Luke Scott (DH)

Luke Scott plays baseball for the Baltimore Orioles (formerly  of the Astros). He’s the DH. That usually stands for designated hitter, but in Scott’s case it’s designated hater. We are putting up this post for two reasons, one, that there is a synchronicity at the tale end – and this is a synchro blog– and two, that the mentality exhibited here, unfortunately, will be on display in a new and bolder manner when the new U.S. Congress is called to order in January.

While at the baseball winter meetings Dec. 8, Scott was interview by  a Yahoo sports reporter, an interview that turned into an anti-Obama rant. He began by saying he was proud to be an American. From there, it went downhill, as the reporter fed him  leading questions and Scott jumped in with his demented, ignorant point of view. Here’s part of it.

“Obama does not represent America. Nor does he represent anything our forefathers stood for. (Obama) was not born here.”

“That’s my belief. I was born here. If someone accuses me of not being born here, I can go–within 10 minutes–to my filing cabinet and I can pick up my real birth certificate and I can go, ‘See? Look! Here it is. Here it is.’ The man has dodged everything. He dodges questions, he doesn’t answer anything.”

A lot of people have problems with Obama these days, but it shouldn’t be about his birth certificate, which is readily available on the Internet, along with the Hawaiian birth notice. Does Scott really think Hilary Clinton would’ve allowed Obama to get the nomination if he didn’t qualify as a presidential candidate? Does Scott think the Republican Party looked the other way and allowed a foreign-born person to run and win against their candidate. Not likely. And looking at comments on the sport sites yesterday, I have to conclude there are a lot of dumb baseball fans who agree with Scott–maybe because he hit 20 homers this year.

Luke Scott, the birther, who thinks Obama is a socialist (LOL!) finally said that he was so opinionated about the president because ‘someone is dead in Afghanistan.’

A strange turn of words. Yet, an incredible synchronicity. While Luke Scott was making his rant, a funeral was being planned in Peebles, Ohio for a 20-year-old marine lance corporal, who had died during a patrol in Afghanistan. His name: Luke Scott. He graduated from high school in 2009 and died in Afghanistan Dec. 3, 2010. So he died supposedly defending the freedom that allows his namesake to rant like an idiot.

The Baltimore Orioles released a statement saying that Scott’s opinions are his own and don’t represent the team. Well, that’s good. – R

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38 Responses to Luke Scott (DH)

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Yeah, but you're the one who provoked others to comment. This post is several days old and you're still here, talking politics.

    I just happened to check in. I haven't looked at this post since day 1 and was astonished by all your comments that began with an arrogant and abrasive-sounding one that others responded to. (And don't give me the dictionary definition of arrogant or abrasive. I know what they it mean.)

    If you don't like something here, don't contribute to it. End of story.

  2. Brizdaz says:

    Like I said in above comment;

    "I came to this site primarily because it called itself "Synchronicity",not
    "Political Synchronicities".
    If I had of known there were going to be so many rants about Obama Vs The Republicans,I would have steered clear,as I get tied of hearing about the charade of politics in this world and find discussions on sites like this one, almost futile."

    I assumed this was a site for the world to drop by and have a discussion about the topics raised on this "Synchronicity" blog.

    If you look at the Feedjit bar on the right hand side of the screen,you'll see flags from all over the world.So I assume this blog is for a world wide audience is it not?
    I for one would like to see more synchonicities being discussed here and less politics.

    But,maybe I'm on the wrong path .-)

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>>It seems to me,(and I may be wandering down the wrong path also)
    that you are saying,because I am not an American,then I have no right to FREE speech when it comes to commenting on American Politics,or if I do I should agree with you,at the very least.
    That,I do find insulting.

    Daz, I think Connie has a point on this one. I'm sure you comprehend the difference between a Jew making a joke about Jews and a Gentile doing the same. One is an inside joke, the other is offensive in most cases.

