War, Neptune, and Hit Counters

NASA’s pic of Neptune


Hit counters like sitemeter and statcounter have various categories that provide specific information about the visitors to your blog or website. One of the most intriguing categories is the search term visitors use.

Whenever a word or phrase appears repeatedly over the course of several days, particularly if it’s something  I haven’t seen before, I take notice. That term could be a kind of oracle that points to an emerging pattern in the collective unconscious. In the past several days, we’ve had multiple hits for the word war.

Granted, with 7 billion people in the world, there are probably millions who daily Google that word. But in the three years since we started this blog, this word has never appeared as a search term in sitemeter. Never. I mentioned it to Rob in a sort of offhanded way, and explained that all these individuals landed on this post,  for its image.

The searches came from all over the world – war.  Why? War certainly isn’t a new concept. The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars aren’t new. But there it was, over and over again in sitemeter. War, war, war.

So this evening, February 2, 2012, I heard Wolf Blitzer on CNN talking about the possibility of Israel attacking Iran.  And if Israel attacks, that means it happens with the sanction of the U.S. and, perhaps, of other countries, too. (Good explanation about what’s going on.)

This news coincides with an astrological event that no one alive on the planet has ever experienced: today, at 2:03 EST,  Neptune enters Pisces, where it will be until 2026. It hasn’t been in that sign since 1844. History is our best measurement here about possible events, so let’s look back to some of the major events that occurred.

Neptune rules spirituality and escapism, our personal unconscious and dreams, our ideals and our blind spots and our illusions. It can be the archetype of the victim, the martyr, and dissolves the boundaries between ego and other. It urges us to reach and help others, to give something back. It is deeply inspirational, creative, innovative, intuitive, psychic.

Neptune  also rules religious fervor and zealotry, a kind of spiritual ping pong where each side is convinced he is right and knows it in his gut. But because Neptune is a subtle trickster,  neither side turns out to be spiritually correct. In fact, words like right and wrong no longer mean anything at all. There are only opinions and beliefs and all of them are flawed in some way. We can visualize the ideal, but it eludes us unless  we surrender to whatever it happening, go with the flow, read the synchros.

2012 isn’t about Armageddon. It’s about how we, as a human collective, as a mass consciousness, react to the events around us.  Do we cower in fear and or do we reach out and help a stranger? Do we allow ourselves to become victims or martyrs or do we become heroes when we step up to the plate and live our ideals? Do we start wars or try to negotiate peaceful, idealistic settlements?

I want to say that Neptune in Pisces is about living from the heart. That’s part of it, but not the whole picture. Yes, this 14-year transit is about compassion and empathy, but it’s also about intuitive understanding and  manifestation. If we can imagine it, if enough of us desire peace, tolerance, good will, and freedom for all and back this desire with powerful emotions, then the quantum wave becomes quantum particles and crashes into physical existence.  And then the world by 2026 is going to be a very different place.

I’m not sure how a post intended to be about hit counters and words as oracular patterns became a statement about war and Neptune and the choices ahead of us, but here you are. It must be an early taste of Neptune’s entrance in Pisces. Who am I? Where do I fit? Why am I here? How can I make a difference? These are Neptunian questions and they beg for answers.


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17 Responses to War, Neptune, and Hit Counters

  1. Adelita says:

    Your political insights are as powerful as your reflections on the extra dimensional aspects of our lives. I hadn’t caught up to these new trumpetings of war, but am very glad to read about it in this context. After following all your links, my hair was a lot curlier, but going back to your analysis of this astrological transition I feel centered and determined to make choices that will help propel the quantum swell towards a better, brighter future on our planet. So thanks for this wisdom and happy anniversary!

  2. lauren raine says:

    elegantly said! i think of john lennon’s “Imagine”…….. if you think of it, a society, a culture, is a series of agreements people make not only about what the rules of conduct are, but what they will believe together. isn’t it about time we begin to really believe in peace, and the ability to resolve and understand? I hope that’s what it means……..

  3. gypsy says:

    oh, DEAR HEAVEN! i’ve misspelled PISCES all the way through! where is my mind! well, i rest my case!!! [bowing embarrassed head humbly] –

  4. gypsy says:

    LOVE your take on things here – and the neptune-pices factor! incredibly interesting! living from the heart – the only place i know or want to be! reminds me so of that piece i did some time ago –
    i hear the voices in my head
    never listening to what they’ve said
    for while they ring of truth and right
    they leave me cold in the night
    to be held close in love and light
    is all I want with all my might
    that part of me that seeks to reason
    i leave to ponder in life’s seasons
    i choose instead my heart’s own sounds
    as with their warmth they me surround
    and so my heart rules ‘oer my head
    i’ll live by love when all is said
    i’ll live by love…

    – on the thing of the search word war – really interesting that you’ve not had them before because my blog gypsywomanworld gets them ALL the time – so i’m wondering of the difference[s] that this speaks to? –

    and i couldn’t help but notice the numbers here – today’s date 02032012 = 10 = 1 and the date this neptune/pices event will next happen 2026 = 10 = 1

    again, great post – i’ve now read it and re-read it several times now – thanks so much!

  5. I feel that what you say in the second from last paragraph “If we can imagine it, if enough of us … etc.” is right. We do create our world and it’s conditions, but isn’t this at any time and not solely Neptunian ? What we sow we reap.

  6. Nancy says:

    Excellent post. I totally agree – we are at a crossroads and the decisions we make will be our reality tomorrow. My Hicks email for today:

    The Universe does not know if the vibration you are offering is because of what you are imagining, or because of what you are observing. In either case, it is responding. Where emotion comes in is that emotion is your guidance or your response to your vibration. Your emotion does not create. Emotion is your indicator of what you are already creating. As you think, you vibrate. And it is your vibrational offering that equals your point of attraction. So it’s always a match. What you are thinking and what is coming back to you is always a vibrational match. The emotion (your Guidance System) is telling you what’s coming.

    — Abraham

  7. Who am I? Where do I fit? Why am I here? How can I make a difference?

    Well this is quite prescient…

    Be well


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