An Interdimensional Traveler?



In 2014, I read a fascinating story about a man who – while on a flight to Japan – supposedly had passed through a portal from a parallel Earth and discovered that his home country, Taured, didn’t exist in this version of reality.

The story was published in a book by Colin Wilson – a reputable author who wrote about mysticism, the occult, and the paranormal. Trish decided to email him and ask about the story. Then it occurred to her that Wilson might no longer be alive. She wasn’t certain. Had she heard that he’d died? She got up from her desk to get a glass of water and for the next couple of minutes, Colin Wilson was neither dead nor alive. When she sat back down, she Googled his name and instantly saw that he had died Dec. 5, 2013 at the age of 82.

Wilson was a prolific British author who, in addition to writing about mysticism and the paranormal, also wrote about true crime and wrote fiction.When he was still in his 20s, he published The Outsider, about rebels and their impact on society, and was recognized as a philosopher.

His best asset as a writer was also, ironically, a detriment of sorts. Colin Wilson wrote long. Not long-handed, not long-winded, just very long. Any subject he tackled was dealt with in minute detail. So much so that it was difficult to pick up one of his books and read it from cover to cover. In fact, one of his books was actually called, The Mammoth Book of the Supernatural.  In that tome, Wilson combs through the entire history of the supernatural in the Western world. While he was recognized for his intellect and his willingness to probe deeply into a subject, his expansive style served to limit his popularity.

Even though I  couldn’t e-mail Wilson and ask about the strange story of the man from Taured, here it is.It appeared in Wilson’s book The Directory of Possibilities. Read it and wonder.

One day in 1954, a man flew into Tokyo, but upon landing at the Tokyo International Airport, his seemingly normal trip took a very drastic turn for the weird. When he handed over his passport to be stamped, the man was interrogated as to the whereabouts of his origins. It wasn’t a case of racial profiling. While his passport looked authentic, it listed a country no one had ever heard of: Taured.

The mystery man claimed his country was located between France and Spain, but when he was asked to point it out on a map, he pointed to the Principality of Andorra. Insisting he had never heard of Andorra and that Taured had existed for 1,000 years, he claimed that he was in Japan on business, something he had been doing for the past five years. His passport seemed to back up his story, as it was covered in previous customs and visa stamps, and he also carried legal currency from several European countries. He even had a driver’s license issued by the mysterious country and a checkbook containing checks from an unknown bank.

After more interrogation and confusion for both parties, the traveler was sent to a nearby hotel until an official decision could be reached. Two immigration officials stood outside the hotel door until morning. It was then that they discovered the mystery man had vanished.

His disappearance was as mysterious as the man himself since the only possible exit was a window with no ledge that was 15 stories above a busy street. The Tokyo police department conducted an extensive search, but came up empty-handed. Hopefully, if he really was from a parallel Earth, he was able to find a way back to the comforts of his home in Taured.

It certainly would’ve been interesting to find out where Colin Wilson heard about this story, and if he was confident that it really happened. As far as I’ve  been able to determine, the events have never been independently documented.

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Ralph And Deborah Blumenthal: UFOhs

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

Ralph Blumenthal was a reporter for The New York Times from 1964 to 2009 and has written seven books based on investigative crime reporting and cultural history. His first book related to the UFO: The Believer: Alien Encounters, Hard Science, and the Passion of John Mack a really good book. It was the first biography of Pulitzer Prize-winning Harvard Psychiatrist John E. Mack (1929-2004), who risked an esteemed career as a Harvard prof in psychiatry to pursue accounts of human abductions by aliens. Now Ralph has co-authored a beautifully illustrated children’s book with Deborah Blumenthal. It’s called UFOhs: Mysteries in the Sky.
Deborah Blumenthal is an award-winning journalist and nutritionist who now divides her time between writing children’s books and adult novels. She has been a regular contributor to The New Yorker and a home design columnist for Newsday of Long Island. Her health, fitness, beauty, and travel articles have appeared in many other newspapers and national magazines.

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The tragic tale of Jack Ryan

Jack Ryan was a Native American man, a member of the Hupa tribe that was located in Humboldt County, California. In 1925, he was arrested for the murder of a white woman and her dog on the basis that he was seen walking in the area that same day. He was found not guilty in the case but was arrested a short time later when a woman said that Jack Ryan raped her. As a result, Ryan became known as the ‘Coyote Flat Killer’ and spent forty years in prison and on probation for murder and rape that he didn’t commit. Decades later, on her death bed, the woman who had accused Ryan of rape said that she had lied. By the time Ryan had died.

