The Quebec encounter – Helene’s story


The weeping willow tree near where one of the cones of light appeared.

Here is part 3 of the encounter story from Quebec that began here. On the same day of the extraordinary experience described in the last post, Charles went to a see a colon surgeon, as scheduled. That, in itself, could be considered a synchronicity. Numerous abductees have described painful invasive procedures on their bodies, including rectal probes. Often these memories are obtained through hypnotic regression.

For Charles, there would be many more synchronicities, but also terrible anxiety and profound strangeness. We also hear from Helene and her surprising story as she recalls a previous experience with the mysterious cones.


I arrived at the clinic that morning on time and while I awaited my appointment with the specialist, I kept thinking it was all only a dream, a bad dream, that it was impossible.  It could not be real. I moved away from everyone else, looked down at the floor and cried. Finally, I met the doctor, filled out a questionnaire, and was given a prescription to take the day before the colonoscopy that was scheduled for April 26.

I returned to work and remained behind a closed door where again I cried. I did the minimum amount of work required. I was so tired. I had no energy. I left the office at 4 p.m. I couldn’t continue any longer. I picked up my daughter at college and drove home.

My daughter was not aware of what happened earlier in the day. I hadn’t told her, because I didn’t want to scare her.  On the way home, she was talking to me about her day at school but I wasn’t listening. I couldn’t concentrate. I felt a constant pressure in my head and all I wanted to do was cry. Finally, Bridgette turned to me and frowned. “What is  wrong with you, Dad? Aren’t you crying?”

As soon as we arrived home, I walked over to the patio door and looked through the window. I tried to evaluate the distance that thing that I call ‘the machine’ had been from the house before I blacked out. It had been blinking off and moving closer and closer and I figured it was about 150 feet away.

I moved to the kitchen where Helene was preparing dinner. As she met my gaze, I said: “And so?”

She looked confused, at a loss as to what I was referring to, as if she already had forgotten what happened, or couldn’t quite remember. “And so what?”

At that point, I was afraid her memory had been wiped clean and I was the only one who remembered, and that made it all even more frightening. “So this morning,” I responded. “You know, I woke you at 5 a.m.”

The look on her face changed instantly. “That was very special,” she said in a quiet voice.

“What was special?”

“The beam of light. The energy rising inside the cones. All the colors. All this energy at the bottom of the cones.  It was all so special. It was getting brighter and brighter and was being pulled upward toward the top of the cones.”

“Do you remember hearing me ask you to look on the right side. I said: ‘Do you see the tube…can you see it?’”

She said that she remembered hearing me, but was too fascinated by the beams of light out in the field and said she could only count five of them. She remembered feeling  hypnotized or paralyzed, then nothing. She did not remember how long she stayed there or how she got to the bedroom. But she felt as if she had floated through the air and was gently placed on the mattress. Instantly, she felt like she weighed a ton. Felt like the mattress was completely wrapping her. She fell asleep and woke up as usual at 7 a.m.

She felt very rested, which she found odd. She thought, How could I be so rested when I had a short night of sleep after all the interruptions? She had no problem getting to work on time.

Then a cloud seemed to clear from her mind. “Wait, don’t you remember, I told you that I had seen this same thing once before.”

She recalled standing beside her car watching them. She remembered thinking that she wished Charles and Bridgette were with her to see the spectacle. I asked where she was when it happened.

“I don’t know exactly, but don’t you remember? It was about two weeks ago on a Thursday evening. I got home around 8:30 and I told you that something scared me while I was driving. But you weren’t paying any attention to what I was saying.”

I told her that I remembered, but I thought it was about a deer crossing the road in front of her. “You are always afraid of deer, so I didn’t bother listening.”

Then she seemed to recall more about the incident. “I was alone on this country road that I take every day… and you know me, I always drive safely, keeping a watch out for deer that might jump out in front of my car. Suddenly, this strange reflection appeared on my windshield, a reflection of something strange, shaped like a muffin mold inverted with three inlaid red dials.”

She realized that the reflection wasn’t from something within the car, but from an object outside of it. Then she sensed a huge bright light moving very fast toward the side of her car. “I instantly closed my eyes and my whole body tensed. I was afraid and expecting to be hit by something coming toward me. For a moment, I thought that was it. I was going to get hurt.

“Then I opened my eyes and looked to my left, the side that the light was coming from. For a moment, I clearly glimpsed about 30 deer lying in a field. I thought it might be related to something going on at the army base a couple of miles away. Or maybe a lightening strike.”

