More 11s

M.C. Escher woodcut

We’ve done quite a few posts on the synchronicity of numbers, particularly on 11, 111, and 11:11. I don’t know what it is about these numbers, but sometimes when I’m writing about them, they appear in my own life and I get a kick out of it.

So today, I’m working on my section of the Sydney Omarr astrology books that Rob and I write. This material is for 2013. There are 13 books in this series – one for each sign for each year, plus an annual that combines all 12 signs. Since it’s physically impossible to write 13  books a year, the books for each sign contain common material – general stuff about the particular year and each sign; unique material specific to a particular sign; and then the daily predictions tailored specifically to each sign.

I was working on the common material, where there’s a section on synchronicity, and was writing about clusters and 11s. I took a short break to check the counter on our blog to see where our hits were for the day – and burst out laughing: 111.

Granted, this is no earth-shattering synchro. But I love it when these things occur in the course of a day.

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25 Responses to More 11s

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i've wondered of that, too – that perhaps the 11s/clusters, like so many other things, have always been there but the difference now is in our heightened awareness –

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe we've been seeing 11s all our lives, but awareness of these clusters is what makes the difference. Now we know they're significant.

  3. Brizdaz says:

    I turn and look to see 11:11 almost on a daily basis.So,maybe like Rainbow said "subconsciously we know when it is 11:11 so we look to confirm"
    Maybe so,but I feel someone is trying to tell me something,but for the life of me,I don't know what.
    Lately,I see combinations of 7's and 11's,but I don't know what these mean,either.
    Frustrating !

  4. Clarity says:

    OK, beat this one! I just realised that I actually managed to experience my 111-synchro on the 11th here in Denmark and make a comment about it here on the 11th your time, even if it was the 12th here. A bit of a long day you could say 😛


  5. Natalie says:

    I kind of smile, then nod, then smile and go yep! I expect them now, I think.

  6. Rainbow says:

    11:11 Noticed this phenomenon since 1979 when I got my first digital clock. No one would notice on a dial clock. So then this must be the times they talk of, not the end but, the beginning. At least since the beginning of digital clocks. Subconsciously we know when it is 11:11 so we look to confirm, and be happily but, mysteriously surprised.
    Recently learned that this stands for genetic code in some way. Still thinking on it. Have thought about the mirroring of 11 as the gene and, the colon and the other 11 as the looking glass and the opposite reflection. Here's the rub; as a true 11 the mirrored one is false, but which one is the mirrored 11?
    In Pharma their drugs mirror chemically actual herbal formulas, and our bodies will accept them as true, but being false they actually harm us.
    The trickster is exposed as we learn about ourselves through the digital, and genetic age of unreasoned, untested and false GMOs/Gods for the worshiper of money, who are also knowingly the perveyors of death.
    And the true spirit of life through unconscious synchros is trying to tell us.
    That is how we can know past lives and other demensions, or even how our gggggreatparents felt as they marched onto Lexington for battle against the false God, King George. Money is a false God too.
    Funny how we are constantly reminded, not just by waking to the sun, but by synchros who we are…Those who have eyes;see and those who have ears;hear. It has all been laid before as a feast we just have to reason, test and keep close to our heart;truth.
    Sorry got off subject there… In my family just 2; me and my daughter, who as a baby people called Kim jr. LOL because she looked so much like me.
    She ia a 33 in number works and I am a 1…total opposite. In astrolohy she is Leo and I Aquarius kinda opposite there, except we both have Gemini moon and fire sign rising she is a sage and I am aries.
    My daughter is amazing. Labour in birth lasts in the book 12 hours she was to the minute 12 hrs, at one a child should walk…this girl stood up and walked on her 1st birthday exactly. I can count on her to meet each milestone right on time.
    They say our kids start to become closer to their parents near 40yrs old…I have only 5 years to wait…Back from her journey of discovery in life to tell me all about what she has learned. She lives 15 minutes away. LOL <3

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    And Clarity came through…just when we needed it. A synchro there!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, Gypsy. I should repost that story. It was such a stunner.
    Clarity, Dennis – good ones!

  9. Dennis says:

    Lordy Lordy, at 4 pm today I took the refuse to the local site and talked with my friend Digger about how much my check is every month 1111.00, about an hour and 11 minutes ago? Synch away brave souls. Dennis

  10. Clarity says:

    Hehe – love it! Yesterday, I checked out from a webshop at 1:11 and the total amount was 111 Kr. (Danish currency) 🙂 The cool thing about these experiences is that they never seize to amaze you – or make you laugh – even if you've had a gazillion of them before. Well, that is how I experience it. Woud hate being without them.

    Hugs from Clar

  11. "duh" says:

    Point is Rob,, the real reason has never reall been pointed out….
    w.v. "cence" C truthfully

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>"that's "noteworthy"

    But not that noteworthy, closer to not worthy, where you began, SS.

    WV: sessesse
    (See see)

  13. gypsywoman says:

    ooops – should be "comment" instead of "post" in last sentence above! 😉

  14. gypsywoman says:

    i just came across my handwritten notes on the dream i had nearly a year ago, of walking along a rural road in what turned out to be romania [your post 1/4/10] – remember the one? anyway, the date at the top of my hand scribbled note? 1/1/10

    and then, that reminded me of all those little 111s floating around during and right after my move here –

    and then, as i began posting, i saw that the last post before this one of mine was #11! neat!

  15. "duh duh" says:

    "that's "noteworthy"

  16. "duh" says:

    as for yesterdays post,, you people should understand something that notworthy never happens just for one reason , can't ya C the more appearent one,,,

  17. Natalie says:

    Yep,yep,yep. 🙂

  18. lakeviewer says:

    Oh yes! All around, the signs are there for those who look.

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Mike!

  20. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Nice one. I don't often see many 11:11s but today, when we returned home after a longish walk, the time on our cooker showed 11:11. Must have known you were going to write about this today!

  21. Nancy says:

    We have so many 11's and 22's in our extended family's birthdays that it really does make you wonder what it means.

  22. Anonymous says:

    DJan, every person absolutely has "lucky" numbers, and we each also have a number that is termed our "operative number" or "operative frequency". You won't find this in any of the thousands of numerology books on store shelves. (Yet!!) It's in my files that contain in excess of 7,000 case studies on numbers, which is where I "unearthed" it many years ago and have found it to be a math constant. Regarding the 11, and 111, etc., Trish, as I was in the waiting room of my cardiologist this week, my eyes fell on the suite number on his front glass door (I already knew it but this time it really hit home). His suite # is 111. Curiously enough, yet not, his birth name number and mine are identical. I love it when a plan comes together! 🙂 My maiden name # is 11, btw., and needless to say, like virtually everyone else on the planet, I always seem to look at a clock when the hands are on 11:11. That is a definite archetype in this universe! Both of my little grandsons, who are brothers, carry full birth names that resonate to 11 11 (verbs = 11, consonants = 11
    It wasn't consciously planned by Mom and Dad but was obviously superconsciously planned on the soul levels of the boys! Here's a relevant WV: "backletr" back letter. cj

  23. DJan says:

    No immediate elevens for me, but I have always loved that number and consider it my lucky number, if people do have such things. You are an incredibly prolific writer, Trish, come on, if you really tried, you could probably write 13 books in a year! 🙂

  24. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and today is the 11th!

  25. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, great fun! – and i looked down at my monitor clock when i began reading this – the time: 8:11 am! neat!

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