Sylvester, Darren, and Peter Gabriel

 On November 22, we posted a story called Doolittle, that got some great comments. One of them came from Darren, who comments as Brizdaz. The cat in the story is a black and white cat; we didn’t have a picture of Sylvester, so we used this photo of our black and white cat, Whiskers, who died in 2006.

I had a black and white cat named Sylvester,who was killed on the road outside my house about fifteen years ago.He always liked to sleep on the road,so it wasn’t that much of a surprise that he would meet his fate that way. Here’s the strange part of the story though.The lady who hit him was rather distraught and had placed his body on the footpath,as we were out grocery shopping that evening,and weren’t home and since it was rather late when we came home,I decided to put his body in a box and bury him the next day. Next morning I got my shovel out and began to dig in my back yard,but the ground was so solid that I couldn’t dig anymore than about 6 inches before hitting rock,so I gathered up his body,put it in my car and headed for the forest a few miles from where I lived at the time. I was digging a pretty deep hole so wild animals wouldn’t dig him up and had the local radio station playing in my car,so I would have some music going while I dug the hole. When I completed the hole I placed him in the bottom of the hole and he looked like he was just sleeping,as the car had only run over his head,but not split it open,so it wasn’t a mess like a normal roadkill. Then I said “good-bye old buddy,you dumb cat” or something like that and started shoveling the dirt back over him. The radio started playing Peter Gabriel’s “Digging in the Dirt” and I was beside myself thinking of all the songs that could possibly come on the radio how appropriate was that one.Whenever I here that song I always think back to that day of digging in the dirt and saying farewell to my little pal. Here’s the clip here on YouTube.
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12 Responses to Sylvester, Darren, and Peter Gabriel

  1. Brizdaz says:

    Hi Rob,
    I've just ordered "Play:The Videos",
    23 Peter Gabriel clips featuring;
    1. Father, Son
    2. Sledgehammer
    3. Blood of Eden
    4. Games Without Frontiers
    5. I Don't Remember
    6. Big Time
    7. Lovetown
    8. Requiem, K. 626 (6)
    9. In Your Eyes
    10. Don't Give Up
    11. The Barry Williams Show
    12. Washing of the Water
    13. Biko
    14. Kiss That Frog
    15. Mercy Street
    16. Growing Up
    17. Shaking the Tree
    18. Shock the Monkey
    19. Steam
    20. The Drop
    21. Zaar
    22. Solsbury Hill
    23. Digging in the Dirt

    But it looks like I'll have to go to YouTube to see "Red Rain",so thanks for the tip.

    Cheers / Daz

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Daz – he's a cutie!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Peter Gabriel is near the top of my list of performers. Probably because we're from the same generation. Solsbury Hill, I Grieve, Red Rain are a few of my favorites. There's a YouTube video of him singing Red Rain as he rides a bicycle around the stage that's…unusual.

  4. Brizdaz says:

    I had my son scan a photo of the real Sylvester and I have uploaded it to the icon accompanying this comment,but you will probably need a good magnifying glass to see him.-)

    Cheers / Daz

  5. maggie's garden says:

    Great story and I believe the radio is my best communicator. It brings me many messages…just flipping through the channels in the car is the best. Sorry about your cat Daz.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just love the story, Daz. And you're sure right about synchros.

  7. Brizdaz says:

    Thanks for posting that tribute to my little buddy,Trish.
    I haven't owned a cat since,but I love how spiritual most cats seem to be…until they see a mouse to torture,that is.

    Mike's right the link to the YouTube doesn't seem to work,but if you copy and paste the link below it should work;

    I would send you a photo of him,but I only have the old Kodak photos and I don't own a scanner,but the photo on the post isn't too far off.He had white paws and a white eye patch and black nose.
    I've since learned it is illegal to bury a pet in the State forest,so I was unknowingly committing a crime at the time…Oppps!
    He rests pretty much opposite to a big Buddhists Temple,so for those who know Brisbane/Logan,I have pretty much given up his resting place.
    I'll remember him this Chinese New Year,when I celebrate with my friends up at the Temple.

    Funny,I never was much of a Peter Gabriel fan until that day,but since then,I've listened to his lyrics and think the man is a great musician,so if it wasn't for the synchro,I probably would never have taken Pete's music seriously.

    Synchronicities always point you to somewhere if you look,I guess.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Maybe we all have playlists?!

  9. Nancy says:

    We live in a Universe that definitely likes humor.

  10. Natalie says:

    Songs are big synchros for me too. Sounds like Sylvester had his own playlist happening that day.

  11. Liza says:

    I was in Facebook this morning, on Peter Gabriel's page reading about
    Remmy Ongala, a friend of his, that passed away on Dec 13th.

  12. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I remember reading this as a comment – music can bring about some quality synchros. (The 'here' link doesn't seem to be working).

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