    Just thought I'd add religion and race into the politics here. LOL

  4. Brizdaz says:

    "It wasn't at all my intent to be nasty, guys, and in re-reading my remarks I don't think I WAS nasty."

    This is what I find offensive in your above comments;

    "We can say what we want about our own, but we tend to become a little defensive when someone from outside criticizes. Natural tendency in families, and Americans are no exception."

    I seems to me,(and I may be wandering down the wrong path also)
    that you are saying,because I am not an American,then I have no right to FREE speech when it comes to commenting on American Politics,or if I do I should agree with you,at the very least.
    That,I do find insulting.

    And the Pinocchio/Puppet icon I made for the last President,but I see no reason to change it now.It is not just aimed at your president,but most world leaders and I'm sure your next President will also be just a puppet for the Banksters to jiggle.
    Sorry,but I have grown very cynical when it comes to world politics.

    You have every right to say what you like…but,then so do I,I think.

    Truce / Daz

  5. Anonymous says:

    Daz, there is much difference in not liking a person and in not agreeing with what the person is saying! Differences of opinion make this world interesting and versatile. Politics and religion are loaded subjects and often touch off sensitivities. Which is why I refrain as much as possible from remarking on the posts about religious/spiritual stuff, like politics. I was talking to my neighbor from across the street yesterday, and she told me she and her boyfriend were shopping in Old Towne this past week where the JW were handing out flyers and stopping folks to ask them if they felt "saved", and what their religious affiliation is. My neighbor said yes, she feels saved, and to the question about her religion, she replied, "I am EVERY religion!" They backed away with no response. These are, as I said, loaded questions and we all have different views. That's why democracy was created….I think. cj

  6. Anonymous says:

    It wasn't at all my intent to be nasty, guys, and in re-reading my remarks I don't think I WAS nasty. But I suppose we should just sit silently and not comment when derogatory remarks are made about our country and/or our president, whether we agree with his policies or not. This is why I generally steer clear of political conversations. Being civil becomes difficult, as both you, Trish and Rob, have demonstrated yourselves in previous posts that have politics as the subject. You yourselves have expressed some hostility as well in certain areas of politics. There is a limit to allowing the slings and arrows to fly without at least speaking in defense of one's country and its leader, even if things are all amuck here. Sorry if I offended by speaking my piece. cj

  7. Brizdaz says:

    If you read my comment from about nine comments up,you will see I refer to my own Prime-minster,Julia Gillard,as a puppet of the banks and corporations also;

    "…the corporations are running the show here…Just look at our Ex-Prime-minister {Kevin Rudd}.He mentions a mining tax on the corporations that plunder the land…and bang,his own party kicks him out,and he is replaced by a puppet of the corporations."

    …and that's not the first time I've said it,either…if you trawl through the blog.

    And when you say,"…all is said and done, our commander-in-chief, and as such, that office itself deserves a modicum of respect"

    You're right,it should deserve respect,but since JFK,a lot has been said,but little has been done,except for the Banksters and corporations that seem to be running the show.
    But you won't have to worry about that soon,because the ELITES will have their ONE WORLD government through their mouthpiece "The United Nations" the way things are going…and their ONE WORLD army with their blue helmets keeping things in check.

    Anyway,like me,or not,the choice is yours…it's all water off a ducks back to me.
    And Connie,as soon as I saw your WV: "ducke",I immediately thought of that saying "…like water off a duck's back".
    I came to this site primarily because it called itself "Synchronicity",not
    "Political Synchronicities".
    If I had of known there were going to be so many rants about Obama Vs The Republicans,I would have steered clear,as I get tied of hearing about the charade of politics in this world and find discussions on sites like this one almost futile.

    I can see why Mike Perry from England stays well clear of political discusions on this site.-)

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hey, time out, please. Free speech is for everyone, anywhere. But let's not get nasty! Too much of that in the world already.
    – Trish

  9. Brizdaz says:

    If you read my comment from about nine comments up,you will see I refer to my own Prime-minster,Julia Gillard,as a puppet of the banks and corporations also;

    "…the corporations are running the show here…Just look at our Ex-Prime-minister {Kevin Rudd}.He mentions a mining tax on the corporations that plunder the land…and bang,his own party kicks him out,and he is replaced by a puppet of the corporations."

