Category Archives: writers

The Key

One of our favorite travel activities is reading. On our recent trip to Costa Rica, I had a selection of books – three on my Nook and two actual books. The Passage, by Justin Cronin, is over 700 pages long … Continue reading

Posted in streiber, writers | 39 Comments

Amanda Hocking

OK, for a change of pace here – from owls to self-published e-book millionaire at the ripe old age of 26! She was rejected by major NY book publishers, but that didn’t stop her. .

Posted in amanda hocking, ebooks, writers | 24 Comments

Haunted Heart

The first Stephen King book I read was The Shining. It was a gift from one of my seventh grade Spanish students. He dropped by my apartment one afternoon and just handed me the book. “Ms. Trish, you gotta read … Continue reading

Posted in books, paranormal, Stephen King, writers | 17 Comments

Synchronicity and Symbols

What do Will Rogersand Kurt Vonnegutand Anne Sextonand Philip K Dickand Sugar Ray Leonard have in common? Read on. Synchronicities multiply during periods of transition – a move, a marriage or divorce, a career change, a change in employment or … Continue reading

Posted in celebrities, death, writers | 21 Comments

The Archetype That Is Dexter

The other night, we went to a local bookstore to see Jeff Lindsay – who created one of the strangest archetypes in modern fiction. Dexter. Even Jung would be floored by Dexter: blood splatter expert with Miami Dade police department … Continue reading

Posted in archetypes, dexter, ghosts, writers | 10 Comments

The 27 Club, #137, #23, Writers and Hollywood

Most of us know who these two guys are right? Jeff Bridges and Robert Duval. It’s a scene from Crazy Heart, for which Bridges won a well-deserved Oscar. There’s a scene in the movie where we see the door of … Continue reading

Posted in 137, 27, crazy heart, Numbers, writers | 16 Comments

Samadhi, indeed

In yoga philosophy, Samadhi  is a blissful state of consciousness induced by complete meditation. Like almost everyone else, I find it challenging to reach that state. In fact, I can think of only once where I came close to entering … Continue reading

Posted in bliss, books, meditation, writers | 9 Comments


In my blog surfing the last few days, I have run across several blogs by literary agents. The tone of these blogs troubles me because the bottom line is that writers are powerless, that they are basically idiots who are … Continue reading

Posted in nancy pickard, writers | 28 Comments


‘Tulpa’ art  For the past several months, I’ve been writing a novel, called EXTREME DREAM, that deals with an obscure phenomenon called tulpas. In case you’ve never heard of them, and chances are you haven’t, tulpas are thought forms–beings, animal … Continue reading

Posted in extreme dream, novels, tulpas, writers | 32 Comments

Back in the Groove

Travel removes us from our normal routines and habitual ways of thinking, so it isn’t surprising that synchronicity often surfaces – and sometimes does so in the oddest ways. Recently, Carol Bowman, author and past-life researcher,  and I (Trish)  went … Continue reading

Posted in Carol Bowman, travel, writers | 6 Comments