2:26,2-26: Spirit Contact Through Clusters

This sequence of synchronicities – date and number clusters – comes from Ann. It certainly has the signature of spirit communication – from a beloved dog who passed away recently and from Ann’s mother and husband, who are also on the other side.


The other night, on 3/12/12, I woke at 2:26 in the morning and felt I wasn’t alone in my bedroom. I sat up and noticed that my closed bathroom door looked as if it was glowing or that some sort of light was shining on it. Also the entry door to the bedroom was black, and I could no longer see the light coming up through it from a nearby nightlight.

I put my glasses on and just sat there looking toward the window opposite the door. The blinds were completely closed,  and I couldn’t see any light that could be shining on the door. As my head turned from the window to the door…the light that seemed to be shining on the door turned off, as it were a lamp. And then once again I could see the nightlight shining at the bedroom door entry.  I laid back in bed…and moments later my TV turned on…the controller was setting on the pillow next to me….no here near the TV.  I figured there was something I needed to see on theTVand turned up the volume.

It was Dr. Wayne Dyer’s new lecture on PBS….and he was giving Neville Goddard’s quotes. These quotes not only comforted me in my own life situations at this time, but have taken me back to the openness that I have closed myself off from recently.  It was exhilarating to say the least.

On 2/26, my dog Maggie passed away.  For a few weeks previous I was seeing 12:26 on the clock often and even though my family thinks it’s a stretch, that date holds a very significant meaning to me. 12 was the month my husband died, and my mother died on the 26th of a month. I think of it as them being here for me and letting me know it.  Well, Maggie’s day of departure backwards is 12-26-2…..I figure the two of them (mom and hubby) were here, knowing how difficult losing my dog companion was for me.

On another note…

On March second and the third I was sitting on the sofa that my dog Maggie and I always sat together on and next to her spot a lamp on the table went off and on three times at around 7-7:30 in the evening. This happened both nights. I checked the bulb and the cord….all okay. I think my little white furry friend was saying hello and letting me know she’s still around in spirit. Once again a wonderful comfort to me.


The 2:26 AM and 2/26 date of Maggie’s passing are particularly striking.


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13 Responses to 2:26,2-26: Spirit Contact Through Clusters

  1. Natalie says:

    I’m certain it was a comfort visit for Anne.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    Bet it was Jessie saying hello!! We’ve actually witnessed indentations being made in the middle of the bed when “nothing” is visible making them, yet we watch them being made. How utterly weird is that? That they have WEIGHT sufficient to make a dent, yet can’t be seen. Gosh there is just so very much that we don’t know or understand!!

  3. I feel we get clusters of signs from loved ones when we need them. When I lost three people close to me, in a short period, the signs were there – but after a while faded away. On occasions they return, at appropriate times. which is always comforting.

  4. mathaddict2233 says:

    I am so very sorry for all her losses. That’s too much grief too close together. But how wonderful to have such clear validation that her loved ones, human and canine, are close-by! My previous yellow lab, LadyGirl, undoubtedly guided me from The Other Side to my precious Sunshine, another Lab. LadyGirl came to me in dreams and told me where Sunshine was, and even told me her name, which turned out to be exactly correct. I tried to ignore LadyGirl, because her death had been recent and I was in deep mourning for her. But she wouldn’t leave me alone, and I’m so glad, because Sunshine has been and is yet another wonderful canine companion soulmate. Our animal family DOES meet us and greet us when we cross over that Bridge. I’ve also had their spirits come to visit clients….cats, dogs, and birds. It’s beautiful. The numbers are always, always intriguing and meaningful.

  5. DJan says:

    I have been reading these latest posts but not commenting, but this one made me realize how long it’s been since I’ve spoken up. I keep seeing numbers in repeats, such as 1717 and 1313. Over and over, and I’ve been wondering what it can mean, and this post about spirits possibly communicating makes me curious… it’s somehow very comforting to think that perhaps I’m getting a message that just needs to be understood. I love the stuff you share here.

  6. Momwithwings says:

    First, I am so sorry for all of her losses.
    So much in this rings true.
    Trish do you remember me sharing when my friends Dad died how my stereo kept turning on and then played his favorite jazz song that I had no idea he loved? Well that clinched it for my friend, and one of the last things he had said to his daughter was “do you think there is an afterlife?”. We both realized he was letting her know the answer was yes.
    Also the light Turning on with her pet I am sure is a sign.
    Recently my MIL passed on, I gave a short eulogy. As I went up to speak I was a bit nervous and then realized that something was in my way, the spirits of her 3 dogs which we had all been laughing about recently, because she named each one Nippy. They made me laugh and reassured me and my family because they had noticed how I had looked down and avoided something!
    I still get visits from past pets.
    Thank you for the post.

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