Sydney Synchros

(Unfortunately, synchronicity is misspelled in this image!)

Here’s a couple of synchronicities that came to us from DAZ in Australia, who experienced the synchros while reading our book. Again, this is an example of the first secret of synchronicity. When you think about synchronicity, you tend to notice more of them in your life. It also qualifies as a cluster.

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I just started reading your book “7 Secrets of Synchronicity” and already the synchros are going off like fireworks and I’m only up to page 20.

Here’s one of them. I read that you had taken over the Sydney Omar astrology series…my middle name is Sydney…which got me to thinking about the city of Sydney and how haven’t been there for nearly 20 years. I feel I should visit soon…then as I’m reading and thinking this, an advertisement comes on TV about Sydney (which I haven’t seen before). The catch phrase in this new ad is…Sydnicity.I was nearly falling off the chair in disbelief…looks like I have to visit Sydney ASAP.

We followed up on this ad and found it on Facebook. Not only is one of the slogans Sydnicity, which sounds like synchronicity and Sydney combined. But on the Facebook version, right next to the Sydnicity headline is another one that reads: Syncronicity (misspelled!) That’s the illustration above. If you click it, it leads to some cultural arts events taking place in Sydney.

But DAZ also offered a second one.


Here’s one more from “7 Secrets” before I forget.The part about Joseph Campbell and the praying mantis made me think of the DVD “Microcosmos,” which I had placed in the shopping basket a couple of weeks ago on a site where I buy my DVDs. I had also placed a copy of “Pleasantville” in there and couldn’t decide if I wanted to get that as well. I kept reading “7 Secrets” until (boom), on page 18 you start writing about “Pleasantville.” Problem solved, movie purchased.
Well done, DAZ!

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15 Responses to Sydney Synchros

  1. Ray says:

    Thanks Daz,

    I will check it out.

  2. Anonymous says:

    "The Shock Doctrine" is a great book, Ray,I read it a couple of months ago and it's one of the scariest books I've read in a long while.If you like it (if that's the right word) then I would recommend the documentary "The War on Democracy" by John Pilger,which complements this book quite well.

    Cheers / Daz

  3. Ray says:

    Yes I was reading Esperanza when the song came on at Starbucks. I stopped reading until the song completed.

    I also read a couple of chapters in The Shock Doctrine before that. I had car repairs so I spent most of the day at Starbucks.

    Strange how Naomi Klein's Chicago Boys and the Southern Cone dictatorships remind me of Esperanza's brujos. Switching back and forth between Esperanza and Shock Doctrine is like one story. Then came the song.



  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Ray. I just went to that link and then to you tube for the video. The son is beautiful! Were you also reading Esperanza at the time? Did I understand that right? If so, double wow.

  5. Ray says:

    It is amazing how some of these synchros happen. Yesterday as I was sitting in Starbucks reading ESPERANZA came on the music system in the store:


  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks, Clarity!

  7. Clarity says:

    I LOVE reading your blog but haven't had time to comment on any of your posts, recently, so I just want to say that your posts are like a breath of fresh air in my daily life and they always seem to tie in with my own synchronicities – either your post or what is written in the comments – so BIG thanks!!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the clarifications and links!

  9. arlee bird says:

    I wonder…at least once each day if I am listening to talk radio, I will be either writing or reading a particular word and will hear that word spoken within seconds on the radio program. I'm not talking about absurdly common words, but less frequently used words. I wonder if I were to start writing these down if perhaps there would be some sort of message or something like that. It just always strikes me as strange when it happens.

    By the way, I have mentioned you in my post today.

    Tossing It Out

  10. Anonymous says:

    Hej Trish and Rob,

    Love your blog and visit regularly. Don't have your mailaddress but I thought you might like to read this newspaperarticle.


  11. Von says:

    As a big fan of spelling I'd say the 'mispelling' is deliberate, that's how they like to do things in Sydney!For fun and not to be taken too seriously!

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Fun stuff, we are surrounded by synchronicity.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Also I must say the Documentary "Something Unknown is Doing We Don't Know What" could almost be a companion piece to this book.So many of the authors that you mention such as Dean Radin and Rupert Sheldrake are in this film discussing some of the things you mention in the book.
    If anyone reading this has read " 7 Secrets" I guarantee you'll love this movie.
    Here's a link to copy and paste from YouTube:


  14. Anonymous says:

    I'm up to page 150 now and the syncs just keep flowing.I feel like I'm the Jim Carey character in the movie "23"where his reading the book thinking maybe it's about him.My Birthday is September 23,1964(Year of the Dragon)so your section on 23 and Bruce and Brandon Lee (both Dragons)was a little on the creepy side for me and I'm always seeing 11:11,spooky.

    Cheers / Daz

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    always love reading light and fun synchros – especially those in clusters – i remember several also while reading secrets – seems secrets just clarifies and explains as we read! 😉

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