The next thing she remembered was standing somewhere on a road, but she had no idea where. “I was alone, outside of my car watching those cones of light, exactly the same thing as we both saw this morning.”

Finally, I asked, “What if I didn’t ask you about this morning?” She replied, “Then I probably would’ve forgotten everything.”

A bit later, we all sat down at the table for dinner. I wasn’t hungry at all and I started complaining about this constant pressure in my head. I felt very depressed. The dog didn’t feel well, either. He didn’t come to me as he usually does when I come home from work. He stayed in the bedroom on the bed looking all the time toward the patio door in the other room. My wife said that he had not gone outside for pee since morning.

My daughter thought we were acting strange and asked  what was wrong with us. We blamed it on the dog not feeling well and waking us up early in the morning. After dinner, I wanted to go behind the house to the field and take a look around. But it was already getting dark, and I was afraid.

My wife and I stayed up late talking about this experience. She comforted me. I was crying again, feeling frightened. But she was not scared or shocked by this event like I was. She even told me: “You know, what happened to us is exactly like if we had won the lottery. We were lucky enough to see something that others will probably never see in their entire lives. But the difference between winning the lottery and what we saw is that you can prove to people that you won the lottery by showing them the winning ticket. But with our experience, we have no proof and have no choice but to shut up.

I think I was more frightened than Helene, because she did not see what I saw. She focused on the energy beams in the cones of light. But I had seen the tube hanging in the air with the 0-rings, which was something different. I knew it was a machine, a vehicle, from outside this world– a UFO in my own backyard.

As the evening grew late, I became more and more depressed. I was linked with something that did not even exist in my mind or in my life the day before. I wanted to scream to people to be aware that such things exist.

I hardly slept at all that night. I woke up every hour. I was in the basement again on the couch with a baseball bat within my reach. I would wake up and cry over and over through the night. My life had become a nightmare.


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18 Responses to The Quebec encounter – Helene’s story

  1. I wonder why people under DMT have similar experiences (they look real even when they can’t be), especially because I used to have my share of self-induced hallucinations and visions (awake, but not quite). One of hem that woke me up was being abducted for a few seconds. I left a comment on this blog that I am a skeptic about aliens and UFOs, but why would I and many other people have a realistic hallucination of being kidnapped and tested by some plastic tubes?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’ve wondered about that, too. Maybe DMT triggers the same part of the brain as the abduction experience does?

    • Rob and Trish says:

      I’m not sure whether Aleksandar was suggesting that Charles and Helene might’ve been on drugs when they experienced their encounter, but Charles wanted to make clear that was not the case. He wrote: “We are not and were not doing drugs, not then, not ever in our entire lives… we do not even smoke cigarette… we do not drink either.”

      Part 4, which we promised for Wednesday, will now appear Thursday.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    I’m really anxious to hear, as Paul Harvey always said, “the rest of the story”. It’s easy, I know, to doubt the veracity of some of these experiences. They are so other-worldly and utterly beyond the scope of everything we humans have been taught is the “norm”, whatever the “norm” is, that we question what is real and what is not real. I question my own encounters and experiences and have frequently believed myself to be completely insane or worse, thinking these experiences simply CANNOT actually be happening, expecially when proof is almost impossible to demonstrate. And of course there are the tricksters, who make it that much more difficult for the true experiencers to be willing to share. I continue to keep some of the more unbelievable stuff inside because I know people will think I’m either seeking attention or just fabricating, for whatever reason. But as you read in my Budd letter, I cannot imagine ANYONE wanting to be an abductee wannebe. It ain’t fun. And it is severely traumatizing. Still, we can’t be gullible and must weigh and balance what we perceive as truth or fiction. I am the one who knows my experiences are real. Convincing others? Sometimes that’s just impossible and no need to try. I’m glad you found acceptable validation for Charles and Helene. as I’ve sensed these events are genuine. Chilling. Terrifying. REAL.

  3. Momwithwings says:

    This does ring true. I cannot wait for the next post.

    I have also found that when I try to read about UFO’s I get so tired that I fall asleep in the book. If I switch to other reading I’m fine. I’m yawning as I type this.

    The UFO experience is very strange.

  4. Natalie says:

    Renders me speechless, trying to comprehend the incomprehensible.
    Just sending light , love and healing wishes.♥♥

  5. Nancy says:

    Can’t wait for the next installment! For those of us who have had “experiences,” this rings true.

  6. mathaddict2233 says:

    And the next installment from the Charles and Helene saga is…………………….

