Category Archives: birds as messengers

White Owl As Messenger

Regardless of culture or belief, owls are often seen as messengers of some sort – between man and the spirit world, as in shamanic traditions, between humans and aliens, as in encounter experiences, and between the living and the dead. … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, synchronicity | 7 Comments

Tennerin and the Divinity in Synchronicity

Renee Prince used to be a marine biologist. Now she works as an artist on movies and TV series. We’ve used her synchros before – in our books and here on the blog.  This one involved Tennerin, a hawk with … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, hawks, synchronicity | 14 Comments

The Eagle Feather Synchros

I once tried to left-brain analyze who reads my fiction, and the nonfiction Rob and I write,  the kind of people they are, what they’re looking for in a story, what kinds of questions they have about life, the universe … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, eagle, synchronicity | 5 Comments

Stephanie’s Hummingbird

I came across this wonderful hummingbird synchro on Mike Clelland’s blog, and the author, Stephanie, allowed us to repost it. There’s something magical about hummingbirds, and Stephanie’s name reminded me of another Stephanie,  the macaw from Costa Rica whom we … Continue reading

Posted in birds, birds as messengers, synchronicity | 11 Comments

The Three Crows and Sins of the Sinnin’

This synchro comes from Gypsy. Her stories are usually layered and complex – not just one synchro, but several. This one is particularly strange! Gypsy has been traveling lately and was in Delaware when this one happened. +++ A few … Continue reading

Posted in birds, birds as messengers, creativity, crows, gypsy | 24 Comments

Stephanie, the Macaw

  Sometimes you travel to a place and something happens that defines the core of your journey.  It might be anything – a conversation with a stranger, a view that captures your soul,  an animal that shadows you on the … Continue reading

Posted in birds, birds as messengers, Costa Rica | 26 Comments

Owls, Again

Synchronicities involving birds as messengers are probably more common than most of us realize. We’ve written before about owls as messengers between the living and the dead  and about owls as players in UFO/ET experiences. The following owl stories come … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, jane clifford, owls | 22 Comments

The Sparrow Hawks of Aruba

Aruba’s desert is a desolate place, filled with all the stuff you expect to find in deserts – cactuses, arid land, mysterious culverts that hold water, plants that have adapted to the lack of water, and critters that call the … Continue reading

Posted in aruba, birds as messengers, hawks, travel | 11 Comments

Kali the Conure

One day while poking around in blogland, I ran across a wonderful story about mourning doves at maggie’s secret garden. Her story reminded me of the dusky conure we bought in 2000, a few weeks after we had moved into … Continue reading

Posted in birds as messengers, kali, nature | 16 Comments

The Black Bird and Jim’s Ear

  This one comes from Jim Banholzer, whose synchronicities have appeared here before. This one is somewhat similar to a post we put up in August, in which a bird acts as a messenger. +++ Five summers ago, at the … Continue reading

Posted in accidents, birds as messengers | 6 Comments