Happy V Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day – however you celebrate it and with whomever you celebrate. Not sure where this tradition originated, but I like it. It’s about love, union, respect, camaraderie – all those qualities republican politics now rejects.

Well, whatever. In the end, love usually wins!!

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Ken Lloyd: Spiritual Technologist

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Ken Lloyd is a psychic healer. We came to know him because our friend Susan Yantorno mentioned that he spoke at the spiritual center she attends and suggested him as a guest for our podcast. We poked around on his website and asked him to come on. Trish asked if he worked on ankles; he said he did, and virtual sessions followed.

It’s difficult to describe how Ken does what he does. But here is Ken’s description of his work from his website:

“Ken has the spiritual technology to instantly break past life contracts, promote energetic physical healing, release self-limiting traumas, remove negative, dense energy, and even rewrite your soul agreements to align with your current mission. As a Master Activator, one of Ken’s missions is to activate the spiritual technologies embedded in every soul on the planet. He can remove energetic blockages and then apply activating, encoded energies from the higher realms that unlock and accelerate your spirit. As a result, you’ll be able to access more of your blueprint. Spirit will provide clarity around your galactic gifts and spiritual purpose, and you may even interact with higher-realm ETs.

Today, Ken plays a frontline role in helping people access their hidden talents and expand their human experience. He has healed, cleansed, and activated countless individuals across the nation. Ken is the bridge that will fast-track you to the galactic power hidden within your DNA!”

On You Tube

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When we began researching synchronicity, Rob started collecting articles about the topic. Many of the articles are from the 1980s and went into a folder that he found recently.

A 1980s issue of FATE Magazine had a collection of “stunning coincidences that came from a book called The Book of Lists. And they’re real oddball synchros. We’re not sure if they qualify as global, but if some of them happened today, they would certainly appear somewhere on social media.

– Three men were hanged in London for the murder of Sir Edmund Berry at Greenberry Hill. Their names? Green, Berry, and Hill.

– The family of Noel McCabe was listening to a recording of Frankie Laine singing The Wild Goose, when a Canadian goose crashed through a window into a bedroom of their home of Kingston Street in Derby, England.

This next one might very well be global. It’s definitely precognitive.

-In the months before June 6, 1944, the day of the Normandy invasion, a London Daily Telegraph crossword puzzle included many top-secret code words used in the Allied World War II operations: Omaha, Utah, Mulberry, Neput, and the code for D-Day itself, Overlord. The puzzle was constructed by a schoolmaster who couldn’t have had any knowledge of the use of the words as codes.

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Candice Sanderson: Organic Close Encounters

Join Trish for a conversation with…

Candice M. Sanderson lives in Naples, Florida across the state from us. Her life changed in a ten-minute period in August 2013 when she began receiving information from messengers from other-worldly sources. When her training as a psychologist failed to explain these events, she reluctantly followed the breadcrumbs down a path that resulted in extraordinary adventures into the unknown. The Reluctant Messenger and The Reluctant Messenger Returns chronicle her expedition across a vast expanse of universal consciousness that led to new truths about life that she thought she had known so well. She’s also written several short books, including STAMPEDE and CLOSE ENCOUNTERS.


And here’s the You Tube link to the podcast.

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15 years ago…


…on Feb 4, 2009, we started this blog on synchronicity. Back then, we called it synchro secrets. But it has evolved over the years into books and a podcast – The Mystical Underground- so now we’re themysticalunderground.com.

This was our first post:

Most of us have experienced them – odd coincidences that seem like weird little hiccups in the cosmos.They usually grab our attention. But what, exactly, do they mean?

While we were writing our outline for a book on synchronicity, we stopped at our favorite cafe for a hit of morning Joe. As we sat outside, an elderly man approached us and handed us his card. It explained that he was deaf and was selling key chains. We bought one and on the back of the card found illustrations for sign language. On the way home, following the cue from the deaf man,we talked about synchronicity as a language of signs. Then we passed the local high school, where the digital sign at the entrance was announcing a class in sign language. This sign about sign language added a deeper layer to the synchronicity.

Initially, its meaning seemed to be that we were on the right track with our concept – approaching synchronicity as a language of signs. The next day, a writer friend e-mailed a synchronicity she’d experienced while working on her current novel. She said she had invited readers of her blog to submit any synchronicities they would like to share for inclusion in the book. So we decided to start this blog, a kind of digital sign announcing that we would love to hear your stories!

I’m posting this a day early of our  15th anniversary because tomorrow is Sunday, when our podcast goes up here, on You Tube and with an audio on sound cloud. Then the link goes to Facebook, Instagram, and more recently, linkedin..

Where were we in 2009? Obama was president. The iPhone was just 2 years old. Facebook was just 5 years old. Instagram didn’t exist. Neither did Tik-Tok or even Zoom. Our daughter was 20, a sophomore at college. New  College in Sarasota was an honors college back then, known for its diverse student population and out of the box thinking from faculty. Megan, an art major, had an opportunity to work with dolphins at Dolphins Plus in Key Largo and got credit for it. Out of this experience, some spectacular art was born.

Today, Governor DeSantis has turned New College inside out, on its head, and it has become a place that is unrecognizable by the alumni.

Since 2009, synchronicity has emerged as a phenomenon worthy of research and study by physicians, psychiatrists, researchers, writers and ordinary people who experience meaningful coincidences. I think it’s part of the quantum world, a reminder that we are never alone.

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The Emotional Lives of Animals

There’s something so magnificent about these creatures and I think Megan’s painting captures that mystique in the animal’s eyes.

