illuminati!

    What do you think?


  11. Lauren says:

    Thanks – I remember it well!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good comments, cj.
    WV: cultormi…culture me!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Good post. There is something I feel compelled to mention, and as an "insider", I know this to be true. I am in a Masonic family that has roots in the Masonic Order dating back as far as I can trace it. My father grandfather, greatfathers, etc, were all 33rd-degree Masons. My mother, grandmothers, etc, were Eastern Star. I am Eastern Star. I wear the mantle of The Masonic Fraternity with great pride and am never without my Easter Star ring on my finger. Masons are no more evil than the Elks Club. All my family is buried in an enormous cemetary in Atlanta, WestView, on the only Masonic space there, a small designated area named Acacia Lawn, which is in the Pyramid geometric shape and has the broken columns, etc. There are no headstones, only the flat bronze markers. All my family had full Masonic funeral rites when they died. The Illuminati infiltrated the Fraternity of FreeMasons and actually divided itself into a separate, unrelated, very evil order. Although the Illuminati is, in modern times, connected by conspiracy theorists and others to the Masons, it is in reality a different organization that formed and "broke off" into its separate entity, but is still more and more giving a horrible name and reputation to the Masons….the original and true Masons, which is NOT Illuminati. Digging around deeply, the truth of this can be found. As stated, I and my family for generations as far back as I can trace have been members of the true Masons, NOT in the Illuminati secondary and unrelated group which has given it the color of darkness most people connect to Masons in modern times. Secret societies, historically, had reasons for the necessity of secrecy, and it rarely meant evil-doings. Generally, the secrecy was maintained as a means of protection of skills such as those of Freemasons, or brickbuilders.
    Another example of secrecy: Jesus taught in parables and allegory. His teachings in reality were shielded and hidden in "stories", and He Himself said, "Let him who has eyes, see; let him who has ears, hear". He left the interpretation to the listener. And so it goes…..

  14. 67 Not out (Mike Perry) says:

    I guess, like a lot of people, the Illuminati have fascinated me for years – must read the book mentioned – thanks.

    wv – soopper – super?

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