    …and that's not the first time I've said it,either…if you trawl through the blog.

    And when you say,"…all is said and done, our commander-in-chief, and as such, that office itself deserves a modicum of respect"

    You're right,it should deserve respect,but since JFK,a lot has been said,but little has been done,except for the Banksters and corporations that seem to be running the show.
    But you won't have to worry about that soon,because the ELITES will have their ONE WORLD government through their mouthpiece "The United Nations",the way things are going…and their ONE WORLD army with their blue helmets keeping things in check.
    And I didn't realize FREE speech was only for Americans…but you seem to be telling me,that unless I agree wholeheartedly with your opinion,then I should shut my mouth…and that I do find insulting.

    Anyway,like me,or not,the choice is yours…it's all water off a ducks back to me.
    And Connie,as soon as I saw your WV: "ducke",I immediately thought of that saying "…like water off a duck's back".

    I came to this site primarily because it called itself "Synchronicity",not
    "Political Synchronicities".
    If I had of known there were going to be so many rants about Obama Vs The Republicans,I would have steered clear,as I get tied of hearing about the charade of politics in this world.
    I came here to read stories about synchronicities in people's lives, not politics in people's lives.
    I find political discussions on a site like this one futile,anyway.

    I can now see why Mike Perry from England,stays well clear of political discussions on this site.-)

  10. Anonymous says:

    "FedUp" from Down Under. Cute. Not particularly fond of the reference to the lying, wooden puppet Pinocchio for president, regardless of the situation, from a non-American. In all these months, I have yet to see more than one derogatory remark aimed towards Australian gov't, and that was an appropriate comment from Sansego this week. A little more respect, (earned during our centuries of continuing to be the care-takers of the world), would be appreciated, even if we are in the midst of over-whelming crisis here at the moment. We can say what we want about our own, but we tend to become a little defensive when someone from outside criticizes. Natural tendency in families, and Americans are no exception. Obama may be lacking but he is, after all is said and done, our commander-in-chief, and as such, that office itself deserves a modicum of respect just by virtue of what it has represented to the inhabitants of this planet through the generations. We HAVE earned it. cj

  11. Brizdaz says:

    "well, i thought i might respond to the sanctimonious comment, but i see it's been taken well handled already -"

    sanc·ti·mo·ni·ous –adjective
    making a hypocritical show of religious devotion, piety, righteousness, etc.: They resented his sanctimonious comments on immorality in America.
    Obsolete . holy; sacred.

    …and thank you for your sanctimonious comment,too.Gypsy.-)

  12. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks for the book tip,Rob/Trish.
    I'll check it out when I get a chance.Cheers.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz, since you're always recommending books, movies and websites for us, here's one for you.

