Category Archives: tarot

Ghost Buster

About three months ago,   a writer friend asked if Rob and I could visit and do her and her family a big favor. She explained that her middle daughter, L, has been experiencing ghostly encounters in her room at night, … Continue reading

Posted in ghosts, tarot | 29 Comments

Charlie, Rumi, and Judgment Reversed

This synchronicity came from Trevor Simpson, an author and spiritual coach. Trevor recently lost a good friend, Charlie, and as with any major passage in our lives, there were some synchros involved. This week I received the shocking news that … Continue reading

Posted in spirit contact, tarot | 8 Comments

The Tarot Speaks

Technically, this post is synchronicity because Jung considered divination to fall under it. I don’t know if he was thinking specifically about the tarot when he made that decision, but since he wrote the intro to Wilhelm’s edition to the … Continue reading

Posted in divination, oil spill, tarot | 28 Comments

Old Friends

In 2007, my friend Carol Bowman – author and researcher into past lives – received a call from a woman who was interested in bringing Carol’s story/books to television. Carol, whose journey is illustrated in her two books – Children’s … Continue reading

Posted in friendships, reincarnation, relationships, Seth, simpsons, tarot, TV, writers | 9 Comments

The Empress

Some years ago when we lived in Boynton Beach, Florida, a group of us were sitting around the kitchen table, pulling tarot cards at random. A neighbor, Jeri, stopped by with her five-year-old son, saw the cards, and immediately pulled … Continue reading

Posted in c7, divination, pregnancy, tarot | Leave a comment