What Did the Astronauts See?


This video is fascinating. It was taken from live coverage of the last space shuttle flight.

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5 Responses to What Did the Astronauts See?

  1. Momwithwings says:

    Triangular too, going by each window etc. Uh…what could it be?
    come on!!!!!
    fascinating stuff.

  2. mathaddict2233 says:

    I’m right with you, Gyps! You notice the astronaut said he didn’t recognize it as “anything that could be part of the shuttle, etc.”.

  3. gypsy says:

    oh, yeah! “we have somebody at the front window with the binoculars” – and about space junk – right! – cause it’s usual movement is to roam up and down the windows of a space shuttle and then off again – i’d love to see some enlarged still life photos of the objects –

  4. Impressive – and similar formations as seen in other videos. There will, of course, no doubt be an ‘official’ explanation: space junk or something – there’s always a cover up.

  5. mathaddict2233 says:

    Oh yeahhhhh. They’re Heerrrreeeeeeeee. So the skeptics can tear THIS one apart.
    I suppose if their God Himself appeared in the heavens and said, “Yes, UFOs are real”, the nay-sayers would continue to deny it. We know better. So does NASA and so does every other branch of world military. Retired astronaut Edgar Mitchell is a treasure trove of information on the subject. I once heard him speak in person and met him, here at one of our theaters several years ago. HE KNOWS.

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