    Underground with Asange, by Sue Dreyfus, about hackers in Australia. Her take on Asange: 'a super-cool geek refusing to swallow the blue pill and be inserted back into the Matrix.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Hey Sansego. Long time no see! T&R, agree 100%. But…trying to look at the total picture with somewhat dispassionate eyes, it has occurred to me recently that our expectations of the new president were far too high, and his expectations of himself were far too high, under existing circumstances. No matter what anyone says, IMO Obama did not and does not possess sufficient experience to cope with the widespread ramifications of the catastrophic legacy inherited from the previous administration(s). Just the fact that he felt compelled to reach out and bring in former President Clinton to carry his press conference this past week, spoke volumes about Obama's need for more knowledgable advisors. Even so, I can't think of anyone who would be able to clean up the mess, which gets worse and worse. Our current commander-in-chief hasn't got the foundation of experience necessary to tackle the mess, nor does he have any clue which way to go, so he's spitting in the wind and following the dictates of TPTB, joining their ranks. That demonstrates weakness and is a decision bringing more disaster on our heads. I have a sense that, to use an analogy, we put a rookie in the White House when a seasoned quarterback was needed, and even such a person probably couldn't make much progress carrying the ball. In trying to please everyone, Obama pleases no one now. He's a kid trying to do a man's job, and he is ill-equipped to follow through on all those pre-election promises he made. He's attempting to swim in an ocean for which he has no preparation or water-wings, and is floundering and drowning in his own ineptitude, taking us farther down with him. It would take a giant with enormous stamina and backbone and fortitude and KNOWLEDGE to even begin to pull America out of this abyss which has been decades in the making, and unfortunately our young CEO doesn't fit the bill. No pun intended. I go back to my initial comment: we expected too much from him, and he expected too much from himself. Thus, he made empty un-informed promises in the heat and glory and passion of the moment that, in the real world, cannot be fulfilled. He's lost my vote in 2012 due to his lack of experience, more than for any other reason, although I can't think of anyone else at the moment who can competently peform the daunting task, either, against the killing odds. It's a dilemma of gigantic proportions, no question about it. cj

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I thin it's pretty clear that the Obama administration is aligned with corporate interests.

  16. Brizdaz says:

    …And Sansego,
    "An Aussie is going to blame our country for everything?!? "

    Would you care to point out where I blame The U.S.A for EVERYTHING ?

  17. Brizdaz says:

    Now Connie,
    RE: "Looking in from the Outside, (0r should I say Outback), BrizDaz, doesn't always give the most clarity. The United States of America is not responsible for what happens in the rest of the world"

    First of all Brisbane is on the coast of Australia {where most of the population lives},I don't live in the Outback.
    And where in my above comment do I say The United States of America is responsible for support and aid and economic assistance to the rest of the world?
    I have no idea what you are babbling on about,either.

    All I was saying was,if America hands over their FREEDOM to a Global UN type government,then what chance has the rest of the worlds free countries got?

    I am simply urging you guys to hold steadfast to those documents and not let them be whittled away by any politician.Democrat or Republican,or United Nations official.

    "this little country of yours, the U.S."

    I believe I said and I quote myself,from above here;
    "This little country
    {The U.S of A}
    has been a thorn in the side of the elites since those papers were signed."
    To the ELITES {then and now} the U.S.A is a small country,that is a thorn in their side,although it's grown into a much larger thorn in the last century.
    I have no idea as for the other things you are talking about,but
    feel free to kick me in the teeth if you want.-)

  18. Brizdaz says:

    "Do we sense some animosity from Down-Under? Has the corporate power world not touched the hinterland continent? Let's not get tooooo self-righteous. lol"

    Definition of ANIMOSITY
    : ill will or resentment tending toward active hostility : an antagonistic attitude.

    Could you please point out the animosity in my above comment for me,because I just don't see it.

    I am praising the USA for showing the world what true FREEDOM means by referring to your
    "Declaration of Independence",
    "Constitution of the United States"
    and "Bill of Rights" as being the very documents of what individual FREEDOM is all about,and how if you guys let them slip into history,then what chance has the rest of the,so called "Freeworld" got to look forward to,if America becomes a fascist police state?

    Australia is a joke,as far a Constitution goes…we don't really have one,and our freedom could easily be taken from us
    {they've already taken the guns} ,but I would expect,not without a fight.
    And yes,Rob/Trish,the corporations are running the show here…Just look at our Ex-Prime-minister {Kevin Rudd}.He mentions a mining tax on the corporations that plunder the land…and bang,his own party kicks him out,and he is replaced by a puppet of the corporations.
    I am not speaking as an Australian in the above comment,I am speaking as a concerned freedom loving citizen of planet Earth,which is slowly being gobbled up by a fascist leaning United Nations.

