Category Archives: animals

Black Watch

We’ve had a dramatic event occur here in the village of Wellington, Florida. On Sunday, 21 polo ponies–all from one professional team–died within hours. Some collapsed on the sidelines just before the match, others died in their stable. I remember … Continue reading

Posted in animals, death, horses | 6 Comments

Golden Scarab

The next story needs a little background. Carl Jung’s investigation of synchronicity was triggered by a patient’s dream, in which she was given a golden scarab. Jung knew the scarab is a symbol of rebirth in Egyptian mythology and believed … Continue reading

Posted in animals, c2, Jung, Peat, scarabs, science | Tagged , | 3 Comments

The Lilac-Breasted Roller

This beautiful bird, a Lilac-Breasted Roller, is the focus of a synchronicity that occurred to photographer Thomas Chamberlin. He was kind enough to allow us post the photo and his story. This gorgeous bird is native to Africa. When you … Continue reading

Posted in animals, birds | 1 Comment

Eyes of a Blue Dog: A Tale of Triple Synchronicity

Yesterday I read my monthly horoscope on Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone and perked up when I read that friends from the past would contact me this month. In fact, just a couple of hours earlier I’d received an e-mail from … Continue reading

Posted in animals, c6, dogs, trickster | 4 Comments


This one is from Vivian Ortiz: In the eighties I began traveling to Key Largo to swim with dolphins. I loved a little bookstore there which had a great section on Florida mysteries. I discovered an author named T.J. MacGregor. … Continue reading

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During an elementary school Thanksgiving project,eight-year Megan showed a dog she had made from clay and announced that she was grateful for the golden retriever she was going to get. Her parents (us!) were puzzled about it. We had no … Continue reading

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