The Orange Centipede

This is the first post we’ve done that involves an orange centipede as an animal messenger. Renee Prince sent it. We recently posted her synchro about a life-changing encounter with a dolphin.

We aren’t sure what to make of this encounter with a centipede.These critters are arthropods. Their skeletons are on the outside of their bodies and they have segmented, jointed legs. They are often called “thousand leggers” because…well, at first glance, that’s how many legs they seem to have! They actually have a pair of legs for each body segment, which translates into 30 to 70 legs. They’re carnivorous, have awful eyesight, but are apparently awesome hunters with a keen sense of smell that nab their prey with pincers that inject venom. They’re actually good to have around your house because they nab creatures like roaches, spiders, moths, and flies. The largest centipede in the world is the Amazonian giant centipede, which can reach a foot in length and feasts on bats, rodents, and spiders.

Centipedes don’t reproduce in the normal way. The males deposit sperm and then engage in courtship dances that are supposed to entice females to engulf the sperm. Weird, but there you have it.With all this i mind, here’s Renee’s story:

A month ago my mother woke up to see an orange centipede on her pillow right next to her face, apparently looking at her.  She shot out of bed (not surprisingly), and the centipede quickly scurried out of sight.  
A week later to the day, the same thing happened again. In an unthinking (and now regretted) reaction, my mother slapped at it, but it escaped. She hopes she didn’t offend the centipede, as she now thinks there must be something meaningful that the centipede wanted to communicate to her.
Sunday I went hiking by myself up in the mountains, and at the small state park nature store, while buying a hiking book, I noticed a sign saying “Small Animals 40 Cents” on a little basket filled with plastic creatures. Right on top was an orange centipede, which of course I bought and gave to my mother. 
This synchronicity has made her even more obsessed with finding out what meaning an orange centipede might hold.
Renee asked if I had any insights about the centipede’s message. I looked in Animal Totems, the  book I co-authored with Millie Gemondo and here’s what it said: “When frightened or worried, you become introverted and and run and hide. Fight your fears. Although you’re usually a gentle soul, you tend to get emotionally stressed out. You may be running at full speed in your life. Slow down so you can listen and heed your own advice.”

Does anyone have additional insights?
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21 Responses to The Orange Centipede

  1. Anonymous says:

    Shadow World. It could be. Possibly the "space" that frequencies of matter occupy when transiting between or through dimensions, which of course would make it a dimension of its own…ie, the 'Shadow Dimension'. In recent weeks I've also had experiences of seeeing shadows in our house. I emailed you about these. They are quite clear and seem almost ectoplasmic. Kenny, adult middle son, is seeing them in his house as well. When he called to tell me, he didn't know I am seeing them, too, and he told me it made the hair stand up on the back of his neck, These shadows are not tricks of the eye or of light and dark. They are almost tanglble, but move rapidly. Kenny has two indoor dogs, I have an indoor dog. All the dogs are reacting to these shadows with sudden alertness, ears up, staring, listening. My yellow lab growled once, then immediately wagged her tail and shivered the way she sometimes does when she's happy, gazing into what appeared by then to be simply empty air. These incidents of visible shadows make me wonder if something may be happening more universally, hearing that others are experiencing these phenomena concurrently, in various ways.
    OH s*^+ ! Good Lord! Look at this WV: "realit" Can you believe that?? I hope you have some way to check the WVs on the comments! This is so frigging nuts! cj

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i don't know, trish, but i DO know that the shadow i saw was as real as the grass over which it flew – after giving it some thought like i mention above, upon reading dpage's comment, and making the only connection to a bird for myself that i could think of, my friend who refers to himself/his life as that of a phoenix, am wondering if that is the connection/message for me? i've not heard from him in a while and have been concerned – i think i'll also check the native american info and see what i find – the shadow to me felt personal –

    wv=heido – he did????

  3. Nancy says:

    I'm not sure about orange – I've had my eye out for big white ones. Everything is bigger in Hawaii.