Years ago, I remember reading When Elephants Weep: the Emotional Lives of Animals.   Published in 1996, the book became a national bestseller and parts of it stick with me even today, more than two decades later. For instance, when an elephant is injured or sick and dying, the herd forms a circle around it, all of them facing outward, as if to say, We’re with you, we have your back.

Any pet owner will tell you about incidents when their dog or cat or bird does something that underscores the premise of this book: that animals feel  that they have emotions.  They mourn, feel happiness, disappointment, triumph, sadness, joy. They aren’t living separately from these emotions; they are immersed in their emotions. Feelings are a sea in which they swim, float, drown, and flourish.

Some years ago when our Golden Retriever, Jessie, was on her last legs, our cat, Powder, curled up next to her and spent that night – Jessie’s last – next to her, cuddling with her, comforting her. And when we left the next day to have Jessie put down, Powder seemed to understand what had happened when we returned.

In the late 1980s, Rob and I led tours for writers to the Amazon between Leticia, Colombia, and Iquitos, Peru. On one of those trips, we pulled in at an Indian village and I traded several tubes of lipstick and insect repellent for this beautiful Amazonian owl tethered to a young man’s shoulder.

The owl spent the next two days perched on a wooden bar on the main deck of our boat, watching all of us, eating the tidbits of fish we fed him. I was fascinated with this owl, talked to him, and made sure that when we arrived at our destination he would be set free on the animal preserve that was part of where we were staying. I remember that one of the writers, a young guy from New York, laughed at my preoccupation with the owl, and told me I was anthropomorphizing.

“It’s just an owl, Trish. It doesn’t feel anything. No soul there. No comprehension of anything other than anticipation of its next meal.”

“Dude, go live in Central Park. Or in the middle of this jungle.”

Elephants, owls, dogs, cats, birds, any creature great or small, possesses an emotional life. And people who tell you otherwise, who dismiss animals as incapable of anything other than their roles as cogs in a food chain, are to be avoided.


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Trish MacGregor: Star Power For February 2024

Join Trish for the February 2024 astrological forecast!

In the masthead you’ll find  the written version.

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Freelance Pay


Every so often, I check to see what kinds of freelance writing jobs are available for remote writers. I check linkedin, upwork, indeed, and other sites. And frankly, I’m shocked by what some of these job listings pay content writers.

Just the other day, I ran across a listing for a blog content writer that paid $5 for 1000 words. How much does this equal per word? Well, not much. Divide $5 by 1000 and you get .005. That’s one tenth of 5 cents! I don’t know any writer who would write for that pay.

In the late 1980s, Rob and I started as freelance magazine writers. This meant sending out a number of queries each month  to various publications (in the days before the Internet). Even back then, most of these magazines paid AT LEAST 5 cents a word, many paid 10 and 15 cents a word.  Magazines like OMNI paid a buck a word.

Writing anything isn’t just about putting one word after another onto a page. If it’s fiction, there are characters to consider, plot, motives, emotions, descriptions, conflict, you know, the stuff of  ordinary life. If it’s non-fiction, what’s the hook? The purpose?

Writers are like architects. But instead of brick and mortar,  wood and nails, they build with words, sentences, paragraphs that convey ideas, emotions, experience, humanity in all its complexities.

Stephen King, for his first book – Carrie  – was paid only $2,500. Not much in any era. Not enough for him to quit his job teaching. But up until them, it was the most he’d made from writing.

JK Rowling, for her first Harry Potter book, was paid about $2000- 1500 pounds, along with a grant of 8000 pounds from the Scottish Arts Council. With both her and King, passion for stories kept them writing. That’s true for the  writers I know personally and it doesn’t matter if it’s fiction or non-fiction.

So, is that passion worth half a cent a word?

That depends on the writer.

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Is There a Doctor in the House?


Megan and her friends are attuned to synchronicities and this evening, Megan texted that she had one to report. So we called her.

It turned out that her friend Denise is at a  wedding in Tampa  this evening (Jan 20). When she walked into the reception place, a woman and man walked in with her. The woman told Denise she was a doctor and was going to be needed that evening. She said she’d dreamed about it.

Sure enough, as soon as they were in the lobby, an employee comes racing up the hall, shouting, “Is there a doctor in the house?”

The woman next to Denise sprang into action and followed the employee into the kitchen. One of the cooks had collapsed and when the doctor reached him, he didn’t have a heartbeat. She performed CPR but couldn’t save him.

The doctor’s precognitive dream proved to be correct.

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TMU Time Machine: Preston Dennett And Dolly Safran: Orions Belt

Join Trish and Rob in the TMU Time Machine as they revisit their September 2022 conversation with…

Preston Dennett first began investigating UFOs in 1986 after learning that his family, friends, and co-workers had encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of people and investigated various cases. He has written 29 books and over 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. He is a frequent guest on radio and TV and speaks to audiences across the United States.
His latest book is SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure. It features the incredible story of UFO/alien contact by a woman named Dolly Safran.

And we’re pleased that Dolly is here with us today, too…

Dolly Safran has worked as a limo driver, assistant manager at Wendy’s, a zookeeper, a bus driver, a security guard, a nurse, and more. She has also worked for the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Department of Defense.

Dolly has had life-long experiences with extraterrestrials that began around the age of two and are ongoing. She has an astonishing story that she told Preston about her varied experiences among the Grays. What makes Dolly’s story particularly interesting is that she has had total recall of her experiences since age 14 and even remembers the earlier ones that were blocked. Besides that, while many abductees have fearful experiences, Dolly considers the Grays more like family than frightful aliens and doesn’t consider herself an abductee.

Here’s the You Tube

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