In 1983, Rachel Walton was a deputy in Humboldt County when she heard about the Jack Ryan case. She took on the investigation of the case on her own time and interviewed more than 400 people, most of them in their 80s and 90s. As a result of her efforts, Jack Ryan received the first ever post-humous pardon by the governor of California in 1989. Ryan had died in 1978 and was buried in an unmarked grave on a remote ranch. Deputy Walton went on to become one of the country’s most influential experts on cold cases for which she obtained a Ph.d in criminal justice studies. And she is now a professor of criminal justice studies at Utah State University.

She was also involved in the final scene of Jack Ryan’s life in 1996. She remembers:

“We called together members of Ryan’s tribe and the local native American community. I and (one of the judges) had bought a nice marble headstone.

“You have to imagine the setting. It’s a big semicircle of old ponderosa pines, a beautiful creek flows right through it, and you have this little cemetery.

“I’m reading aloud the pardon. The last paragraph of the last page — I can still remember it by heart — goes, “The philosopher Francis Bacon said 300 years ago that if we do not maintain justice, how can we expect justice to maintain us.” The pardon, written by Gov. Pete Wilson, ends, “Therefore, so that justice is maintained, I grant Jack Ryan a full pardon based on innocence. posthumously.

“I’m focused on reading, but I hear a kind of murmur. So I look up, and everyone is looking up. Two eagles had come in right over the top of the ponderosas and were circling. Then one broke off in one direction and the other went in another direction. I call it nature’s version of a missing-man formation. You could not have choreographed that.

“Later on, I was speaking with an Indian elder, and he said, “The eagles were Jack and his mother coming back to say, ‘All is well. They are at peace.”

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Spirit Contact


In June, I wrote about my sister’s sudden death. It happened late on June 6 and I heard about it on the eve of my birthday, June 7, when my brother-in-law Neal, called me. Today is July 5, so she has been gone for nearly a month.

Early on, I got a few signs, which I wrote about here .

Since then, I’ve had a few dreams, but nothing as clear as that stunning rainbow sky or the hummigbird.

I sent Neal a copy of our book, Secrets of Spirit Communication, and alerted him to one of the stories sent to us by Nancy Atkinson, after her husband died, A text message. I said that maybe electronic stuff proves easy for spirits.

Then  tonight on July 4,  I got this text message from Neal, which I’m reposting with his permission:

Something happened tonight that freaked me out. John and Dana invited me for dinner, so I sent a text to John asking what time I should come. He said anytime, so I responded OK, heading over.

I put the phone in my pocket and went to the car with a bottle of wine to take to John’s. When I pulled the phone out in the car the word “gulp” was typed under my last message, in draft so it came from my phone.

Mary and I had a running joke, when I tried to equalize the wine we were drinking because she would always drink faster than me, and she would always say it was because I was a sipper and she was a gulper. I know I didn’t type gulp, and I don’t know how it could have been done accidentally sitting in my pocket. This one raised a few goosebumps when I related it to Dana and John.

Interestingly enough, Neal added this text a few minutes later: The last few days I’ve been trying to send out thoughts to Mary, one of which was “send me a text”, and the imagined response I got was “I don’t know how yet.” 

Seems like she figured it out. Now I’d love to get one!

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July 4


July 4. Independence Day.

You know, when the Declaration of Independence, which was ratified by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, and established the U. S of A.

But given the state of this country right now, where affirmative action has been banned for college admissions, where Roe was overturned, books are being banned and trans and gays are openly discriminated against against,  the holiday means only a lot of firecracker noise that leaves Nigel petrified and hiding under Rob’s desk.

The pundits tell us we’re a country of laws. That our laws keep democracy intact. But as far as I can see right now, the party that used to call themselves Republicans support a man with federal indictments against him who now is entangled in legal troubles and the party stands for basically nothing at all. They’ve lost their collective soul to a consuming hunger for power and chaos.

My parents were once Republicans. But if they were alive now they wouldn’t touch this party.

I’m still trying to figure out how a man like trump, a guy so clearly an egocentric narcissistic personality, was elected to begin with and how he divided the country so well. Since he announced his presidency in 2015 and rode down that silly staircase with Melania behind him, just the sight of him has nauseated me. Now, in 2023, hearing his voice, his endless lies, his whines about being a “political victim” have become laughable.

Hey, it’s Orange Man, again, lying to a new rally …

But Trump aside, where it this country headed? Democracy has been a good experiment for 247 years. Will it last longer?


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The Mystical Underground: Preston Dennett And Dolly Safron: They Are Here

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Preston Dennett And Dolly Safron: “They Are Here”:

Join Trish and Rob for a conversation with…

And here’s the You Tube version:


Preston Dennett and Dolly Safron have both been with us here previously. Preston began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends, and co-workers had dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated various paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of 30 books and more than 100 articles on UFOs and the paranormal. One of his recent books, SYMMETRY: A True UFO Adventure. It features the incredible story of UFO/alien contact by a woman named Dolly Safran. And we’re pleased that Dolly is here with us today, too.