    What I am saying is don't be fooled by politicians who want to amend the finest freedom documents the world has ever seen,because if they are whittled away slowly,then years down the track you'll wake up and they will be just a memory, and you freedom will be as good as gone.

    If that's ANIMOSITY then,So be it!

  19. Sansego says:

    An Aussie is going to blame our country for everything?!? They're the ones that gave us Rupert Murdoch and his propaganda channel!!! In fact, Fox viewers are so deluded that a Fox anchor could make Mother Teresa look like Hitler if they wanted to, and their viewers would be hating on Mother Teresa!!!

    I believe that "Birthers" have attached themselves to a surrogate issue. What they really want to say but can't is that they simply hate having a black man in the White House. John McCain was actually born in Panama, so what does that say about Birthers? They'd rather have a foreign-born WHITE president than a Hawaiian-born BLACK president. I hate their hidden agendas.

  20. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yes – the tillman horror story – thanks for the reminder of his true story and questionable death, T&R – so right, cj!

    and i made the mistake of watching ventura last night on the jfk assassination and then on the BP/halliburton gulf mess with the planned depopulation of louisiana – am on overload today with governmental "stuff" –

  21. Anonymous says:

    Such a shame and attempted cover-up of the cause of death of Pat Tillman. cj

  22. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    C'mon, Simon. Luke Scott is no Pat Tillman. Tillman quit football after 9-11, joined the army and went to Afghanistan. But he refused to allow the Bush admin. to make him its poster boy.

    When we invaded Iraq, he changed his views, considered the war illegal and unjust. His family has said he was considering speaking out against the war when he was killed in 'friendly fire.'

  23. Twelve Three Heinz says:

    hiked on Tillman"s trails

  24. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, i thought i might respond to the sanctimonius comment, but i see it's been taken well handled already –

  25. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Darren, if I sounded indignant, it's because I am. You refer to America in your comment as "this little country of yours, the U.S.", yet you say if we fall, everyone falls. I find that to be terribly offensive. We have been the breadbasket, and essentially the parents, for almost the entire rest of the planet since we gained freedom from the Brits, yet we have increasing numbers of starving homeless Americans, especially children, within our own borders who now need our care and attention. I resent being put under the gun, so to speak, by someone who is a ciizen of a different country, warning us that we dare not fall because if we fall, everyone falls. As I stated previously, we are NOT the parents to the world and it's past time for all of you to stand up and learn how to live without depending on "this little country, the U.S." You are right. We're comparably small in size but we have enormous heart, and we've been big enough and generaous enough to be able to carry the burden of so many other countries for so many years that we've forsaken our own as a result. All you guys need to buckle down and stop looking our way for guidance and leadership. We're tired, and we have business here that requires our total attention. Take care of yourselves! OK. I've had my say. Very appropriate WV: "ducke" What do ducks do in the water or in the air? They swim and fly in formation and play 'follow the leader'. It's time for the world to stop being ducks with America at the front of the flock! cj

  26. Anonymous says:

    Looking in from the Outside, (0r should I say Outback), BrizDaz, doesn't always give the most clarity. The United States of America is not responsible for what happens in the rest of the world. Maybe some of the many countries who have come to depend upon the U.S. for support and aid and economic assistance should start standing on their own and become responsible for themselves instead of looking at America to keep them on their feet. Our Constitution says nothing about obligating ourselves to keep the rest of the world nice and tidy! I think it's time to sever the umbilical. The words on the Statue of Liberty do say, "Give us your tired, your poor, your hungry masses longing to be free", but now we have a plethera of huge issues of our own to resolve and can no longer carry the weight of the planet on our shoulders. Look to your own country's leaders for your own needs, and stop leaning on us. We're going down from the weight! WV: suscor" sucor? cj

  27. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Do we sense some anomosity from Down-Under? Has the corporate power world not touched the hinderland continent? Let's not get tooooo
    self-rihteous. lol

  28. Brizdaz says:

    "A lot of people have problems with Obama these days, but it shouldn't be about his birth certificate,…"

    I agree…at the end of the day,you guys in the States,have much bigger problems to worry about than where some powerless President was born.