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    but i just thought of something else after re-reading dpage's comment – i've a friend who refers to himself/his life experiences as a that of a "phoenix rising from the ashes" – he is in unsettling circumstances right now and i've not heard from him in a few days – just long enough that i've been a bit concerned – perhaps this shadow bird was from him, i'm wondering!?

    wv=ellyro – el lyro?

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So connie, gypsy, is this like a shadow world?

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    we live in south florida, where I've seen plenty of centipedes, but never this orange guy!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hey cousin cj! i vividly remember your black car story – an amazing experience, for sure – i think the most curious thing of my own shadow was that it was the exact "shape" of a large "bird" and the shadow distinct enough that i could see the wing feather shapes at the end of the wings – it was very very distinct – the other thing regarding birds of late is that a few days ago, first thing in the morning when i opened my drapes, there was a flock of very large red-breasted robins on the front lawn – now, every once in a while i might see a single robin feeding on the side of the house, but never have i seen more than one – and never in the front yard out on the lawn where there is no other foliage etc – in any event, it was just very curious seeing so many there at the same time – and then, within a short time, the shadow bird – all curiouser and curiouser – haven't had the helicopter experience yet, though! 🙂

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I've only seen small orange centepedes normally under large stones in the garden. Never had any in the house but, live and let live.

  9. Natalie says:

    * I used to own Wild B Tanner's Dream Book and it was destroyed in the 2007 floods. What a great book!

    * I have had a 'shadow' follow me around the house recently. Yesterday, I was in the shower and felt something behind me. I turned my eyes only to my left side and there on the tile walls was a shadow of a person. I quickly turned around and of course nothing was there. This has happened about 6 times now all around the house.

    * I cannot imagine centipedes the size that could eat a BAT!

    *Trish, your explanation sounded fine to me

    * Gypsy and Connie, you guys have the MOST amazing experiences ever. ♥

    wv = flogic

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Debra – love that centipede explanation. Now I'm sure WV is truly a trickster!

  11. d page says:

    I've been mulling over this all day–
    Then I deiscovered some info over at the Spirit Lodge:

    The centipede signals a new level of psychic contact, or a change in psychic functioning.

    Gypsy's shadow bird: I have experienced this phenomena. It is often connect with UFO lore, but I also found it among the thunder bird lore in Native American mythos.

    LOL! WV++ pedin as in 'pede-ing? My husband calls them pedes.

  12. Anonymous says:

    P.S. That last comment messed up. Remember the black chaser car incident? That vehicle "morphed" in and out of this dimension, being visible and menacing one moment and vanishing the next, several times. If I had been the only one experiencing that, I would have checked myself into the nearest psyche ward. But my skeptic husband and very grounded son also were participants, and it wasn't a case of mass hallucination, hysteria, or imagination. It happened. And it happened in plain view. It quite obviously was somehow moving in and out of this third dimension or was somehow cloaking. Our laws of physics don't allow for this phenomenon, but there are laws of physics that haven't yet been discovered or it would not have happened. That was all the proof I needed that things are not always what they seem! Helicopters have suddenly hoverd over my house with no coming or going sounds, witnessed not only by me but by neighbors as well. They simply appear and then whoosh! Gone. I now keep a camera closeby to try to capture these on film. A real camera, not a camera phone. Sooner or later I'll catch a photo of them. Or maybe not. But at least I'm far from being the only witness to these incidents, which doesn't render them any less
    mystifying and scary. WHOA. Look at this WV: "sadsm" Don't like that one! cj

  13. Anonymous says:

    I probably should have used the term "interdimensional" or "intradimensional" as opposed to "cloaking", although cloaking is an apt description as well. It's a fairly common phenomenon among a certain group of experiencers? Nuf said. cj

    I've had experiences where "something" is there and then almost instaneously is not there

  14. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – hawaii has these critters? Orange and all??