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Math, ah, it comes up in a couple of days and the story takes a quite unexpected twist. I think you will be surprised. In fact, at that point when I was receiving this story piece by piece, I suddenly started wondering: Could it be that my informant is actually a French-Canadian wannabe fiction writer who is pulling my leg? The answer is no. He is the real thing. This story is the real thing. I have absolutely no doubt about it. I also have a source, who has met with Charles, and with whom I’ve been exchanging e-mails, who verifies the veracity of the telling. He will enter the story in one of the latter posts. R

  7. gypsy says:

    amazing story as it continues –

  8. mathaddict2233 says:

    I do want to add a post-script. Hypnosis has not been necessary for me to recall the lifetime of encounters, for the most part. However, there was a specific encounter with which I desperately needed assistance. My friend holds a doctorate in clinical hypnosis; he teaches physicians, anesthesiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, counselors, etc, the medical and clinical applications of that tool for pain control, for weight and smoking issues, for phobia resolutions, etc. He never “leads” patients during a session and has developed unique techniques that allow the patient to access his or her own subconscious without any type of such leading suggestions that would “plant” ideas. He is the ONLY person I have ever allowed to help me poke around in my subconscious for hidden or blocked memories and experiences.
    I’m somnambulistic, which means I go into extremely deep trances. But each time Doc attempted to retrieve what I needed, I would reach a certain point, then would literally come screaming hysterically back to beta consciousness. The fear was inhuman. So, after a few such attempts, I decided I’d be better not knowing what they
    had done. I will make this one remark: that encounter occurred on Warner Robins AFB in GA and involved American military personnel. The fear is so well-instilled within me that I can’t get to it, and decided to never try again. I’m sure Debra and Gyps and many others have had similar experiences. That, Mike, is why I commented that “we keep our mouths shut”. It’s possible that the entities were assuming the persona of our military; there were several Greys present alongside the military men, and several alien craft among the U.S. craft. No way to know if they were disguised, or if it was indeed our military. Be that as it may, I WAS in fact on that AFB, which leads me to believe that the gov’t was actually involved. Therefore I maintain watchfulness while trying not to be paranoid. It’s a tough balance to achieve when one thinks our own military sleeps with the bad guys, you know?

  9. mathaddict2233 says:

    Ditto, Debra. They seem to control by instilling a strange kind of fear and often we can’t share even if we want to share. There seems to sometimes be a type of “mind-curtain” or memory-mind block in place if we attempt it, or, we are stricken with some kind of physical ailment. I had an appt to go visit my PhD friend Doc in Orlando for a session once, and early that morning three black helos paid me a visit, hovering above the house (seen also by neighbors) and I became so violently sick to my stomach I was unable to make the trip from here to there, which is about 110 miles. After I cancelled the appt, I felt perfectly fine. I tried twice more, same thing happened. Fourth time, I made it, but that time, there was “interference” from an apparent different group of entities and the black helicopters went away and I was unaffected. This makes us sound completely paranoid and off-the-wall crazy. Maybe we are. But the experiences….they are as real as real gets.

  10. D Page says:

    I have also had disturbing , life changing, and somewhat horrific experiences with “these beings”, including medical issues. (I grew up 135 miles away from where Charles lives. That’s not very far, as the crow flies.)
    As a researcher in the early’90’s, I have heard many 100’s of similar stories. They do control the experience. They seem to take away our will to act. When you are in these encounters, you don’t even have thoughts about cameras, proof, or evidence. There is always an implied threat to those you love, human and animal.
    Like Math and Gypsy pointed out: we are not alone in these experiences. Yet, it’s very hard to share them. I find myself resisting typing these words.

  11. This has been a special series of posts. Interesting how the two stories compare: Charles with 9 beams of light and Helene just 5 etc. etc.

    The last sentence of Math comment is illuminating – ‘so we keep out mouths shut’.

    Stimulating, thought provoking stuff – thanks.

  12. mathaddict2233 says:

    I sent you my comments via email, guys. Just want to say to Chrales that my heart goes out to him. Been there, done that, and am not making light of any of this. It is the most terrifying experience in life, to have some kind of encounter for which we have no preparation, no belief, no anything. I send him tremendous empathy and want him to know he is absolutely NOT ALONE. There are many of us out here. We just tend, like him, to be frightened into silence most of the time. As my cousin Gypsy and I both mentioned previously, fear is instilled in us that our loved ones can be hurt, or worse, and so we keep our mouths shut.

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