    The Republicans/Democrats are just different sides of the same coin,they are both controlled by the Industrial/Military Complex anyway,so what's the point.
    You can't win by voting for the good cop/bad cop scenario,when the corporations pull the strings on both sides?

    Your own President {Eisenhower} warns of the military industrial complex in his exit speech in 1961.
    You can see it here,if you don't believe me;

    So,stick with your
    "Declaration of Independence",
    "Constitution of the United States"
    and "Bill of Rights"
    ,because that is the closest thing to freedom this world will ever get {and if you guys fall,we all fall},by the looks.
    And if somebody wants to amend them through the use of fear on the public…then you had better ask…why?
    This little country
    {The U.S of A}
    has been a thorn in the side of the elites since those papers were signed.
    Once they are broken…and they are breaking,then everything your forefathers fought for is gone …so wake up people,this is your FREEDOM you are letting slip away.

    You have to start from the ground up,not from the top down,if you're looking for a president to save you,then you're looking in the wrong place…sorry.

    Start thinking for YOURSELVES, before you turn into Nazi Germany, Mark 2.

    WV = whelhypt (well hyped )? …maybe,but you better realize what you have,before it's gone.

    A book I would recommend reading is,
    "The Slaves Shall Serve"
    by James Wasserman.
    Read it from cover to cover…and at least,if you don't agree with him,you will have educated yourself that little bit more.
    Check out the reviews on Amazon.
    But,I would recommend reading it for yourself.
    A very important book,which grows more important as each day passes.

    If nothing else,you'll have a copy of "The Declaration of Independence",
    "The Constitution of the United States"
    and "The Bill of Rights" to show your Grandchildren…that is unless this just becomes another book for the Fascist's bonfire.

  29. Brownie says:

    I read the entire interview a couple of nights ago, off of yahoo.

    The thing about Scott is that he isn't a rarity. There are plenty of people (men and women) particularly in their 20s/30s/40s who have the beliefs and attitudes that Scott does.

    When he describes an actual American character or personality, you know he's leaving out lots of people…..people like us.

    I had to chuckle ruefully when I read he admires Ted Nugent. Well Nugent refused to perform at one of the Tea Party 'events' this past summer because no one would cough up his fee of $2,000. So much for Nugent believing in a cause…..

    ~ Susan

  30. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Charles Fort would definitely love it!

  31. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yeah, KO!!!

  32. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    We should add that Luke Scott, the Oriole player, was name Worst Person in the World last night by Keith Olbermann, who noted the striking synchronicity, though he didn't use that term.

  33. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting WVs – habseeple…you're right on with that f8irst one back woods aryan cult.

    A dentist's office? Wow. This person is cleaning your teeth?

    I think the lesson mike mentions with this synchro is how polarized we've become.

  34. d page says:

    Charles Fort (father of Fortean Phenomenon) would have loved this story.

    It is very creepy.

  35. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    nancy, i know what you mean about being around such people – makes my skin crawl and i always feel the need for a good chemical shower after i leave their presence as quickly as possible –

    wv – slywavol

  36. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, this is interesting – just tried to leave a comment and blogger error told me i had to "go back" –

    original comment:

    cold chills reading this one – but at least he's right about one thing – in terms of our forefathers and their slant on slavery etc, at least – and i'm just wondering if his white sheet-pants don't trip him up on the field –

    the wv was "bacult" – which i interpreted as backwoods aryan cult –

    now, this wv is habseeple – any takes? 😉

  37. Nancy says:

    I ran into to one of those in the dentist's office the other day. Rabid – she was positively rabid on Obama. I couldn't get out of there fast enough. What was so surprising was she was so sweet-faced – a grandma/great grandma in demeanor. Until she opened her mouth and nothing but ugly emerged.

  38. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    There's certainly a lesson in the synchro.

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