    Gypsy – really interesting WV – another wv synchro. Am not familiar with UFOs that cloak or uncloak, but why not? These days, I'm of the mind that anything is possible.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Oh WOW Cousin Gyps!!!OK. Now everyone here will know I'm off-the-wall nuts. But, your "Shadow Visitor" could have (note I say "could have"!!) been a rapidly un-cloaking and re-cloaking UFO. That can occur in a matter of a nanosecond. The "Shadow" is there and then vanishes, and the object that has created its shadow isn't seen. The very size of your shadow suggests it wasn't a bird, and the fact that there were no visible aircraft when you looked, suggests it defintiely wasn't the shadow of a low-flying small airplane. Shades of our Visitors. Been there, done that, more times throughout my life than I can explain and don't try to explain. Those who have had the same experience know exactly what I'm talking about! Your WV was amazing! Woooooooooo. cj

  16. Nancy says:

    So weird because we are currently in a place that has centipedes – something we do not have where we live – and a waitress warned us the other night to watch for them as we walked home, as they grow quite large here. Now your centipede story. So I guess it's time not to sweat the small stuff – which of course I have been.

  17. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    hmmmmm… first thought is wondering why she didn't slap at it the first time – i don't think i would have had to have a second visit – i have seen those things in person and the thought of awakening to one starring me in the face on my pillow leaves nothing to my imagination in terms of my own reaction – be that as it may, i do quite like your response from animal totems – it seems well-suited for this little critter and his visit –

    and speaking of animal totems, messages, etc, i had a really strange experience day before yesterday as i sat here at my computer desk – about 10 inches away from my right elbow is a large window on which i keep the curtain pulled open to let the day in – when i have my keyboard pulled all the way out, i am sitting directly even with the glass and have full view of the entire cul-de-sac – in any event, as i was just sitting for a moment, not typing, something outside caught my eye – a very large shadow on the front lawn – it was the shadow of a bird with a wing span at least the width, if not wider, of my car parked in the drive – now the moving shadow of this low-flying large bird was very vivid on the short-cut lawn and of course, i looked up to see the bird – but there was no bird – there was no bird there!!! nor was there a bird in the sky anywhere – but i had seen the moving shadow of a bird as it flew from the back of the house toward the street in the front – i mean, i saw the shadow flying and instantaneously looked up and there was nothing in sight any where – a bright sunny day with no clouds —

    ok, now even curiouser and curiouser is the wv on this which is umbra – i just typed in the word to google and here's a sampling of what came up:

    Umbra | Define Umbra at – the invariable or characteristic accompaniment or companion of a person or thing. 3. Astronomy. a. the complete or perfect shadow of an opaque body, …A dark area, especially the blackest part of a shadow from which all light is cut off. See Synonyms at shade. 2. Astronomy. a. The completely dark portion …a conical shadow excluding all light from a given source; specifically : the conical part of the shadow of a celestial body excluding all light from the …A dark area, especially the blackest part of a shadow from which all light is cut off…

  18. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Connie. Good info.I'll have to pick up this Tanner book. One ore book to buy!

  19. Anonymous says:

    They are scary critters and their sting hurts! According to the writings of Wilda Tanner, small insects such as centipedes represent LITTLE annoyances, frustrations, and irritations that can distract us from our purpose and upset us. The key word with the centipede is "small" and "sting", and the person is generally being advised to make a decision and deal with the issue being represented by the appearance of the little insect. She does note that such an insect appearing in the bed or on the pillow suggests that the issue is "creeping up" on the person and its presence needs to be noted and attended to….whatever the small irritation is that needs attention. Check out the meanings of the color ORANGE relative to the body chakras! Hope this helps. I've found Tanner to be amazingly accurate in her interpretation of symbols. cj

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think I would've slapped first, too, and asked questions later, Jarielyn.

  21. ~JarieLyn~ says:

    This is an interesting story. I've never seen a centepede in person but I think I would have jumped and slapped at it had I found it on my pillow too.

    I do like your insight. It makes perfect sense to me.

    I suppose everything in life has some sort of meaning, even if it means nothing at all.

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