Dolly Safran has worked as a limo driver, assistant manager at Wendy’s, a zookeeper, a bus driver, a security guard, a nurse, and more.  She has also worked for the U.S. Department of the Treasury and the Department of Defense.

Dolly has had life-long experiences with extraterrestrials that began around the age of two, and they are ongoing. She has an astonishing story that she told Preston about her varied experiences among the Grays. What makes Dolly’s story particularly interesting is that she has had total recall of her experiences since age 14 and even remembers the earlier ones that had been blocked. Besides that, while many abductees have fearful experiences, Dolly considers the Grays more like family than frightful aliens and doesn’t consider herself an abductee.


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Jon’s Eerie Synchro

These photos were sent by Jon Posey, our podcast producer and tech magician.

In both, a young child and a dog are standing inside by a door watching someone or something outside. The bottom picture is Jon himself at 4 or 5,  standing with his uncle’s dog, in his uncle’s house ,1973 or so.

The top photo is young Carlie in 2013, standing in her Uncle Jon’s house, with her uncle’s dog.

50 years apart, same event in an uncle’s house, with the uncle’s dog, doing the same thing, peering out the door. Jon says he doesn’t have any idea what the synchro means. My only idea is that something in Jon’s life may be entering a cycle.

It’s an eerie one.

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How good is Google’s AI, Bard?

Well, you decide. My question was:What’s the best synchronicity ever recorded? Here was Bard’s answer.

There are many examples of synchronicity that have been recorded, but one of the most famous is the story of the “double rainbow” that appeared over the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. The rainbow was seen by many people, both in person and on television, and it was seen as a sign of hope and resilience in the wake of the tragedy.

Another example of synchronicity is the story of the “miracle of the Andes”. In 1972, a plane carrying a rugby team crashed in the Andes mountains. The survivors were stranded on the mountain for 72 days, during which time they were forced to eat the flesh of their dead teammates in order to survive. Despite the extreme circumstances, the survivors all made it off the mountain alive.

These are just two examples of synchronicity that have been recorded. There are many other examples, both large and small, that happen every day. Some people believe that synchronicity is a sign that there is a greater plan at work in the universe, while others believe that it is simply a coincidence. Whatever the explanation, synchronicity is a fascinating phenomenon that continues to capture the attention of people all over the world.

Here are some other examples of synchronicity:

A person is thinking about a friend they haven’t seen in a long time, and then they run into that friend the next day.

A person has a dream about a future event that then happens in real life.

A person makes a decision based on a hunch, and then that decision turns out to be the right one.

A person meets someone who seems to know them already, even though they’ve never met before.

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which synchronicity can manifest itself in our lives. While some people believe that synchronicity is simply a coincidence, others believe that it is a sign that there is something more to our existence than what we can see and understand.


Not too bad, really. But do I want an AI writing our posts?

No, thanks. It was an interesting experiment.


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Pluto: the Great Equalizer?

Will Pluto’s last gasp in Capricorn – at least until May 2024, when Pluto briefly retrogrades back into it – be Trump’s final reckoning? Here’s why I’m thinking it’s likely.

It’s ironic that Pluto, demoted from it’s planetary status in 2006, is now deemed a “dwarf” planet. Astrologers ignore it at their own peril.

Pluto was briefly in Aquarius from March 23, 2023 to June 11, 2023. Aquarius is a democratically oriented sign, the sign of ordinary people. As astrologer Michelle Perrin said, once Pluto enters Aquarius, ”…a lot of the overreach of power that was accumulated during the Pluto transit in the Capricorn era (2008 – 2023) could start to see the push back from ordinary people and we can expect the trend to  accelerate over the upcoming years. Pluto in Aquarius is David fighting Goliath – and winning.”

On June 9, while Pluto was in equalizer Aquarius – and just 2 days before it retrograded back into Capricorn – the prosecution charged trump with 37 felonies, including 31 counts under the Espionage Act of “willful retention” of classified records.So for Trump this major transit looks like, Karma, baby. You’ll finally be held accountable.


This is trump we’re talking about. Say the trial is delayed and runs into the election and he wins. Then he pardons himself and that’s it. Off the hook again and ready to topple democracy this time around!

Thing is, Pluto will be in Aquarius until 2044. A generation of reckoning.He’ll be 97 when it finally enters Pisces. And if Pluto really is the great equalizer, he’ll be in prison. Also the wannabe autocrats and politicians like DeSantis and his ban books and ban trans and people of color and everything else that he deems “woke”will be just a sad, pathetic blip in history that died when ordinary people came together and shouted, “Enough! Fuck off!”

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The Mystical Underground: Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2023

A new episode of The Mystical Underground is live! “Trish MacGregor: Star Power For July 2023”:

Join Trish for the July 2023 astrological forecast!

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